The Stain Of The Piper

in #life6 years ago


I held my head in my hands and tried to shut out the noise that was screeching in through the office window.

It was Friday, the sun was belting down. All should have been well with the world. After all, the weekend was mere hours away and normally at this point everyone has hairs on their dander. Which is an old Scottish term denoting extreme happiness with the world.

But oh no. My day so far had been hell.

Outside, two floors down, almost directly underneath my desk we had a Piper.


That's right. That most terrible of Scottish afflictions. We had picked up a Piper and couldn't get rid of it.

A Piper? Is that like Chlamydia? I hear you cry.

Not quite but almost.

Here in Scotland the national musical instrument is the bagpipes. Which in essence is a cloth bag with pipes stuck in it.


If you blow into the bag you get a loud wailing noise from the pipes. It's very loud.

Some say it's music.

It's not. It's awful.

Like the screams of the damned. If the damned were a bunch of cats with their arses on fire.


And we had one right below us.

The Piper had come along about ten AM and set up on the pavement below (sidewalk for you non Brits).

Within moments of his arrival he had started playing. At first we had joked about it.

What the hell is that noise?

Sounds like someone is skinning a bunch of sheep!

Is someone fisting a goat outside!?


After a couple of hours of it, the jokes had subsided. The noise was positively diarrhoea inducing.

I thought I would be as polite as I possibly could and ask the chap to pipe down a little. As it were.

I went outside to where he had set up his gear. There he was, pipes blasting out weird skrawks and droning noises. His cheeks purple with the effort of giving a bag a blowjob for hours on end.


Excuse me?

I said, standing in front of him.

He ignored me and played on.


I shouted as politely as possible over the noise of the pipes.

It seemed to work. He stopped puffing into his bag of spit and let the pipe slip out of his mouth. The pipes gave a deflatory wail then fizzled out.

He looked me up and down with a stern eye.

Get tae fuck, ya prick.

He said dismissively.


This is Glasgow slang which means: I don't think so old chum.

He took his pipey bag's phallus wetly back into his mouth and started blowing again.

With the utmost masculinity I turned on my heel and stamped off back to my desk.

A few folk in the office were laughing at my rage fit downstairs on the street and watched avidly as I stamped about collecting my coffee mug muttering things about vengeance and the Piper must die.

I returned after a few minutes with a coffee mug full of a yellow green liquid, which I unceremoniously dumped out of the window above the Piper.

There is more piss where that came from!

I yelled after it.

The pipes ceased their piping.

One of my colleagues Sad Arse turned to me with an expression of gleeful fear.

Oh God, was that really piss? You could get in trouble for that!

I laughed.

No. Of course not. It was green tea but he won't know the difference...

I winked.


HAHHHHHahahaaa, Oh my God, this was fucking hilarious!! You will one day be a subject of my Friday series, because I fucking love you!

Though I daresay it was the "musician" who was at fault for the diarrhea inducing hideousness- there was some good bag piping on braveheart after all ;) hee!

Hahahah yeah, its fine when it lasts minutes, not hours! :OD

I would have threatened him with bodily violence bit he was awfully big. I eft that bit out though hahahahah!

I loves ya too sweetcheeks!

You love my sweet cheeks? Up high or down low? hee, kidding, kidding, you da man!

I am a sweet cheeks luvvah! Lol!

I am a sweet cheeks luvvah! Lol!

While, I was reading this, I was wondering if that what You write is for real. You said, 2 floors down, really weird. Building with pipes ? Wow, gorgeous Friday Nerves Training.
Actually, I don't know whether You know but bagpipes are our national ( Macedonias ) instrument also...There is wedding in a village of Galicnik with pipes.
Anyway, I can't understand either how can Someobe like that sound ?

YEah, my usual seat in work is on the second floor. Today was a true one. My Uncle Boom is utterly made up and my Eager Zero series is based on true events but just ever so slightly twisted!

I didnt know that about MAcedonia! That is quite cool. The noise from them is terrible though isnt it. I can take it for about five minutes :OD

Haha, I loved the end of your story of the day, it was not with me and even produced me "arrechera" (anger) and the truth that when I have heard that instrument play on television, I asked myself how there are people that they like that music? ... I thought the people of Scotland loved that music, but you just clarified that doubt: it seems to me that many Scots do not like it very much either ... Well, that's normal inside each country.
Now, The Piper, why did he play so much? Was it music for his girlfriend? Does his girlfriend work in your office? Or did he just want to kill his enemy? ...

I already understood why you treated old Piper badly, because he's missing a leg and can beat him in a fight; but, be careful! because it's a killer Piper!

You always have to be careful of a killer Piper!!!

Yeah, we hate it. He was playing too earn money because it's a busy bit of town but yikes how annoying!!!

Smashing picture as always! :0)

See, there is a solution for every problem! I must remember that one, but I think I need a few gallons and a fire hose for my neighbours 200 meters down the road. Their every night parties and loud (makes my rafters shake) are driving me bonkers. We have noise by-laws but in order to have them enforced, you need to bribe the police...sigh. Perhaps our revolution will take care of the problem.

Damn that's rough!

I can't imagine how loud it must be if they are that far away. You definitely need more than green tea!

lol I never hear of women pipers...why is that, especially since they are, you know.... well versed with phalluses and old bags and such? Seems as though they would take to it naturally. (asking for a friend)

You have a fair old point, I have never seen one! They would be great and look nicer in a kilt!

I'm trying to envision turning on your heel with utmost masculinity so of course all that's coming to mind is you in a hot pink Flamenco dress that does pretty swishy things when one turns that abruptly. I don't know either.

What are you saying about green tea?! LoL XD


Hehe, I did flounce away in quite a tizzy. I had the same impression of myself in my head!

I love green tea! But it does look a little... Pishy!

When I was a wee child singing Auld Lang Syne at the top of my lungs, I remember dreaming of one day playing the bag pipes minus the kilt. Now, as a relative adult, I have less aspirations of playing the pipes, and more interested in strutting around with a kilt. To let the bojangles breathe a bit, you see. Remind me to never play with that leathery bag near your vicinity, BRO-nado.

Couldn't the office just have pooled a thousand guilders to send him on his way?? Think about the children!

He hasn't been back. Something must have worked!

Wearing a kilt is a fine thing, we all love it. The pipes, yeah, yech!

Av it!


Haha, it's always the faces they pull that amuse me so much

You picked up a piper like picking up a bad virus or STD. lol. That's hilarious. I bet your shower really "pissed" him off down there. Bahahahaha Well played yet again sir!!

Hehe, that is what he was like!! :0D

I've heard that instrument a couple of times! @meesterboom
really its sound is penetrating! I did not stop laughing while I was reading ..
Revenge is sweet, is not it?
I thought a moment when I read what you did, if it was green urine, wow! That person was in poor health! but then I knew it was not
Then, it will not go so badly! they say it's good for weight loss and good digestion (I do not know
when he sucks it from the tubes it will be good for him!

Haha, it might be good for him! Then again it might not! :O)

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