Weird Pants

in #life7 years ago


So what age are you going to be next week then?

Asked the comedian who had stopped at my desk.

I looked up at the clown-faced man. Corduroy on the bottom half and some manner of mountain fleece on the top. That's IT-wear for you.

I will be the age I currently am but with an extra year on top.

Said I, rather haughtily. As if showing a doctor my scrotum.


Oh come on, you little tease! Is it forty or fifty?

I was aghast. Like there is no difference between the two? When I was in my twenties I actually shed a genuine tear at the idea of turning thirty left alone forty or fifty. When I was in my thirties I managed to ease away the pain of turning forty by drinking and smoking a lot. (and other things but sshh, that's a secret!)

A foul and nasty retort was on the tip of my tongue but I remembered the old Sci-Fi show 'V' - not the new one, which was pants except for saucy minxy, elf-lady Diana. In that show, an old man says something nice about Aliens or something, or he doesn't.


Anyway, They all get rounded up and killed and eaten by said aliens. It was the eighties.

Somewhere in between might be more accurate ya mad dobber.

I considerately replied.
Dobber, of course being Glasgow slang for dick. But with more contempt.

He growled slightly at the dobber word.

Aye, well enjoy signing on for your pension!

He smiled victoriously as if sniffing a strangers bra.


Mad dobber!

I shouted after him.

A few people nearby raised their eyebrows. I glared at them as if I suspected them of feeding one of my cats (who is blatantly on a diet) salmon pate. I realised I was standing and hurriedly sat back down. Too late though. I spotted El Jefe coming over.

He stopped in front of me and rubbed a hand over his bumpy belly, like a stubbly lapdancer a fifth his weight.

What's this boomdawg?


I said patiently.

I hear it's your birthday next week? You having a night out?

Yes it's my birthday and no, I am not having a night out on account of having a four-month-old baby that tries to communicate through the medium of scream five times a night.


El Jefe Looked put out as if his Mother had gotten a tattoo of my face on her chest.

Whatcha mean? No night out? Arent you fifty? Isn't that a milestone?

He grinned at his own cheek to an invisible audience.

I grinned back.

Your fly is undone and everyone can see your weird pants.

He pawed at his groin in horror and backed off whilst trying to button himself up.

and you're a fanny.

I whispered happily to myself.


So you're born a valentine? Fifty is not that bad, even though you are no way near of course.

Okay, it is, it is horrible, awefull. Your worst nightmare, you'd say? You'd remember that as a nice dream, compared to seeing Abe.

Luckily you are still far away from it mate. Enjoy every bleedin second of it, because once the five O comes it is downhill after that even the cryptos had less of a decline.

But really, nah, it aint half bad.

Hehe, I dont really expect it to be half bad, fortunately I aint near fifty yet, Thats why I was getting offended at the young pups daring to suggest that a fine piece of pork rib like myself might be anywhere near!

I am hoping that by the time I do get to fifty that Cryptos will be taking care of me! :OD

Shame on them youngsters, how dare they!

That would be nice when you do hit 50 one day in the far future that you could retire early thanks to Cryptos.

Make it so! :-)

I shall do my very utmost to...


Hehe, it's been ages since there has been a bit of that. Sorry, Probably my fault as I have been a bit rammed since the baby!!

Sometime a wormhole could be nice, just to be able to bend space-time a bit now and then. :-)

It is okay mate, I do understand how a newborn is a bliss and the center of ones universe in many ways. It can be quite exhausting too, at times.

Continue your course mister Boom. ;-)

I have laid the course! Hehe. Toot are right, it is a horrifying mix of Amazeballs and knackeredness!

That summerizes it perfectly as far as I remember it. ;-)

When I am asked my age, I say mid 30's... in my eyes that is the case until I actually turn 40! Lol

I wouldnt even ask but simply assume you were that... all the way till your fifties!

It took a second to translate pants, since we use that for trousers here- it reminds me never to write "I bought a new pair of pants" in one of my blogs lest people imagine a lacy scrap of material, LOL.

So you are February born, it's a good month-my hubby's oldest (haha, I didn't mean that the way it might sound- longest running!)friend, who also happens to be a giant of a man and a badass, is celebrating today-forty four. I'd like to see someone ask him that question and watch as he squeezed their temple for them, hee.

I'll refrain from the birthday wishes until your actual birthday...though if you don't do a post on the day then you'll have to tell me which it is!

Every time I write pants in a post I think, but what of my atlantic cousins!!

Hehe, February is widely known among us illuminati Ahem, fine fellows as the month of Kings!

I suspect I will do a post, I cant stop myself hahah! You will probably see through some other bookish tye of device ;O) In fact you might see the day being slightly different from when I post about it as I a wary of the blockchain! lol

I will henceforth think of it as the month of Kings I assure you, the brother in law I love is also February born, fine fellows indeed! No dobbers.

I gave up wary-ing when I decided to put up my real book cover, though I did have a long stint of it! Hopefully that decision doesn't bite me in the ass!

Right enough!! Maybe I am being too old school. Oh well, time to fess up. I am 28, I live alone and the pictures I post are all of my brothers family


Fortunately you know that is me taking the piss!

I certainly do know that...who would pretend to be more than a decade older than they are anyway? LOL
I like what Ceci had to say, except...19? She must be super young to choose that, I say I've been 29 for awhile (though quite honestly I act more like a 19 year old half the time, so maybe that is the age I should pick!)

I like to think of myself as being eternally 38 but I do act like a child. possibly a dirty minded teenager lol

It would be weird to pretend to be way older than you are yeah. I mean a year or two when younger so that you could buy booze certainly but thats about the only time I think would be right!

Wait, wait, wait. The Grand BOOMbah was born on a February!? Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle! 'Tis truly the month of kings!! Did you post about it last year? I couldn't recall! I would surely remember your birthday had I known prior! I remember it was a year ago when I did that silly food post following the grand tradition that you started, but I don't remember you mentioning you were born in close proximity. Granted, our epic friendship was still in its infancy, but still.

An office comedian funnier than the BOOM Tube!? There's no such thing! I know El Jefe thinks that he's top donk, too. But that guy is only ever an ass.

February it is!! You know, I don't think I posted about it last year? I can't remember doing so, I might have mentioned it in a throwaway content perhaps but not specifically mentioned it. Are you soon? Are we truly indeed brothers under the stars!!

We truly are! But I'm afraid my birth does not fall on February. Mine falls on the Month of Champions! August, as the English call it.

I'm sure you didn't post about it, otherwise I would've remembered it! I do have the memory of an elephant! Now, if I could only find where I kept my passwords...

The month of champoons!! Yes, they do speak of it!!! Hurrah for the champoon!!

Still no password luck? Never mind, by the time you find our everything will have pumped right back up. You could end up being a millionaire!

Damn my champoonship level encryption!! Fingers crossed the Seer of Scotland would speak the truth!

Young people these days. No idea. I turned 50 mumble years ago and it didn't affect me at all.

It's just a number. Crikey, I did't even start running until i was 51! And now I'm running all over the place. (can I borrow your hanky?)

As the old saying goes, "you're as young as the woman you feel". Fortunately for me that's quite a bit younger than 50! heheheehe

Enjoy your birthday and don't sweat the number. Be more concerned when you don't get to have one any more. ;-)

YEs, not getting to have one will be summat to sweat about! I will be enjoying it for sure. I married a younger one too. Its the only way to do it! :OD

Love it! Wondering where the weird pants was going to come, El Jefe just keeps coming back for more (stupid dobber!) (ehem, pardon my swearing ;0)

Hahaha, isnt dobber great in that respect. Its like a swear word but it actually sounds fairly harmless! Ideal for all situations! :O)

He does bless him. I think he is more IT geek than boss which is why he falls over himself all the time :OD

Age is not important. Wisdom is. When people ask my age (sacrilege to ask a lady her age!) I usually reply I am 19 plus a few! When I actually feel like saying none of your #$%^&&^ business! If I felt like announcing it I would!
Just celebrate how you want, when you want or if you want. In ant case, I wish you a very happy day telling the dobbers off!

Hahah, I like that, in that case I am fairly wise but not half as wise as I was being accused of lol!

Imagine the cheek of the beggars, a lady should most definitely not be asked her age!

You'll get over it. I once heard on local radio (does any one even still listen to them? ):
When you are 18, you worry about what everyone think of you.
When you are 48, you don't care what people think about you.
When you are 60, nobody thinks about you.

Oh that is brutal but probably very true!

Radio, it's a funny thing. You think no-one listens to it and then you realise that some people still do when your are them, s local so I was in head out on in the background and it felt weird hearing the DJ talk for ages over the music

That's the trouble with you, youngsters! You think life over 60 is the end of the world. (lol)
It is not I can assure you! Think of it @meesterboom, no more crying babies (or it has to be your grandchild, but grandchildren don't stay, they come and go!) children out of the house and more time for you and the good lady! And no more El Jefe!

Hehe, oh I know. In fact I quite look forward to such great times!

I just get gnarly when my astonishingly handsome and youthful looks are called into question ;0)

Hmm .. 😋
When I was in my thirties I managed to ease away the pain of turning forty by drinking and smoking a lot. (and other things but sshh, that's a secret!)

Intresting 😎

Hahaha, oh yes indeed!! :O)

Can you tell me more hmmm?

Owww I see already in my life a lot of things I don't think you can surprise me! HA!

Just to remind you that the old lady can see you in her crystal ball, mr boom. lol

Oh I know... Witchery!! :0D

Hey boomdawg... great to see how you handle this kind off situation and Thank you for learning me a New word "Dobber"😂 I wish you the best the upcomming week because you will get this questions more i guess.

Kind regards,

Hehe, I hope you get much use out of the word! ;O)

You can count on it! 😁😁😁

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