# I will die, You will die

in #life6 years ago

Do you ever think you will die?

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Death is standing beside us every single minute but we fail to think about that, we even think death doesn't exist at all but the truth is we can die as soon as we are born, what should I do with my time while am alive? Imparting on people the best remedy to keep your name alive?

We may die but our name won't die

Your name won't die, you will be remembered for something but what will you be remembered for? Good or evil? I remember Michael Jackson for two reasons

  1. He is the greatest pop star of all time

  2. He hated the black skin
    The fact that MJ never loved his dark skin doesn't mean I hate him, his style of music brought more persons loving him than those hating him because he hated the black skin,

Our good should overshadow our bads

When our good is counted more than our bads, we have lived a pretty life, try to be remembered for something good and have a good name that lives after you die.
Thanks for reading,

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death is inevitable, the only thing that reminds people of us after we are gone is our deeds (good or bad).

You are right on point

Death is the great equalizer.

I would say it is unknown whether Michael loved the color of his skin. I think he did love it. I think the whole thing about him not loving his skin color might have been made up by the media and who control them to which he seemed to have been very opposed to for quite a while.

'They're going to kill me,' Michael Jackson told his son


Jackson's skin was a medium-brown color throughout his youth; however, starting in the mid 1980s, his skin gradually grew paler, which was partly due to vitiligo (a long-term skin condition characterized by patches of the skin losing their pigment),[9] but also widely considered to be due to skin bleaching and changing of his features to appear white.[2][4] The cause of vitiligo is unknown.[10] It is believed to be due to genetic susceptibility that is triggered by an environmental factor such that an autoimmune disease occurs.

Very little people read here, most of us do not like reading, we take things exactly the way the media presents it, I was very small when Michael died the news broke my heart, I watched videos suggesting that Michael never died, now sending this link is going to make me go back to youtube to watch Michaels documentary and this is going to affect my data lol😂, Very touching about what Michael asked his children what they want to do to change the world. He believed and he changed the world, he did change the world. He said my music aims to touch everyone's soul and yeah he did. I am on the side that we believed everything the media said about MJ. Nice to try to explain sometimes I wish everyone will just believe that Michael loved his skin.
Bleaching is understood here as bleaching and no matter how one tries to defend that only a few will understand, you should understand where I come from. Thanks for stopping by @teamsteem when steem great starts to recognise your blog it motivates you and at this point you have to be very careful what you write. This is a call for me to step-up

If someone is bleaching their skin because it's already discolored, it doesn't in anyway prove they didn't like their skin color.

The lyrics of his song seem to imply he loved everyone and wish everyone thw best. He is very inclusive in many of his lyrics about wanting the best for everyone.

By the way I also had no idea about the fact that maybe MJ wasn't trying to look white but might have simply prefered to not look discolored.

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