
Meetings do just tend to get in the way and should be banned without refreshments at the top of the agenda!

Hell, I'm voting you for president!!!

I'm ordering jammy dodgers and chocolate hob-nobs - 2 terms in office an absolute banker!

The chocolate hobnobs will definitely give you the edge. Bi am hooked on the hobnob flapjack bars just now. Yeehaw, they are magic!

Yeah they are top notch! Good for a meeting as picking the oats out of your teeth passes the time well I find :D

It's at meetings like that that I miss my beard the most. It was good for a time passing stroke, lol!

Whilst you are concocting a cunning escape plan? Don't forget the hob-nobs, for your blood sugar levels, on the way out!

The best plans were the cunning ones!! Lol!! Good old baldrick!

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