The Chosen!

in #life6 years ago


El Chupe Grande paced back and forth before us.

He was a high up boss. Very high up. If he were the end of level baddie in a game he would probably be a big robot thing with laser eyes with his only weak spot deep inside his rectum.

Power emanated from him like the stink from a dog that has been playing with the foxes.


He ran his eyes over everyone disapprovingly. When he got to me, I nodded as if we were on the street and he was looking to buy some of my gear.

As he readied to speak, I checked the room. Only about 12 of us had been summoned. I quickly scanned for the weakest of the herd in case we had to throw up a bloodied sacrifice to appease him.

Ah, there we go. Charlie the Red, he would do. He was an older man that looked a bit like a turtle that had been violently jerked off.


El Chupe Grande was still pacing. I wondered why we had been gathered. I had been locked in a windowless room for the best part of the last three months so it couldn't have been anything I had done. I hoped...

So. I will not waste time shilly shallying about. I will get straight to the point.

Boomed El Chupe Grande with great assurance.

I tweaked an imaginary beard with my forefinger and thumb. Shilly shallying... I liked that. Maybe El Chupe Grande wasn't as bad as he was made out to be?

We are growing. There is no doubting that. Does anyone doubt that?

Cleverly for a bunch of IT folk, no-one said anything.

So. We are growing...

He growled the last out. Looking everyone in the eye like a bull with an erection.


Growing fast...

Whilst he spoke he walked around the big circular table at which we sat. As he approached me I tried to squeeze a bit of a fart out but it hissed out too late and just missed him.

He came full circle and faced us.

You have been chosen.

I gulped. What? What did that mean? Was this it? Were men with big weapons about to burst into the room and start sticking them up us?

We are opening an office in Edinburgh. Once we get it kitted out, we will need some folk to work there for a few weeks. Help them get up to speed.

Ah. Bugger. No impending death. Just a longer commute.


El Chupe Grande clapped his hands and grinned like a madman.

I asked for the best and they sent me you. Are you up for the challenge? Can we depend on you to support the organisation at this crucial juncture?

I sighed inwardly. There was no way I wanted to travel to Edinburgh but I knew a stitch up when I saw one. We were the best and to say no would imply we were not the best. Although how anyone could think Charlie the Red was one of the best was beyond me. He was old enough to still blither about mainframes and tapes.


He had gotten us good and proper with this the best nonsense though. Still, it wouldn't do to go down without the slightest bit of fight...

I caught Charlie the Red's eye and gave him one of those glances that said Is someone going to say something?

Charlie the Red nodded, he knew the score. He opened his mouth.

It's a bit much to lay this on us so unexpectedly. I mean will we get paid for our travel time? Will we be staying out there? Has HR or the Union been consulted?

El Chupe Grande glowered like he had caught Charlie the Red eating sushi at his desk.

You do not have to go.

He stated flatly in a tone that said the exact opposite.

That is not how it seems, I mean, there are processes that have to be followed if you are making a change to our working practices or patterns?

Charlie the Red was riding his high horse hard but I could tell he was running out of steam facing off to such a big boss.


He looked about for support. I caught his eye and gave him an imperceptible nod.

Standing slowly, I squared off to El Chupe Grande. I heard the sharp intake of collective breath from the dolts around the table.

Charlie the Red nodded encouragingly at me, at that moment, no doubt imagining being my Father, proudly watching as I strode out onto the sands of the fighting pit shouting that I was Spartacus.

I winked at him then tilted my head to El Chupe Grande.


I boomed in a deep and regal voice full of danger and wild dogs.


Intoned El Chupe Grande right back at me, his voice like two stone slabs crashing together.

Charlie the Red smiled. A tear threatening to slip from his eye as I charged to his rescue on a stallion of righteousness.

I nodded.

Sounds flipping magic to me. Count me in.


"You're riding me to hard Charlie" made me laugh.

lol, I felt the double-cross coming... poor poor Charlie the Red

I know, I felt a bit for him too. So betrayed!

Congratulations, You have been chosen...It is great when You are chosen for something, that feeds our self-confidence...Nothing happens by chance and every situation is an opportunity for something new...So, let's see what that means for You 😎!

I hope means great things! It is good when you are chosen no matter how nefarious the reasons :0D

Ohoho! I'm glad the sacrificial lamb got the hint! All is right in the world. It's always great to lead a man into a trap. A man after my own taste, is why you and I have an epic friendship. Cut from the same cloth, I say. How long would the commute to Edinburgh be? If anything, it would be a treasure trove of story ideas!

The committee will be exactly one hour and thirty minutes if I time everything to perfection!!

You should get a job there and we can be Edinburgher bros!!

Hopping on the interwebs looking for a company that pays for my relocation! Ediburgh here I come!

Good luck with that ;0)

We are confident that you will get out of this situation and that you will be able to rescue Charlie the Red bravely ... Although I think @meesterboom has no choice, he has to go to Edinburgh and prove his ability; Maybe later they'll promote you to a better position like the one in El Chupe Grande ... In any case, how far is Edinburgh from Glasgow? Can you come and go every day? ... Take the opportunity for Knight meesterboom and Uncle Boom to take possession of Edinburgh Castle:

Greetings @meesterboom

It's an hour each way. A bit of a pain but worth it for the brownie points as they say here :0)

I understand you perfectly, I have also had similar situations. Greetings.

You didn't! Hahaha, poor Charlie! Hope this means you get to lead the team (I think that fart went straight up your shirt, you got a little brown on your nose there ;)

I pure did!! I jumped sides faster than a snake biting a Badgers bum!!! :0D

Damn, I should have called the post something on my nose!

You totally should've, lolzzzz!!!

Hehe, damn this inability to change it!

How long of an extra commute does this involve? And will you be compensated (not to sound like poor old Charlie)? The best of the best...caught you by the short hairs didn't he? I guess that's why he is El Chupe Grande (the big suck?).

The Big Suck!!!! Hehe..

Yeah it will add an hour each way but I am gonna take the hit!! :0)

But if it adds to your experience (to the good) and may be useful in the future. Work it to your advantage!

I'm working it ;0)

...I tried to squeeze a bit of a fart out but it hissed out too late and just missed him.

You kill me! You and my husband we're cut from the same cheesecloth! 🤢

He sounds like a keeper!! :0D

There would be a lot of opportunities and adventures waiting for you in Edinburgh. Looking forward to your stories there. Upvoted!

There may be some or it might be like a rock star in different cities. All they get to see is another hotel room!

El Chupe Grande

I just read the first line, and I knew I HAD to comment first and then continue reading.

El Chupe Grande

Because now I know I am GOING to go reverse-vasectomy in order to have a new baby just for NAMING him like that. I don't care, man, but that's just gonna happen.

Yay!! Get yjhose pipes hooked back up man!! ;O)

Hola amigo, ando de vuelta, pero no he leído por el factor tiempo. Saludos!!!

You are back... again! ;O)

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