
in #life7 years ago


I pushed open the living room door having just returned from getting some supplies at the shops. I marched in with my many bags and stopped in my tracks.

My good lady was sipping tea on the couch with our Doula. I had not been aware that we were due any visitors this afternoon and was somewhat taken aback.


I greeted her curtly.



I made a cat drinking vinegar face. The only ladies I liked calling me Daddy were the ones in my family and the nubile ones in the LA mansion of my fevered dreams.

To what do we owe the pleasure?

I enquired.

The Doula smiled, a secret smile of devilry and midnight rituals.

Just a little visit before the big event.

She replied airily.

Oh yes, the big event. I knew all about that, in little less than two weeks my good lady was going to be wheeked off to a red tent in a remote country location and be inducted into the Doula-hood. My only hope is that they would send back the same person and not some blonde, fake-breasted BoomDawg assassin.


Oh right then, I shall make myself a coffee and let you Doulas get on with it.

I made my coffee strong enough to kill a horse in case the Doula planned on staying a while.

Once it was ready, I came back into the living room and sat down at the table a little ways away to give them some privacy.

I logged onto steemit and was having a browse with my coffee when the good lady interrupted.

Daddy... Do we have any Rosemary in the garden?


We sure do my little potato pie.

The good lady turned to the Doula.

How much do I need?

Just a few sprigs will be fine.

The Doula said with her Doula smile of Doula-ness.

I looked at the two of them with some distrust. You can be guaranteed that when a Doula starts enquiring after your herb store that they ain't planning on roasting you a nice chicken.

I will go and get you some, what do you need it for?

The good lady looked a little furtive and looked to the Doula. She didn't look furtive at all. In fact, she suddenly seemed to inflate and her voice boomed ever so loudly.

For the Yoni steaming of course.

I looked all Hugh Grant at his peak.

Yoni what?

The Doula looked me square in the eye, her voice now thrown at me like a challenge.

Yoni is the ancient art of vaginal steaming!


At this point, I would like to say that I fainted. But I didn't. Nor did I spit my coffee over the pair of heathens. Instead, I nodded calmly as if being given the recipe for a good apple pie.

Ah yes, of course.

I nodded.

Vaginal steaming? Are all Doulas this mental? Has the world gone mad? This cannot be a thing? Does she really want me to snip some rosemary cuttings off so she can throw them in a bucket of hot water and let it waft up her bajinash?!?

I continued nodding like one of those toy dogs in cars, as they carried on their discussion.

Was this what being married to a Doula was going to be like? Every weekend a horde of hormone-crazed women descending on my garden and dragging their gallumphs over my herb patch and burying placentas in my flower beds?!?

Daddy? You with us?

I came to from my musings to see the pair of them observing me the way a hawk does a mouse.

I smiled.

Of course darling, let me hop out to the garden and get some of that rosemary right now!



I read this just this morning offline
I didn't get to read last time and I loled a lot

they do this in the Phils too
but there, they use incense and some herbs I don't know of
#til that they do it in there, too

edit : I can't forget the 'fake breasted ninja" lol
that one should borrow those of @eveuncovered 's
have you seen hers? so damn perfect hahaha
oh she knows am her fan :D

I havent seen hers but guess where I am about to head now! lol

Hehe, I had never heard of such a thing. I was amazed!!

am dead to Mrs Boom
but hey what can I do
it's true
you'll love her :D

HAha, you are right there she is awfully pretty. Quite the ridiculously (in a good way) long legs!

I shant tell Mrs Boom!! :O)

she is
very classy, too!
btw.. am still hetero
just not blind to spot the naturally beautiful!

Nothing wrong with a bit of hetero appreciation. I do it with women all the time! :0D

Yoni is the ancient art of vaginal steaming!

And I kept reading after this bit.

Yeah, I did.

I am still reading, you know.

I can't stop.

A thousand years from now, the Cthulhu children that will take over the world will find my corpse, still reading, forever...

And they will stop and read what you are reading and a thousand years hence their children will come searching and find their parent things reading and will stop to see what they are reading and in a thousand years...

And with strange aeons...

Oh, my, goodness! I don't think I want to know what happened after you got the rosemary from the garden! Living with a Doula could get mighty interesting, Mr.Boom! Prepare yourself!

I don't know if it's possible to prpare myelf for such horror. What if I come in one day and there is soup on the stove and yet it is not soup?!?!

xD I am wetting myself at this comment xD sooo funny! Just check the soup hasn't also been stired with a manly stick... so much hocus pocus! xD I will be giggling all day at this one...

Aaaahhh this is one that I thought I replied to the other day!! Steemit was being a bit funny and I am distressed to see my comment isn't there!!

It is a funny one!

Whatever you do... DON'T EAT THE SOUP! 🤣Or anything else you find lying unattended on the counter for that matter.

I'll tell you a bit about my father. He was always sneaking a taste of this or that in the kitchen, even when visiting others. He'd been warned by my mother repeatedly that it was rude as well as dangerous! He had eaten up his grand-daughters' treats and been chastised by the young ladies and myself and my mother, but it was no use.

Finally the day came where he walked up to my mother with a glass of wine in one hand and what looked like a chocolate granola morsel in the other. Chewing with a look that seemed more concerned than indulging he asked in his broken English, "Hey Sweetie! What kind of cookie is this?"

My poor mom was bursting with laughter and barely choked out, "A dog treat, dear!"

Luckily for you I have a little Doula Removal Company on the side (Terms reasonably negotiated)!

This sounds ike the A-Team, oh yeah, if I need help I am going down to that little laundry in Chinatown!

Mmmm mmm, rosemary infused vag. Sounds great!

Is a Doula a midwife? Or do they do some other function?
It's so odd that she calls you Daddy... I can understand if she was cooing to a newborn while passing them to the father, but without a newborn in tow it's pretty sexual. These days anyway.

Ah... so... time for a mancave?

Always time for the ManCave when the Doula comes calling!

I think she calls me it because she was the Doula at our birth just there and there was lots of Daddy this and Daddy that. I am sure she doesnt want a quick goose of my Ronald Perkins.. I hope not!

They are like midwife support. They are trained but not professionally to a qualification. Its all very woman empowering and earth spirity stuff. She was very good at our birth right enough so the good lady loves her.

Ah, okay... it all sounds great. I guess whatever works.

So, the main question that we all have from your post is, should we be calling you Daddy? Is that why you specified only particular ladies should use the term. Us dudes have open reign right?

As long as you promise me that you don't have your lad in your hand when you call me Daddy you have free reign to do so!!

Actually, that would be horrifying. Lad or no lad :0p

Hahahahhahahahahaha.... well that spiraled out of control quickly... hahaha, sorry to put you through that, it's good to test the Boom Boundaries every now and then...

Yes Daddy...


lmfao xD and it all suddenly makes sense! that reminds me, I must start getting my spring seeds ready...

Haha, a splendid reminder!!!!

I did not believe a word of it, yet I kept reading, worse still I bloody well upvoted it. :-)

Hahaa!!! Serves you right!! :OD

Whaaaat - Hu uh no steam for me thank you - O my this doula thing must be haunting you but I am thankful for it , just something else that can entertain us while you suffer through it - Meesterboom you are legend....

Steemy Windows!! That's the song that keeps running through my head!

Soooooo funny -

You just need some parsley, sage and thyme to add to the Yoni. If you're going down their, might as well get some chicken soup out of the deal, good for the soul😝

MAy as well get dinner out of it! :OD

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