
in #life7 years ago


Daddy Daddy, can we look at the stars through your telescope tonight?

Hmm... Well it would be a bit late darling but heck, why not.

And thus I found myself and my daughter out in the back garden waaaaay past her bedtime with my admittedly rather kak telescope.

It was a bit chilly and we were both wrapped up. My daughter was mad eyed from tiredness and staring up at the sky in awe.

So many stars!!


I looked up at the nicotine tinged sky and thought the opposite.

It's not the most perfect night for it lass but there are a few yes.

Will we be able to see the sun tonight?

Er, no lass. The sun is on the other side of the planet so its not visible. That's why it's dark.

I admired my patience at that explanation. I was regretting letting her stay up so late and had had dire warnings from the good lady that if our lass was a screaming banshee the next day I was getting it in the neck.

I intended to keep my neck entirely safe by keeping our star gazing session quite short.

I set up the fiddly telescope on the table which sat in the middle of the lawn. It was a fiddly fiddly thing. Whilst I adjusted several bobs and cogs my daughter was whirling around face upwards in a circle.


Daddy, can we look at the moon then?

We most certainly can lass. In fact with this thing the moon is our best bet.

I finished setting it up with a flourish. Peering through the scope I saw the moon in almost perfect detail. It was amazing and no mistake. I called my daughter over.

Have a look lass.

I exclaimed proudly, hoping that the azimuth turntable thingy was turning properly and we wouldn't be faffing around trying to find the moon every twenty seconds.

She looked through it. For a brief moment her face lit up with awe. Then it crumpled into puzzlement.


Daddy why can't I see the all of it?

It's not a full moon tonight darling. It will be in about a week I think.

That's rubbish. I want to see the full moon. NOW

I can't just magic the moon into appearing lass.

I don't want half a moon. I want the full moon. I want the full moon NOW daddy NOW!

We can come out another time lass, maybe it will be full at the weekend.

I don't want to see the moon at the weekend. This is rubbish. Your telescope is rubbish daddy. The moon is rubbish.

She threw herself off the chair and headed indoors where the good lady was waiting.

I sat down with my rubbish telescope and looked at the rubbish moon and smiled.

It's a good life.


Great story. You have a rare gift for telling it with humor and insight, yet being able to stand aside and let the child's words do their magic. There's nothing so pure as the way they ask questions or describe things. As a dad myself, I can relate 100%.

Yes, yes he does. In fact I decided to make my very late milestone post about exactly that tonight, @meesterboom rawks (his word lol) :)

Edit: Also, I'm not sure if you've seen this but I've restarted the playground series. At this point I'm putting through the first batch with revisions and I've added photography to enhance the experience. Some of the comments I've received said that the pictures were taking them on a journey along with the words, so that appears to be working! I'm excited as it's breathed new life in my inspiration for this series, and I thought since you enjoyed them the first time you might like to know :)

Thanks mate, appreciate it! It truly is a wonderful thing even when they huff and they grump :0)

dang chico she talks like you do! rubbish
ear plugs!
kidding ...hahah
so cute that lil' doll of yours anyway!

She does talk like me sometimes unfortunately!! Even though I try to reign it in when she can hear!!

To infinity and beyond :D as always , love you writing @meesterboom

Well thank you! Infinity and beyond!

A rubbish moon.
Who wants to fly to a rubbish moon ? Nobody.
You have a very smart daughter. Hahaha. :-)

Yep, the moon is only the moon is it is full and giant like in the movies!!

Imagination / fantasy is everything !
The foundation of thinking "out of the box" thinking and become very creative.
That's why young kids are so beautiful.
Adults have lured this in the rat race of life !!
Please stay 8. :07 :-))


They have. I love the magical world they live in where everything is possible and nothing should be rubbish because it is lol

I just looked at the Moon the other night and also Saturn through a telescope!

I wish I could see saturn through mine. Well I can, but it is very very small. My mate has one in which you can really see the rings well. It is awesome though aint it!

Yeah the one I was looking through you can see 4 of Saturns moons as well which is pretty cool!

Aw man, thats amazing. Mine you could see a dot with a bulgy belly!

LOL, "I want an oompa lumpa now!" Kids are hilarious!

Hahaha, yeah, its the demands! They think they can just make it happen, not necessarily a bad thing!

:) It's all a matter of shifting the perspective and not being limited. With enough time and willpower, I'm pretty sure anything is possible!

That's how I like to think as well :0) especially when it comes to kids I think, that's it you aim for the stars!

Agree. Good story. Just like a child to want to see the perfect moon. 🐓🐓

It is isn't it! Cheers!

Yes. Crazy kids. Thanks for stopping by. 🐓🐓

They are, and thank you!

Ha.... knowing my calendar, I don't think we are a full moon. BTW, you can easily add moon phase to Google calendar.

I have added it :O) That is how I knew we were due a full one by the weekend!

Here, I use the Chinese lunar calendar. :-)

Aahh!! Gotcha!

Yeah, it is rubbish, it should be completely out there every day, staying up that late and then just to see a part of it...! =D

How's your neck?

And the sun should be out at night too!!!

My neck is relatively OK, she was fine the next day :0)

Awesome. I think I may have told you that that's what I think when I think of you a time or two-but I told the whole of steemit tonight, hope you enjoy it ;)

Yer a fling flangin superstar!!

Incidentally have you heard from @nonameslefttouse? I have noticed his absence

No, in fact several days after he stopped posting he did respond to my inquiry stating that he would be gone a few more days to a week, but now it's been three. I left a couple more comments but I haven't heard. I hate worrying, but I'm definitely worrying a bit. I hope he's just enjoying the summer, I know he has his two teenage girls quite a bit during this time of year, so maybe he's busy with them.

He is/was quite the avid poster that's why I thought it odd. It will be fine I am sure though. He did it before and came back stronger than ever!!

When Steem hits $10, it will be an even more spectacular moon.

Oh yes, that will be the moon of the century!!!

When I did this gif previously people scoffed and that was only one dollar!


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