Vanishing Point #3

in #life6 years ago


A recap of the ongoing adventures of our intrepid Detective BoomDawg which was rudely interrupted by that pesky celebration known as Christmas...

Our hero discovers that his once faithful Desk Companion Mikey, who is destined to play Mummies and Daddies with a burly cellmate in a rough prison, has disappeared. No-one knows where he has gone. He finds a clue on his desk, a post-it note which states "Ganymede." He pursues this lead but no-one can elaborate, including the shadowy "Clivvers."

Unbeknownst to our lion-muscled hero, his detectivity has not gone un-noticed and on entering the building where he works he is set upon and all goes black...


Ow, hey! What the fucks?

I yelled as my coat was snagged by the collar and I was hauled backward, my vision obscured by a shadowy something.

Calm down, Dawgula.

A familiar said smoothly.

The darkness slipped from my face and I saw El Jefe before me, my own Fedora in his hands. He offered it to me.

Your hat slipped over your face when I grabbed your collar. Sorry about that.

I snatched my hat back and sulkily slapped it back on my head as if I was bald and it was wasabi paste.


Well, be a bit more careful next time.

I huffed, glaring at him.

He waved away my complaints and fixed me with a stare, his eyes like crudely buttered testicles.

You have been asking a lot of questions, BoomDawg. Poking your nose in places it shouldn't be... poked...

I nodded, he was right. I was a detective and detectives poked at things. It was what we did. Just ask the Good Lady, she never tires of complaining about the pokery.


That's right, Boss Man. Mikey is gone, no-one knows where. I think I have an idea though.

I put my face right in his, challengingly. Close enough to kiss if he was man enough.

He reeled back slightly, twitching in disgust at the filthy scenes no doubt playing out in his mind.

Oh really? I don't think you know anything.

He shook his head with contempt as if I were a bagel with no hole.


I stated bluntly as he turned from me as if to walk away.


He flinched and stopped dead, slowly turning back to face me. He took a deep breath in through his nostrils and slowly exhaled.

Well, well, well. Can't keep anything from you, huh?

He nodded and shook his head at the same time as if he were a Beagle wearing a smoking jacket and slippers. Then he looked up and smiled at the ceiling like a loon before fixing me with a malicious look.

Right, fuck it. Seeing as you seem to know so much. Your going. Tomorrow.

What?! Ganymede?! You can't be serious?

El Jefe pulled out his blackberry and started tapping something out on it.

Yep, tomorrow. Be here, in reception at nine. We will send you on the shuttle at 9.15.


A shuttle? But we were a software company? How had they kept this kind of development secret? I felt slightly nauseous, things were happening too fast.

But, that's hardly any notice? When will I be coming back? I will need to let the good lady know?

I stuttered.

El Jefe took a few steps back and held his arms out wide to the side, looking around him at the wide reception area.

When are you coming back? Coming back? Here? There is no coming back. This is a permanent gig, BoomDawg. You had better say your goodbyes to this place.

He sniggered and walked away. I heard him muttering When will I be coming back... in a poor nasal imitation of my manly voice.

Tomorrow then. Off to Ganymede in a damn shuttle? A one way ticket?

The good lady was going to kill me...


Spend the night planning how to send secret messages to the Good Lady from beyond.
or, confuse El Jefe, show up tomorrow with the Good and Little Lady, as well as All noise and no control at the other end, and travel as a team to this new el derado.

Team travelling, sounds a little like time traveling. I'm in!!

You are in the wrong job.
You have enough talent to write a book, why you do not is beyond me. :-)

Mostly time! If I could stop writing pesky Steemit posts I would give it a bash!

Maybe I will if this whole thing goes pear shaped ;0)

IF or when? lol. Not looking so rosey on here from what I am seeing, have a great day mate.

I am the eternal optimist hence the if!

I tend to be with most things, though this place with ned anywhere near it hmmmmmmmmmmm.

Lol, what will be will be! ;0)

O dear ..... ♪♪♪flyyyyyy me to the moooon ♪♪

Bring a spoon. And a towel. Also, beware of Zeus.

a spoon... to prepare for a murder?

Also, might want to bring a toothbrush/

Spoons and towels and Greek gods too.

I shall be ever ready

I might even bring two!

Holy bajeezus! After all of the vampires and the cloaks and daggers, I think this big move is the greatest challenge you've faced! Classic El Jefe unveiling urgent agenda without notice. What if you never asked about Ganymede? Would he ship you on the day??

Perhaps he would knock me out cold and stow me in the hold!!

He loves a cloak and dagger!!

No wonder he enjoys the hokey and the pokey!!

Hehe, that must be it!

I wonder what kind of place is Ganymede. It is kind of hard to choose whether to stay at home or to go to an adventure with El Jefe. Either way, it is a sacrifice! Upvoted!

If in doubt, choose adventure!!

I hear Ganymede is a nice place this time of year.

It gets a lot of sun so they say!

Ow, hey! What the fucks?

Multiple fucks, of course.

Just ask the Good Lady, she never tires of complaining about the pokery.

... Are you implying something... more?

He nodded and shook his head at the same time as if he were a Beagle wearing a smoking jacket and slippers.

How many of those have you seen?

I have seen many Beagles, some if not all, adorned in such clothes.

It maddened my eyes

Made me feel all agog

Why, my lady

She said

That I looked like a frog!

When I see such horridness,

Such destruction, such waste,

I wonder at how much cess

has filled up their taste.

And the budgerigars state

With their grim awful beaks

That the guardians fate

Is tied to whom he seeks

I saw you were there! It looks lovely, enjoy!

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