
in #life7 years ago


Sunday, hurrah!

Today, I took the family to Deep Sea World. If you are from other parts of the world you would probably have found it a small and drab affair. Here in Scotland it is heralded as a gigantic underwater bonanza.

On the way I asked my daughter if she was excited to be going.


She asked.


I rolled my eyes so hard I almost crashed the car.

She's going through a why phase you see. Every day I find my knowledge being stretched to the max as I attempt to answer all her why's to the nth degree. She asks it about 200 times a day and that is not a joke.

When you are slightly out of sorts from walloping loads of beer the night before it becomes quite the trial. Fortunately, I didn't crash and managed to continue onward.

Unfortunately, I had unpopped the why genie and the rest of the journey was peppered with why bombs.

Why is the sun out now Daddy?

Because the Lords of the Sky demanded it be so my darling.

Why are there Lords of the Sky?

In order to provide balance, my dear.


Without balance All would cease.


Ah look there we are! Deep Sea World everybody!



I drowned out her voice by singing the Sea World song to the Superman theme tune until the good lady told me to shut up.

In order to enter the magical Deep Sea World we had to walk through a coach load of smokers frantically puffing cigarettes outside so that they wouldn't run out of nicotine juice inside.


I merrily shook my head and said to the good lady.

I am fair glad I don't do that anymore!

Whilst inside me a small dark thing gnashed its teeth and wailed and wished that one of them would slip a ciggy in my pocket.

And then we were in.

One hour later we were out. It was shit. I think the most depressing aspect was the two forlorn seals swimming sadly in a little murky pool. Before that had been a collection of dirty cramped little tanks of dejected aquatic life and hordes of screaming kids.

My daughter astutely looked at us both and said.

That wasn't very good.

No, it wasn't darling, sorry.

Why was it not good?

I shook my head.

I guess some animals are not really meant to be kept in captivity lass.


Hmm, Well I guess everything should have the right to be free.




My hangover was getting to me. I fess up. I took the easy way out.


It's just a phase Master Boom, it will pass... But in the meantime it'll make you ponder life's most elemental and existential questions.

As a parent, these will be your greatest learning experiences, you deepests moments of true insights and the most tiresome, grueling, never-ending horror conversations that will haunt you forever.


(you were right to take the easy escape, you will probably find yourself taking that path quicker and quicker, mad respect you lasted this long)

I know, I always feel terribly guilty when I take the easy way out. Sometimes it can be fun but today I was thinking noooooooooooooo stop it!!

It was like an interrogation only I didn't have the answers :0)

the legendary meesterboom without answers..

The force must be strong in that one :)

It's the blood, it's the same blood and it cancels out my power!!

I bet ya daddy took the easy way out on ya too chico
why why why?
just because! here have some beer :D

Beer is often the answer! :O)

hahaha how old were you when you started huh?
where you beer bottled?
just kidding ^ ^

Lol, I was a relatively late starter!

wow what a great day to spend the Sunday, upped. Always good to have fund with the family.

Yeah it's good to get out and about, Cheers man!!

welcome, I agree. Keep steeming to more success.

The "why" stage is the most cutest and annoying at the same time . Mixed feelings @meesterboom

I know, sometimes I laugh about it. Sometimes I explain why until we are both laughing at the ridiculousness of the why'ing

And of course something I want to scream and tear my hair out!!

Parenthood has its wonders , just hang on :D

Oh it does and I totally enjoy them!! :0)

Reminds of this skit by Louis CK

I am absolutely pissing myself laughing at this. It is so true. It's so true it hurts.


I'd forgotten about this guy until now, and I remembered there was this standup about being broke he did that was freaking hilarious, found it:

I am just about to watch!

Dying, lol!


It totally was! Actually I wil try and find another that I got sent in chat that was hilarious!

So , your looking forward to Monday ?
I can imagine but never expirienced relentless query shots from a little query monster.
Take care , daddy ! :-))

It can be a little intense. I might be looking forward to Monday ;0)

Ohhh the why stage. I'm sure you are like me, where in your heart you absolutely encourage your child to question everything because in your heart you know that it's a fanstastic thing for them to quest for knowledge and it shows/fosters a higher level of intelligence. But in your mind, oh, but in your mind there's a crabby little brat that wishes it could say "JUST BECAUSE" and the child would let that ride. (Of course if you were to truly act on this crabby brat's desire and your child were to nod and sit back you would immediately become fearful that your babe will be a dullard and that you are the worst parent that ever lived ) Don't worry, distraction with ice cream will not result in anything more than a temporary reprieve LOL.

Slip a ciggy in your pocket, how I can relate to that, ha! (Especially after a car ride of a small child's incessant why's)

Hahaha, yeah. Its is exactly as you say above.

A part of me celebrated the inquisitiveness and is determined to answer it all. The rubbish part of me is like aw shoosh!! hehe.

Yeah its been a few weeks now. Still when Isee a gaggle of smokers I am like I am one of you!!

I just love the way you write. I don't even care why :)

Hehe, thank you!! And thanks for not asking why!! Lol :0)

The why never stops, for me that is. Mostly why did I have kids? Why is the ice-cream finished? Why do we not have definitive proof of alien life? Why can't I find my car keys.

I have all the same why's!!! You are right, it never ends!!!

Had me laughing the whole time...! I can't wait till my daughter goes through the 'why' phase with her dad. I wonder how he would answer her. The best part, SeaWorld wan't good! Hahaha!

Haha, it really wasn't. It was so disappointing as it was a last minute switch from the Safari park that has giraffes which she loves.

Your hubby will be driven demented almost guaranteed!! Hehe

LOL @meesterboom.. she is in the WHY stage....it takes a while...but just like all stages it fades...just hang in there! Sorry your trip wasn't good, I guess that is why we see no pictures of the place?

Yeah they were just poor. I used one for the post pic at the top, another bad one below :0)


The thing is, I thought we had been through the why stage but it's back and worse!!

Is that you face for the "why" stage? :)

Did she also ask you why for ice cream, or was that it...for at least a bit?
:) Hang in there my friend!

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