The Trees

in #life7 years ago


I stood at the printer yawning as it churned out some nonsense document I had sent. Idly, I daydreamed of sunny beaches and beers with my name on them.

You haven't selected double sided print!

Interrupted an indignant dream thief.


I looked at my printed pages and then at my accuser.

Ah, bugger. You are right. Oopsy.

How many documents are you printing anyway?

I raised an eyebrow at the blackguard. Who the bloody hell was he? I recognised him vaguely. I sidled sideways to try and get a look at his pass. Was he a permanent employee or a fly by night consultant who was too big for his britches?


None of your business.

I replied rather bluntly. In my head the dream beach beer was going flat and the sun had gone behind a cloud.

Papersavingman drew himself upto his fullest height and pointed at a Save The Trees poster above the printer.

We all have to be conscious of the environment. You should consider that the next time you print something.

He delivered this statement with the pomposity of a peacocks erection.


I considered what he said. The thing is, I am quite the eco-man, it wasn't my fault that the printer settings kept defaulting to maximum waste. I took a deep breath and wondered if it was possible to de-bone someone and keep them alive. Perhaps I could keep him in a special tank in my living room?

Right you are.

He glared at me. He had a spot on his cheek which was becoming hard to see as his face grew red with rage at my indifference.

It doesn't hurt to think twice.


We can all do our bit you know.

By now my document had finished printing. It was a weighty tome. My dream beers now firmly evaporated I stared at papersavingman and aggressively fed my giant printout into the photocopy feeder.

You're making two copies?

He screeched with a frightening level of indignation.

The printer churned away making my copies. I idly picked my nose.

His face wrinkled like a baby with constipation as my finger like a master plasterer scraped away at my nasal cavity. The printer whirred and fell silent as my document finished copying all sixty odd pages.

I maintained eye contact with him as I added the second batch of copied pages to my big printout pile. I then held it all over the recycle bin beside the printer.

Oh, what a silly sausage I am. I printed the wrong thing!

I let the bale of paper drop in the bin with a whumph and smiled handsomely. Papersavingman squawked in disbelief like a fingered crow.

I headed back to my desk trying not to grin like a maniac. I was getting back into the swing of this working lark.


My husband heard me laughing and said you must be reading meesterboom, for he is the only one who really make you laugh out loud when reading posts. This meant I had to read it again just for him so upvoted and read twice.

Aw you are a smasher! I love to raise a giggle! It makes everything smashing! :0)

Always love your posts thanks for the reply.

I can never not reply to you :0)

Thanks give my love to your family :-)

And you to yours! :O)

You're a better man than I... I would have informed him that trees are a renewable resource and that most paper was recycled anyway... Then I would have given him a hearty FUCK YOU and punched him (probably why I don't have a job!)

HAhaha, I love this Man after my own heart. A good neck punch would have sorted him right out!

LOL... I then probably would have punched out the printer! I'm banned from a nearby market for punching out the self-checkout!

Raaaar, don't get me started on those self checkouts?!?!! I hate the fuckers!

I was at one today. Had to call the guy over. I paid and its not showing He looked at me Its not taken the money sir - eh it fucking has - oh no, you have to pay again - Did you say again?- no sir

blah blah blah, then it whines about an unsuspected item in the bagging area and gave me my receipt!

I used to use the self checkouts, even though I often felt like yelling at the voice telling me to "take my bags" before I'd even had time to put my wallet away. But then they started to only have the small sized bags that don't fit in the kitchen bin. So after complaining about it a few times, I just switched back to the check outs - let the staff do the work, and we get big sized bags. Cos, call me a wastrel if you like, but I refuse to a) pay for bin liners or b) line my bin with newspaper, which is apparently the latest trend. Though, here's a thought, if you start lining your kitchen bin with newspapers, and not buying bin liners, could you save enough money to go back to the fancy gym?

@meesterboom could go to work and grab that paper he wasted and line his bin with that...then he could save all the money he would have used for newspapers to go back to his gym...ha ha ha!

Yeek the very idea, it's bags ask the way for me!!! I will take the pain of the new gym over a newspaper lined bin!!

Even better! I thought the original video I stumbled across (which is somewhere in this thread) was out there, but then I found this one -

Lining a bin with newspaper? What utter madness is that? How would that even work? People are mental. It's bags all the way for me.

You hit on a very important point, those bloody self service things are their to save them money and make us do what they used to pay their staff to do!

Well they can stick that up their cheeky cheek pipe!!

Every time one of the clerks tells me "self serve is open" I say- No you REALLY don't want me there!

Yep, I raise an eyebrow at them and if they get insistent say Aye,really? adnd don't budge!

BWAHAHAHA!!! I'm so lucky to have come online when all these humorous posts have accumulated! Papersavingman sounds like one of the most douchiest superheroes ever. Sure, he makes great points about saving the environment and stuff, but there's really a line one can choose not to cross when it comes to drilling the eco-friendly points in. I guess that's why they said "quit while you're ahead." He could've stopped with the one warning, but he just had to corner you with a couple more. Nobody puts Boom in a corner.

The retaliation was warranted, and it's possibly the best one you can do for holier-than-thou eco warriors that have a hard on for trees. And for that, this is for you, dude. You're welcome.



I could sip my own beer whilst sitting on my own beach... Aaahh, bliss!!! I have been very careful today ensuring that my printer set up is double sided to make up for my wastage yesterday!

Well don't tell Papersavingman that! Hearing that might be enough for him to achieve completion. We don't want his gunk to be sprayed all over any of your orifices now, do we? Do we!?
I'm going to stop you right there. No, we don't.

I concur. No we definitely do not!!

A fingered crow :)

You are a real pervert aren't you?

As well as being a threat to the environment and to peacock's erections...

Aha!! Someone else uses Pixlr!! I am a horrifying marauder :0)

I use all sorts of things, even paper, but I must admit that wasn't one of my pics, I just pinched it - I use Photoshop, Snapseed, Deep Art Effects, and GoArt mainly. (Apart from Photoshop they are just Android apps)

I really like your pics, but it's the stuff you type that keeps making half chewed toast come out of my nose.

I've been having nightmares about changing rooms full of hairy men with penises.

Here is one of my pics:

Lol, I am glad the writing is up to par. I use all those apps! I used to be quite the photoshopper.

I am having those nightmares too hehe.

I liked your blog, at the risk of sounding like spammer I AM FOLLOWING YOU NOW!

Many thanks, I'm hoping to move to Bangladesh soon and learn how to post better comments!

I don't think they could get any better!!

This what you can do in the changing room - it's the latest trend in Korea!

At first I thought that was an otter he was menacing his nadgers with!

The Trees! Lol, love this ‘Tree Tuesday” post ;-) even tho it’s wednesday.

Hehe!! A Tree Tuesday post with a difference!! :OD

hooo! Noooo! I lived all these situations when I worked under dependency realacion. I must admit that this realato does not stop laughing since I started reading it, I felt identified. Great
Thank you very much for this joyful quota.
I wish you a splendid day dear friend @meesterboom

Thanks @jlufer. The day I make you smile or laugh is a good day in my book! :O)

Why do people think they're going to get anywhere acting like that? I mean Big for his britches man of course, I would gleefully do the same thing if I were in your shoes and I am very conscious of the environment. I'm just more conscious of making an arsehole squeak like an arsehole haha!

I know. He was achingly self righteous! I kept thinking. I dont even fucking know you. I couldnt even rabbit knuckle him in the temple because its work so had to get him the way I knew would hurt him most!

Why have I not found you sooner, mastermind of the daily life's struggles Master Boom! Upvoted and followed!

Lol, you know I quite like that title!! I will follow you back! Don't lead me astray! :OD

What is it with office printers and default single-sided printing? Surely IT can change that when they set your profile up, if you're too dumb to.

Also, do you like any of your colleagues? 😁

I know, it seems like every second day I have to go in and fiddle with the settings!!

And... Ahem perhaps not ;0)

Lol. You must love your office Christmas party then. In fact, I'm very much looking forward to reading that upcoming post.

Hehe, will that is usually quite the affair. I usually gather a crowd of folk and act like a buffoon for laughs all night so it's not so bad. Other nights out on the other hand... Yeek!!

well, you kenn, next time you're troubl'ling yourself into such behaviour, put them papers into a cèis and sent them to me!!! The bairns would love to use them for some drawing :-) Had the spitting out wine episode with this post - thank you so much! Cheers from the Seven Mountains in Germany

From Germany but with the Scottish banter!! Lots of Cheers right back at you :0D

haha, working on the scottish tongue here - hoping to amuse the crowd with a video of talking with a scottish tongue soon, haha... hope you will not flag me for it lol - so, are those papers coming over here? Never mint - we've got plenty of our own :-) Cheers to you and if you get into the mood for a song about the once-upon-a-time things, there is piece to read and listen to ;-) ...I should be doing a Freedom and Whisky one...

Well I am always a sucker for that, followed for the bantz lol!

I would never flag someone for a bad scottish impression LOL!

ah, a relief ;-)

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