
in #life6 years ago


What's going on there then?

I made my trademarked cat eating fudge face at the contractor who had waltzed in to sit beside me. He was wearing trousers that stopped at his shins and below these were white sport socks above his patent black shoes. It was an odd look to say the least.

I wondered if he had fell in some glue and rolled about in a thrift shop.


He paused whilst taking off his suit jacket, seemingly irritated that I wasn't throwing gold doubloons at him prior to speaking.

What are you referring to?

He said slowly, his expensive cufflinks sparkling in the wan yellow office light.

Your mad socks. White socks, you know?

He looked down at his odd clown like attire and smirked.

Oh the socks?

He squittered an odd tinkling, condescending laugh.

It's very in right now.

He said, sitting down with a satisfied thump.

I trumpeted like a Rhino in a storm.


It's very in? What is in? Wearing white socks? Are we back at School?

He started to pull his laptop out of a hideously expensive bag and made a tetchy swatting motion at his own face as if his nose was a stranger's penis.

I am not going to sit and discuss fashion with you.

He said pompously.

I gulped some coffee down the wrong way and then made a howfing squawk.

He studiously ignored my choking.

I got myself back under control.

It's not a dare is it? Have I missed some charity thing? Should I be dressed like a Jester?


He jerked slightly at the mention of Jester and turned to me. His eyes narrowed as he looked me up and down.

I wouldn't expect you to understand. As I said, it's very in right now.

He turned to his laptop smugly, content to have put me in my place.

But you are forty if you are a day, it is surely not "in?"

He took a deep breath and closed his laptop slowly.

Fuck this.

He muttered under his breath. He stood, laptop in hand and walked away looking for another seat.

At that moment, Mikey walked in the door.

Hey Mikey!

Mikey grimaced suspiciously.


I patted the now empty seat beside me.

I saved your seat!



ahhh, your mate Mikey for the win!

He's a good man really!! :0D

My kids inspire you to cartwheels did they? :D

Very in ay, well as long as he likes that look I guess?

So how are you and Mikey going, has he resigned to his new name yet XD

Posted using Partiko Android

Not a thing goes unnoticed in BoomTown! White socks?? That's preposterous! He deserved a good talking to!

Really digging the new sig, super typBOOM! Makes me want to raise my arms up in a V in public again!

Hehe! I am glad you like it! I was in the mood for a tinkering with my old animation app!

He got that taking to! I think he hates me!

Can we perhaps expect a classic BOOM animation in the near future? Hmmmmmmm..mmmmmmm...ah!

Hmm, you never know, you never know!!

I'm always confused by these 'short pants' 'long shorts' or whatever they are meant to be. It's funny when I see grown men wearing what was once basically the garb of the young boy and the term "when I was still in short trousers" was a thing and a male looked forward to getting into 'long trousers'. Oh well, no accounting for taste I suppose :) Of course i've dressed like an old grannie since I was 6 so I've no right to pass judgement :)

At least you have been consistent!!

He truly looked like he was taking the piss. I am allAbout being happy with what you eat but there has to be some acknowledgment on dressing for your age! Lol

Loooool could never have predicted that ending. Bet he'll be pissed of standing with his white socks while Mikey comfortably mocks him from his space

He will! He had given me some dirty looks ever since!

Very kind of you to keep a seat for Mickey hahaha - but really this is apparently a thing these tight, too short pants looking like you planning on walking through the water and then with white socks - gosh in our time if a boy wore (let me just check the spelling) white socks and then with black shoes?? Sjeesh he was surely not scoring that night LOL.... how times have changed.
The graphic at the bottom is awesome

Hehe, cheers, I liked it. I think it will be my new footer!!

It's the same here, it hurt my eyes to look at his get up!!

My kids inspire you to cartwheels did they? :D

Very in ay, well as long as he likes that look I guess?

So how are you and Mikey going, has he resigned to his new name yet XD

Posted using Partiko Android

He will never resign himself to that!

I have such a vivid picture of your office situation at this point, the Boom as the Ball Buster hahaha!!

Oh my God, I freaking love the bottom graphic, for some reason it makes me want to drink copious amounts of beer in cool cans ;)

It makes me want to do the same! I realised I hadnt messed about with making any animations in a while. Probably because they take fucking hours and hours if not days but simple gifs are easy to do!!

Hehe, I am so glad I got him to shift!

Ha, I don't particularly blame you for not putting that kind of time into it right now, not enough people around to see your animated comedic genius!

Hee, good job!

There isnt and since the little boom I havent had that kind of time to burn!

And cheers!

Have white socks ever been in?

Maybe in elementary school, but, only to a certain point and then you got made fun of for wearing toddler socks. Unless it was 1950 or something like that. Nothing worse than a 40-year old man trying to look "in" unless it is an aging mother wearing her teen-aged girl's clothes. Ugh!

I wanted to scream out "Run, MIkey, run!!" but, it was too late.

It was far too late for him!

And yeah, they just are not on, Once you start to age in double figures its against the rules!

Hahahaha! The contractor cannot stand your nonsense regarding his style of fashion. Now, it was Mikey's turn to get annoyed. Upvoted!

It's all of their turns!! Hurrah! :OD

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