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RE: Bleeding Ninja Turtle and the State of the @NoNamesLeftToUse Address

in #life7 years ago

Ah, the tip jar! Yes, yes, throw a few coin and greenbacks into the jar and hope some asshole doesn't run off with it. I've been contemplating the practice of giving my post an upvote. I've done it from day one and will probably continue the practice. I draw the line at upvoting my own comments though. That, to me, is bad form.


I've voted my posts up in the past as well. I've just been experimenting. I don't mind making sacrifices to help put my mind at ease. I don't want to feel like a shady beggar. If people still support my work without a pile of money beside it at the start, then I know they aren't voting just because of the money and the problem is solved, experiment over.

As for comments, I'd sooner save some voting power to upvote comments coming my way here, on this blog. It's my fancy way of maximizing curation rewards for everyone who participates, a bonus. I find most people do not return the vote, but I don't take it personally, they probably just forgot. I've been voting up comments since well before my vote even meant the one who left the comment got paid. No point in changing my habits now.

Full self upvoting comments and never giving anything to anyone with a vote is straight up abuse. Luckily, on a blockchain, that behavior is similar to writing, "I'm a fraud," on your forehead and going out in public. Thanks for making it obvious! I guess you don't need my help! You're on your own then! Have a nice day! Enjoy it!

Exactly! I admit that I don't upvote comments regularly. I will if it's well thought out. It also helps me find engaged people to follow. Nice Post doesn't cut it and I'd love to respond with "Your comment SUCKS" but diplomacy usually wins out. :P

If only certain forms of honesty weren't considered rude... What a great world that would be!

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