Thursdays With Uncle Boom #72

in #life6 years ago (edited)


As it was the festive season, I had been invited to a number of parties and social gatherings in my capacity as a Minister of Parliament.

Today I was attending one such event, the annual gathering of the London Vogon Society.

I was not sure what to expect. Vogons? The name did tickle a memory somewhat? Weren't they aliens from some kind of book about Hitchhiking? No matter. It was duty and a gentleman never shirks his duty even when the Christmas arse sweat is gnawing at his brown 'n down.

I arrived at the building the event was being held in. It was a grand old affair in the heart of London. A peon offered to take my jacket whilst gesturing me to the entrance of the hall holding the event.

I bared my teeth and snarled at him and he quickly retracted his outstretched hand as I walked past.


It was the usual social affair once inside. I moved from group to group of people, pressing hands and making idle chit-chat. There were no apparent aliens. Although the attendees did mostly look like hitchhikers. They were an exceedingly bland bunch. All conservation this and save the animals that.

To say I was bored out of my chump would be an understatement.

At various points, some emaciated looking person would get on the small stage and give a heartfelt speech about whales or turtles or some such twoddle. How fucking dull.


I pulled my pipe out and had a right good old puff of my new baccy that Anulus had given me for Christmas. Myrtle's Beak, a fine baccy with subtle hints of cedar and sulking ladies oysters.

I was beginning to think I had been sold a pup and that there were no aliens here at all. Perhaps I had misread the invite? I was sure it had said Vogons.

I quaffed some more of the free brandy that some peons were ferrying about on platters.

An ill-looking scarecrow of a woman jumped onto the stage.

Ladies and Gentleman, thank you for attending today. We will be bringing out the food shortly, tuck in!


I moved toward the trestle table that the food was being bought out onto. It was finger food. Bollocks. I was hoping to have got my gnashers round a good steak.

I took one of the silly little plates and gazed in dismay at the odd smelling fare that was being ladled out.

What the fuck is this?

I pointed at a collection of small and pale looking cigar-shaped things.

The aproned peon behind the table gave a disdainful sniff.

Barbecue style pulled Jackfruit bites, milord.

I rumpled my face up as if his long-dead mother was trying to give me a hand shandy.

Pulled Jackfruit? What the fucking fuck is that?

It's very similar to pulled pork in texture, quite a lovely thing.

I huffed like an old ladies boiler.

Why not just use fucking pork then?

The aproned peon staggered back as if I had slapped him roughly with my todger.

Pork?! Pork?! Well, that wouldn't be very Vegan would it?

I took my pipe out of my mouth with some dismay.


The aproned peon tittered like a budgie eating farts.

Yes, sir. You know, one who does not eat animals or animal products?

What!? Why the fuck not?

The peon started waffling about the commodification of animals or some such rubbish.

I sighed and pointed at the quiche that was just being placed down.

What about that, that's a quiche. Made with eggs. Eggs animal enough for you?

The aproned peon laughed again.

Our quiches are made with flegg, sir. Flax seed and water creamed together to act as a thickener and combiner.

I stepped back. My arse was itching worse than ever with the sheer horror of what I was hearing. Could there really be no animals to be eaten?

What kind of barbarity was this?

Fuck it, I decided to head to the kitchens and find a bit of beef.


They weren't hard to find, I just followed the smell of yeasty feet.

There was only one person in there. A swarthy looking young man, he was bashing a garlic clove with a big knife. He didn't look very chef'y.

You there, rustle me up some beef or ham or something will you? Can you fucking believe there's no meat out there?

The chef made a face as if I had just peed in his bin. He waggled the knife at me admonishingly.

Of course there is no meat, this is a vegan kitchen!

I harrumphed loudly. This was getting to be too much.

Fine then, some salmon will do, fuck it, I will even stoop to tuna if that's all you have.


The chef's face darkened with anger and he slammed his knife down with a clatter.

We do not have any meat. Fish is meat, what part of no meat don't you understand? Are you a fucking simpleton?

His question hung in the air like the odour from a Texan ladies gusset.

No meat at all? And me, a simpleton? I don't think I liked this man's attitude.

I pulled my pipe out thoughtfully.

Put that out! At once! This is a kitchen, you can't smoke in a kitchen!?

Chef stormed around the counter to face me, interspersing his words with a pointy finger. He was apoplectic with fury now.

I smiled apologetically, taking my pipe from my mouth then quickly reversing it and slamming it into his left eye to the hilt.

He jerked and crashed to the floor. His body spasming and twitching a few times before becoming still.

I retrieved my pipe and wiped it on his rather clean apron. Humming a jaunty tune, I stood and inspected a pot on the stove in which a dark purple stew simmered away merrily.

I looked down at chef and up at his large knife and let out a giggle.


Back in the hall I stood, nibbling at some filthy meringue thing that the aproned peon serving had assured me was made with chickpea water.

A mad old lady in a hat motioned her plate at me.

I say, have you tried the roast beetroot stew? It's rather magnificent. In all my years of veganism I have never tasted anything like it!

I gave her a crooked smile.

It does seem quite popular doesn't it? I am afraid it's not for me though. It seems a little too 'gamey.'

She laughed.

Gamey, ha, good one. Tell me, how long have you been vegan?

I set aside the little meringue thing and pulled my jacket sleeve down over my shirt cuff which was badly stained with roast beetroot.

Oh my dear, I couldn't possibly say, after all...



Excited that 2019 will finally bring some #100 on this. One of the most amazing series on Steemit if not the most amazing. Great job, friend!!!

Hehe, cheers mate! Much appreciated!!!

Number 100 marches ever closer!

Awesome story for holiday. Best part from all of ypur post is " A gentleman never tells."

It's the best advice for all folk, we can all never tell! :0)

Mystery is always good because it causes curiosity

And curiosity is king!

Yes, curiosity produces creative energy!

It does and creative is where is all at!

No meat!? By Jove, what has the world gone to?? That intergalactic highway couldn't come soon enough!

I guess you could say that beetroot stew is the chef's special. After all, he poured his blood, sweat and tears into it ;)

Hahahaha, oh I like that. Yes, you could say it was the culmination of all he had ever hope to be!!

I must admit I can't go a day without some sort of flesh being passed between my lips. It is like you are being cheated on and is just not right. I think I missed meat once on one bleak and terrible day many years ago. I know because it was not normal.

I was once completely carnivore for a year. Nothing but meat, fish, eggs and dairy.

Nothing wrong with that. I could do that quite easily ,but would miss my chips with a big steak.

Sadly I can no longer eat chips without getting arthritis like pain in my hips :-( - so just have to have a bigger steak!

Cor blimey, that must have been wild!

It was quite an interesting experiment, but ultimately I needed a little bit more carbo.

Interestingly not a lot more though - having gone almost full circle but keto rather than carnivore, I am only eating 24 grams of carbs a day which is fuck all!

That is fuck all. I am cutting down on mine quite a bit. It makes me feel better

You could never go keto though. You'd have to swap from beer to whisky.

I actually don't eat a lot of it cos the missus is almost a vegetarian, she was once but I managed to trounce her out of it :0)

I do love it though!

Well, I am with good ole' uncle boom on this one. Though, I might have had a good bowl of the er...uhm...beetroot stew. One can assume the chef was French (aren't they always) and I like a bit of 'French cuisine' meself, so why not have a hearty taste of one's labour in the 'garden' pulling 'beetroot'.

Does @meesterboom smoke a pipe irl like Uncle boom?

Hehe, no pipe I am afraid! Although I did work with a chap back in the day that smoke a big giant thing and always had the most exotic baccies!!

Aw, I was really hoping Boom would get to murder a Vogon, then go on a merry quest through the galaxy....but no matter, having flegg foisted upon you is reason enough for a pipe in the eye, hehe

Cleft, yech! I mean in what universe is that considered an attractive term!! Hehe. Eye piping all the way! :0D

I know, it sounds like phlegm! Who the f& wants to eat something that not only looks but also sounds like phlegm??

There's bound to be someone, someone with a stiffy, lol!!

It still is  vegan stew. In a way.

Hehe, why yes, it is indeed!

vegan... the whole fucking lot of them should be shot, and pissed on! Merry Christmas to you and yours Boomeister! may the joys be great and the hangovers be few!

Hehe, merry Christmas back atcha!!! I can only hope the hangovers are few!

Did the event planners consider to have any meat for non-vegetarians? This is nonsense and the chefs ought to be punished for this. The chef in the kitchen did not have any manners at all when you called him a simpleton. That was really a mistake to call you that. Upvoted!

I think he got the punishment due!!

haha! I thought hey there's no way Uncle Boom is going to find someone to murder at a fancy gathering like that..boy was I wrong! "odour from a Texan ladies gusset." lol. very fine description indeed sir meesterboom!

HEhehe, I was thinking of your origins there ;O)

thank you I guess! lol.

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