Thursdays With Uncle Boom #61

in #life6 years ago


Bravo! Bravo!

I clapped in appreciation as the caped fellow on stage finished sawing through a lady in a box and wheeled the two halves apart. The lady in the box wiggled her feet and smiled despite apparently having been sawn in half.

I turned to my good friend Anulus who had accompanied me to the Magician's performance and grinned. Anulus was a fine fellow despite having a face like dried gravy.

He grinned back as he necked some Brandy from his hip flask.

I do like a good magic act, Boomy. Thank you awfully for inviting me!

I waved off his thanks.

Not a problem, old fellow. I do like a good bit of magicking myself!

I stuffed my pipe with some exotic baccy I had imported from the Americas, Goathra's Grief. An intoxicating blend of dark tobacco and spice. Rumour had it that prior to drying it was soaked in lady venom.


It certainly lent it an unmistakable piquance when lit.

The show was at an end and Anulus stood.

So where to now, old chap, shall we head down to the docks for some gambling and slatternly adventure?

I puffed my pipe with pleasure and blew out a cloud that a 19th-century locomotive would have been proud of.

My dear fellow. Not quite yet. The evening here is not yet complete. I knew you had a penchant for this type of show and managed to secure us an audience with the Magician fellow himself backstage.

Anulus's face lit up with a genuine pleasure.

Goodness, Boomy. You know how to make a man's yardarm quiver!

I nodded good-naturedly and waved him through the throng toward the stage.


We were ushered to a quiet spot where the Magician presented himself to us.

Gentlemen, gentlemen. What a pleasure!

I took the outstretched hand of the Magician and pumped it good and proper. He introduced himself as Filbert of the all-seeing eye.

Well met old fellow, well met.

Now that we were closer I saw that the Magician, Filbert was not as youthful as he first looked on stage. His face was caked in a pale powder which in places was thick like the crusted margarine of a Dowager's vaginal secretions.


And this, of course, is my delightful assistant, Grenabelle. Do say hello, Grenabelle!

His lady assistant, dressed in little more than glittery beach wear stepped forward and curtsied.

Ello, Monsieurs. I am pleased to make your acquaintance.

I smiled like a lion basting a turkey with its penis.

Ah, are you from the Russias my dear lady? I have always had a fondness for our friends in the East.

She furrowed her elegant brow and shook her head in peculiar little circular motions, like a bird playing tennis.


Non, Chamonix, Monsieur.

Now it was my turn to furrow my brow.

Shame on me? Madame, perhaps you are tired from the performance. Could you fetch us, fellows, some refreshment perhaps?

She made a strange hissing noise and looked to Filbert who motioned her off with a hand to fetch some drinks.

Anulus stepped forward.

I must say, old chap. That was quite the trick sawing the lady in half and yet here she is, all in one piece. Perhaps you could explain the how of it?

The how of it? You mean the trick?

Filbert chuckled and tapped his nose.

I am afraid that I cannot say, in fact, I am bound not to say by the Magician's code.


He gestured around the now empty stage, his yellowing face quite ghastly in the light. It reminded me somewhat of the blistered feet of a peon chased through the woods.

One simply cannot divulge the secrets of the Magic Circle.

Anulus's face fell.

Before he could voice any further disappointment, Grenabelle returned with a bottle of some tawdry looking Whisky. Petulantly she thrust it into my hand.

The bottle had an oily feel to the outside of it. I held it up to the light.


My dear, forgive me if I am being presumptuous... Did you piss in this?

Her eyes widened like a gnome denied the breast. She looked to Filbert who had a certain look of dismay about him.

I, ah, non, monsieur. Not at all. How could you say such a thing?

I passed the bottle to Filbert.

Taste it.

I commanded.

Ah, I am afraid I can't. I haven't touched a drop in 17 years. Not since, well, let us not go there.

I tutted loudly.

How very convenient. I suppose you would have had a proper giggle at us poor rubes drinking your assistant's piss? Anulus, stick the Grenabelle in the box.

Anulus snapped to attention.

With bloody great pleasure, old chap!

He grabbed Grenabelle and proceeded to bundle her into the Magician's box which had been put back together after the show.

Milords, what are you doing? I must protest most soundly!

Filbert made to approach Anulus but was brought up short by a swift whack to the head with the pish-bottle. He staggered back and slumped to the floor holding his head and moaning dramatically as if giving birth.

I opened the bottle and tipped the contents out over him. The stench of rough Whisky and piss was quite overpowering.


Filbert flapped around on the floor in the widening puddle of pissky.

I moved toward the Magician's box.

Anulus, pull her bloody Russian feet out the bottom.

Grenabelle squealed and thrashed as much as she could in the confines of the box till Anulus managed to hoik her feet out.

I picked up the wiggly-waggly saw and inspected the edge. Nodding in approval, I set it to the centre line of the box and started sawing.

The screams were quite awful and a couple of times the saw caught on something that must have been bone. It was a good saw however and in no time I was finished. Blood splashed liberally down from the bisected Grenabelle and her box.

Anulus had pulled the two halves apart and was staring at the bleeding stumps of torso in the middle.

Bloody fascinating this magic lark, Isn't it, Boomy?

I placed the saw gently down beside the still half-concussed Filbert.

Yes indeed, old fellow. Ah, what's this?

The screaming of the Grenabelle had caused two burly stagehands to run in from the wings. One of them stopped in horror at the bloody sight before him and bent over double, vomit spattering out onto the floor.


The other ran up to myself and Anulus.

Milords, What the hell happened here?

I nodded sadly at the whimpering Filbert who was attempting to rise but falling over each time.

Such a terrible shame. A terrible shame. The good magician here was stupendously drunk and decided to show us his favourite trick. It seems to have gone terribly wrong. I mean, for the love of God. Smell him, cheap whisky and piss. Such an abhorrent act. The man is quite clearly mad with the drink.

The stagehand held his hands to his head and looked at Filbert.

Why?! Why Filbert, why?!

I placed a steady hand on the man's shoulder.

I am afraid there is no point in asking him, old fellow. After all...

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pissky and saw-ry... thumbs up, Uncle Boom ;-)

I chuckled out loud at both, especially at the pissky!

This was one of the darkest stories I had ever read in the series. Anulus sawing a woman in a coffin while she was screaming inside. How sadistic! And you blame it all on to the innocent Filbert! He should have drank the whisky at the first place. Poor them. Upvoted!

That's smashing! I do like to get darker and darker with old Boomy!!

Oh the horror!! Having his drink pissed in I mean, it's just abominable. And let the punishment fit the crime, halve at her!

halve at her!!


Uncle Boom is certainly full of surprises! Now he is a magician! Not a very good one, but adequate enough to entertain Anulus.

Magic, even he can't resist a bit!!

What the bloody...! It seems Filbert snuck in one last trick at the end! And that, kids, is why you don't drink on the job. He'll have both the guilt and an imagined recollection of you doing the sawing. I think you halve to give him a stern talking to.

Between two card carrying members of the Gentleman's Club, I'll clue you in on a little secret. I have been known to dabble in the darker arts, so I know a thing or two about a thing or two. The secret to the trick of sawing in half is... you douse the audience with a hallucinogen that makes them imagine everything is alright. Then you swap out the sawed off girl with another lady-of-the-night with an ample bosom. After all, they all look the same from the neck down. Abra cadabra.. code broken! BOOM!

Aha!! So that is the truth of how it is done!!

I knew there was a darkness to that trick.

He will rue the day that Filbertone. He will absolutely rue the day.

Perhaps he will appear again. I think I like him, despite his one dimensionality!

Ohoho! Do I smell the rise of magical new nemesis? MMmmmmm...mmmmmmmm...ah! Huh? Nope, that's burnt toast. That's definitely burnt toast!

I’ve had a couple of pisskys in my day !

I think we all have!!

From a fucking pie to a magic show. Boomy gets around. There will be no arty people left with you around. How did we guess what was coming when the magician said no it's a secret lol.

Yeah that was a bit of a mistake! He likes to spread his net far and wide!

Goodness, Boomy. You know how to make a man's yardarm quiver!

Wait, what? Have you been up to something here? Way to make something so innocent... decidedly less so.

Also, the saw-ry hurt more than the saw itself did.

Is that similar to the gentleman's code? Perhaps that's what you had in mind?

And is that why both are bound to secrecy?

By the way - I loved the subtle introduction of the face. It was far better than a blatant: despite having a face like a...

Although I suppose there is something to be said of subtlety

The fine art of subtlety isa splendid thing. Did you notice the footer? A first!!

And indeed it is very similar to the gentleman's code. In fact he seemed quite gentlemanly, perhaps that's why his dear assistant got it in the end!

haha! sir meesterboom! Uncle Boom is a serial killer, every week he kills someone else! And makes it bloody hilarious somehow.
I agree, saw-ry and pissky made me laugh out loud, great job!

I think pissky will remain my favaourite for a while!

Would there be a market for half women, I wonder.

I suspect there will be a terrible kind of market for such as thing! Two for the price of one perhaps?

Mix and Match halves...... might catch on !

Lol, yeah, mix and match them!!

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