Texting and Driving Mix Like Water and Electricity

in #life7 years ago

At one time we all did it, or most of us have. At one time we texted and drove before any laws were put into place. We may have underestimated how distracting it really was. We weren't thinking about the hazards.

I admit I texted and drove. Not even so much while actually driving but at stop lights I did. I didn't see what the issue was while texting while waiting at a stop, but now I get it. The light could change at anytime and what happens if you are in the middle of a text when it does?


I am glad that there are laws put into place for texting and driving. Whenever you take your eyes off of the road it is distracting and therefore quite dangerous.

Texting and driving is no different from driving drunk or high.

Unfortunately there are many people who think they are above the law and keep doing it anyway. They aren't only risking the fact that they could lose their license, but they are risking their lives and the lives of others.

So here is a message to anyone who is thinking of texting and driving. Put your effing phone down while on the road. If you have to text someone, go pull over to the side and stop. It's not rocket science because texting and driving mix just like water and electricity. It's hazardous!

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Very interesting article thanks :)

I definitely agree you have to have a death wish to TXT n drive. Its bad enough with all the terrible drivers on the roads already!

Yes don't I know it! It's scary out there for this reason alone.

Same reason people go swimming right after they eat. No common sense.

No kidding and that's annoying too but not life and death usually anyway.

Absolutely agree. I did it once or twice and nearly caused a head on collision with another car. it is so distracting just looking at your phone for a few seconds is long enough to drift into oncoming traffic.
It is incredibly dangerous.. and stupid.

Well you learned and glad nothing happened. A few seconds is all it can take and so glad they have strict rules.

Absolutely. It could have been a deadly lesson to learn, but I was lucky. I have never done it since, and I am glad now that they have such strict rules against it in my country. In some countries it is still legal and I cannot understand why.

Great article and so present, many people texts and drive and there is no way you can be focused as you should on the road.
I can't even answer my phone when I drive so I'm one of those who never did this. And I had a father who owned a driving teaching school so we got the rules in traffic hard.. Lol 😉
But I'm glad. No texting while driving and you don't put your life or others in danger!
Well written @miriamslozberg 👍

Thank you so much and I don't even use a Bluetooth as that is distracting too!

Your welcome 😊 I don't eather hardly ever used it so not to familiar with it to be honest.
Have a wonderful evening. Night here but 😉

Thank you and you too!

Always 😊👍

Aahh you got me. I have been more aware and been putting my phone down bc now I live in a countryish place with back roads. More attention must be paid. Thanks for this post.

I'm glad to hear you no longer do this. I think we all did!

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Oh wow thank you @saffisara 😊

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