Salty, Beardy Beers!!

in #life7 years ago


It's Saturday and that means it's time for beer!

But what do we have this week, salty, rude and bearded beers!! And an old classic to rock the place out.


Will I find my way home tonight? Oh hang on, I am already home. In that case I better fasten up the beer helmet and prepare for a wild ride!

So let's get started on these fine fellows. First up:

Rudie (Lip up fatty)

A peculiar moniker for this one, a Swedish import from the ska brewing company. It's rather tasty. Very light and lagery. Not bitter at all and quite refreshing. But ultimately it's nothing to write home about. I rather quickly glag it down to be ready for the next.


When I saw the bearded fellow on the front I thought immediately of a fellow steemian I had the great pleasure to meet in the flesh at steemfest. @razvanelulmarin!! This one is for you!! It had better live up to the cheeky chap himself!!

The blurb claims.

Cultivating the finest facial furniture is a complex task. The discerning beard wearer deserves a tipple of hoppy intensity to complement their efforts. Cut through the fuzz with hits of a fruity citrus zing. An IPA for serious beardo's

It does pack a punch! 6% of a punch! It's a great beer. Slightly fruity, very hoppy and very more'ish. This is one I would get many times over. I wish I could send beer over borders cos raz, you deserve one of these!! Reluctantly I say, next!!

Salty Kiss

Salty Kiss? This is a name which makes my very manhood rear up like an offended orangutan. However, I swallow my pride and give it a pour.


It's excellent!! Malty and slightly sour, it's a fantastic mouthful! It slips down very easily which I just did not expect. Well well, I guess you can reach an old dog new tricks!!

And look at the amusing monster art!


Top marks to the Magic Rock Brewing company.

And now... The daddy.

The Trooper (in cahoots with Iron Maiden)

This is one of my favourite beers. A malty deep golden ale of a beer, it has it all. A great name, a great taste and knocks everything else for six. Also everytime you drink it you hear the opening riff of The Trooper guaranteed

Well that's the round up for this weekend. I am halfway through my night and thankfully have more of the trooper to heartily gallop down. Heck, a few more beers and I might end up galloping down the main street naked, shouting For Alba!!!

I hope you enjoy your weekend fellow steemians. Cheers!!!


I thought it summed then up quite well! Thank you!!

i really like the beers' cans there
very very colorful and chic
and I agree it does look like razva hahaha

It was my first thought on seeing it! I was blown away!

I 'm a recovering Alcoholic and still enjoy reading your posts. It's the only way I get my drink on these days. If only I would have known in my drinking days there was a Beer that allowed me to hear the opening rifts of The Trooper while drinking it. Freaking Awesome!

I am glad you enjoy reading them. Hehe, I can't stop singing that song and playing the guitar noises in my head with every sip and it is genuinely a great beer too!!

They all look so awesome! I'm not a big fan of beer, but the special beers my boyfriend sometimes drink taste pretty good. I might just have an expensive beer taste...

I must have the pink one. Because pink.

It's a fine reason to choose! It was very nice, just very hard to get over my manly abhorrence to its general appearance!! :0)

Haha I understand. But true men don't fear pink, they embrace it! You can now say you are one of those men!

I can indeed, it was my sheer confidence in my inner man beer that let me try it!

I love me some beer! I don't have a manly beard but that salty kiss looks good to try out!

It's funny but Salty Kiss was excellent. I am getting some more for the fridge!!

And with that, this series has already surpassed the variety of local commercial beers here haha! The craft variety is rare, so there's not a lot.

Will there be any beer that you'll find repulsive or, at the very least, disappointing? While it's nice that you're having fun with it, it would be nice if a beer you're looking forward to drinking makes you go WTF, dude haha!

One has to wonder if Beardo tastes any different for people with beards hmmm... Good stuff, brother!

Haha, a very good point. Genuinely so far none of them have been bad. Te be fair there are few beers I do not like. Those ones tend to be the cheaper commercial ones. The first one of the batch Rude Boy was quite bland. I think thats probably the worst a beer could be unless it had a mix of horrifying flavours. The thing is though I am actually quite picky about which ones I choose and as these are ones I actually want to drink I think I am quite careful about choosing ones which I think I will enjoy but also look good!

I do, don't I? You know I've been contemplating whether or not I should buy it ice cream, or treat it to lunch one of these days. My point has been so good lately that I tend to overlook its value. I do hope it continues its streak. Who knows, it might be good for the rest of its life that it would go on to become canonized as a saint! A saint!!

Te be fair there are few beers I do not like.

How about you make a post full of beers you don't like some time? It could be a nice curve ball for people who expect you enjoying your brewskies :D

Yeek, It might be great for everyone else but rubbish for me!! I think I will stick with the beers that I like motif. Who knows, there is bound to be one that I really don't like one week!!!

I am glad that you are going to buy something ice cream or lunch but what, I have not the faintest idea!!!

Awww come on, man... Please? Pretty please with froth on top! Don't make me wish that a beer you will buy gives you great disappointment in the future. I could never do that to you, dude. Wish it for yourself :)

I am glad that you are going to buy something ice cream or lunch but what, I have not the faintest idea!!!

I'm talking about my point, which you have kindly praised. Oh look, it's giddy because of your compliment haha Who's the good point, yes you're the good point.

Oh silly me and the slowness of my brain!! Yes, your point fully deserves an ice cream!!

We will see... We will see!!!

Nice post, would love to try some of those beers.

They were all fine beers! I hope you get the chance to try them someday! Cheers for stopping by!

Yum yum, I'm thirsty 😋

I think I have half satisfied mine!!! Cheers!

I love the creative side of this booming, diversifying industry! And the beer of course.

Me too, it's great that they are moving with the times!

Another drunken weekend then, I've just enjoyed a Stella Artois Raspberry Cidre, very nice :)

Every weekend should be a celebration of the beer!! I have tried the Stella one, it was a bit too sweet for me.

I only managed the 1, I'm not a hardened drinker like you lol

It's the Scottish thing ;0)

I hope your wearing yer Kilt :)

Lol, no. Strictly for weddings that one. Oh aye, and if the missus fancies a bit of purple monkey hiding!!

Bless her I think she needs the beer more than you then lol

She's on the low alcohol stuff!!

I like the can art. @meesterboom

It's excellent!!

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