Forget the rules, live a little

in #life7 years ago (edited)


'I think anyone can experience moments like these. It just take a moment to forget about all the rules we set for ourselves and suddenly there we are, having the most amazing experience.'

That was my response to a comment by @mysecondself01 made on my free write today on SOLITUDE.

Thanks for sharing this amazing memory of the past. It is a once in the lifetime experience and to do it alone (in solitude) takes true guts!! I applaud you!!

I had taken my five minutes to give a brief look into one of my memories where I climbed a mountain in Japan in a storm and ended up camping at the top. If you want to read it, check out this link.

Now, I need to make very clear, this is not about bragging about the things I've done. I write because I want others to experience moments like those for themselves, hopefully be inspired to do the same themselves. Or to just enjoy the story.

Mostly I just write for myself, to finally get my memories out into reality so I can acknowledge them.

Like a lot of my words, they just kind of come out.

I follow the threads in my head and just let my hands type. I'm usually surprised by what comes out and I'm pretty sure a lot of writers feel like that. I think this response was a message from my subconscious.

I've become trapped in a prison of my own making. The walls have gotten higher and thicker as the years have worn on. The stories I tell myself about why this is happening, what I can do, what I can't do, they've piled up. I've created a world in which nothing seems possible anymore. There are so many rules that I just can't keep track anymore.

Yes, it's truly a scary place.
And I know I'm not the only one in the world who's like this.

I've forgotten the core of what makes life fun.

What makes life worth living. Forgetting the rules and just doing. Not telling myself what I can and cannot do. It seems like such a stupid thing. And I can already hear a thousand and one reasons telling me why it's not true. But those are just the rules I have created for myself.

I mean, if a quadriplegic can climb a mountain, a blind and deaf woman can a famous become a writer, and, well, you know there are so many stories of people just doing. It wasn't their limitations that they thought about, it was what they wanted to do. Who they wanted to be. Where they wanted to go.

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They took their rulebooks and burned them.

So many people are amazed by the crazy stuff I've done. The pics in this post are just some that I found on old hard drives and happen to be on my desktop. Probably as prep for other, longer, memory posts. I don't think they are so amazing, because I was always in the mind set that anyone could do it. When I talk about the memories, it's to show other people it's possible.

Climb the Great Wall of China...why not?
Check out the Mekong River in Laos...why not?
Camp on an active volcano...why not?
Camp alone on the top of a mountain...why not?

Yes, all that stuff comes with inherent risks...but none of them are as great as you think they are. Any of them can be overcome by an average person, if you just ignore the rules you've made for yourself.

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This post isn't about me. It's about you.

What rules have you made for yourself that keep you from doing what you want? Better you even know what you want? Take some time and figure that out. Meditate on it. Write about it. Every time a rule pops up in your head about why it isn't possible, write that down. Make a list of why your brain says you can't. I think pretty soon you'll see a trend. A trend that will take a lot of work to reverse, but it's possible.

Once again, my words have come out in a way that surprises me. I know it sounds crazy, but it's true. I've never thought to do something like that before. To write out my doubts so that I can see how to overcome them. But, now I'm armed with another tool to help me achieve the life I want. A path to happiness...a path back to happiness. I hope you are now armed as well. With something that will help you break out of the rut you might feel that you're in.

Maybe, hopefully, sometime soon, I'll see a post by you talking about how you never thought you would, but you did :) I mean, seriously, what do you have to lose? Why keep yourself in the corner any longer?

If you have a story about how you finally overcame some of those self-imposed, self-limiting rules, I'd really love to hear them! Stay tuned for me taking my own advice and trying some new things out, hehe.

Submitted to the Easiest Contest Ever for inspirational quotes.

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You remain in our thoughts brother. Most excellent piece that looks past circumstance into what is truly possible. Well done brother! Peace.

Thanks for dropping by! :) There is so much truly possible, if you stop writing all these gnarly rules for yourself. It's never going to be easy, that's for sure. Writing about my past is helping me to slowly move forward with my present.

Wonderful pictures and a superb motivational post, loving seeing just how much of a kick you are getting from these amazing experiences - living life to the fullest it's what we should all aspire to every day. Camping on an active volcano - that's just incredible and at least it was probably fairly warm ;-) That last picture, looking out over the valleys from the mountain - stunning this is wonderful enjoyed it so much.

The volcano was actually rainy and chilly :\ I pitched my tent on a flat, which flooded, and I had to escape into an emergency shelter for the night. But, my tent was fine, I just pitched it inside the shelter, hehe. Have to find the pics of that. I have my soaking wet socks draped over the top in a futile attempt to dry them, hehe.

very good reflection on life and the things that one wants to do, there are no obstacles if one proposes it to oneself, great photos I congratulate you for your way of seeing life, successful @mikesthoughts

Thanks for dropping by and reading :) Sometimes our greatest opponent is ourselves. Be well! Much success to you as well! :)

That's well stated , rules sometimes are the barriers that stops us from getting what we want . I like the idea of meditating and writing down the hurdles . Working to overcome the can't possible would make us to have an uptrend in life .

That's what I'd hope. I mean, we come up with these fears, and they get built up and up inside our heads, then suddenly it's no longer just a fear, it's a fact of life. If we externalize is, recognize it for what it is, and figure out a way to overcome it...I mean, anything is possible :)

I relate to so much of this! As a writer, I surprise myself constantly, and learn a lot about myself in the process of getting the words out. And I used to be very adventurous. I moved to a new country on my own, road tripped everywhere on my own. Now I feel hugely limited because I have two kids — I can't just take off when I want. I have to wait until they're bigger, or I'm in a position financially to bring them on the adventures I envision for us. Those kinds of limitations frustrate me so much, but they can be worked with. Nothing is impossible. Please keep telling me this, please keep reminding me to do away with the rules and live the way I want. I need the reminder. ((hugs))

Any time you need a reminder, let me know! :)

As we go through different stages in life I think we have different challenges to overcome. Or, depending on the choices we made in life. The point I think I'm trying to remind myself of is to realize that they're just challenges. Something that can be worked with and overcome. As hard as it may seem. I'm not a full subscriber to, whatever you believe in you can make happen, but there's a lot more than we can do than we think we can do :)


Yes, yes and yes. ((hugs))

Well, whether you consider your life an inspirational journey sir, I can say that for many of us that's exactly what we see :-) You are so very right, even the most average and inconspicuous person is capable of greatness (and of achieving great things) but we let our lack of self-belief control our fate needlessly...

You shouldn't fear to display your grand moments for all to see, as one man's "bragging" is another man's "recognising the value of their own efforts" which is recommended in order to believe in one's self, I find. Just keep sharing your experiences with us, because it is actually very inspiring and motivating stuff :-)

Just keep sharing your experiences with us, because it is actually very inspiring and motivating stuff

Thanks, I needed that :)

No problem at all :-)

Thanks @mikethoughts. Found you thru a Resteem by another person I Follow. Really inspirational and it does make me want to reevaluate some of the things I really want to do in my Life. And just go for it :)

Good stuff.

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does a happy dance
Awesome to hear! I need to read this on a daily basis myself, hehe. It was one of those weird moments where a comment sparked something deep inside me. I shouldn't just write this stuff, lol.

Thanks for coming by and upvoting :)

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