
Thanks Mereji. I almost called you Mezza, oh I did it! 😆it's a Bogan Australian thing. We shorten a name as a form of endearment. If the name is already short, like Erin or Adam, or Sharon, you get Ezza, Adz, and Shazza. It isn't always well received. But it means I'm a fan.
Love you Mezza xxxx

LOL - Love it
Considering that my Korean relatives call me Meh-deh-deh, I think Mezza is an improvement. HA!
I read one of your posts that said you're still homebound...but at least you're home, right? How are you feeling?

Oh! I think I recall a post or video on the subject of your name pronunciation in the family.
No offence here I hope. Yes I'm doing okish. No great shift except into the acceptance of hearing the word chronic and not biting a clinicians head off and spitting it at the next one waiting.

I have started going to a rehab with hydrotherapy and grannies in swim frocks. I bought some floral numbers to blend in. I thought I did a post about it but apparently I just took the pictures Blending in better than I thought perhaps.

ROFL grannies in swim frocks! The visual running through my head was definitely Lucille Ball-ish. :D Hydrotherapy can be amazing. I love being in the pool but it's been entirely too long since I tried to stuff my sausage body into a swim suit. Anyway, I'm glad to know you're home. Don't push yourself too hard...though I suspect that goes against your DNA. :P

No offense taken about the play on names. Things like that have made me the warped being that I am today. ha!

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