Paper Money

in #life6 years ago


Sorry, the card machine is busted.

I looked at the man behind the counter as if he had just complimented the silkiness of my foreskin.

The what is what??

I said with puzzlement.

Cash only today. The card machine is busted.

The man waved a hand at a swipey card payment machine which looked to be in fine form.

I looked at my latte and sandwich and then back at the man. I waggled my bank card at him hopefully. As if he could stick it somewhere else on his person and process my payment.


There's an ATM just across the road. You can get cash out there?

He said, shaking his head sadly.

I looked through the window to where he pointed. Sure enough, there was a grubby ATM across the road with an even grubbier collection of peasants queuing up to take out paper money. I shuddered at the thought.

But there's a queue. My sandwich will get cold.

I whined, pointing at my freshly toasted sandwich like a sheep at a used condom.


The serving man exposed all his teeth in a horsey grin of generosity.

Have your sandwich first, were not barbarians here! It's our fault for the machine not working!

The man proclaimed both happily and apologetically like a dog squeezing a shit perfectly into a slipper.

Oh, cool. Alright then.

I took my coffee and sandwich to a nearby table. Looking outside I noticed it had started to rain. The queue of grubby cash lovers seemed to be getting longer.

Again I shuddered. I was expected to go out there and stand in a queue to take out dirty cash from a dirty cash machine?

With these beautiful hands of mine?


I started on my lunch. I had a whole two hours child-free today as the good lady was horse-trading me for some future Doula favour.

I grunted as I bit into the sandwich. It was a relatively new cafe, I hadn't been in before. Hmm. The sandwich wasn't the best. It was a bit soggy, like an old nun's gusset.

Manfully, I scoffed it down. When you are a parent of a young child you never know when you might get the chance to eat again.


On finishing, I rose and gestured at the man behind the counter with two fingers in the universal sign that meant two minutes and then pointed at the ATM across the road.

He saw me and grinned easily giving me the thumbs up.

I left the place, pulling my collar up against the rain. I looked at the grubby peasants lining up at the ATM to suck at it's greasy teat.

I made an angry cat's vagina face at the thought of joining them and hurried past the line, onwards, back to my home.

Paper money indeed. That will be the day.


There's an ATM just across the road. You can get cash out there?

Yes, yes i can!:

Ha, that would do the job nicely!

@meesterboom hello dear friend, this was a great day apparently, not every day you get a free breakfast.
Well done, you will learn to have a replacement card machine.
I wish you a happy rest

There is getting quite like a free breakfast to start of the day ;0)

The sandwich man is lucky it is not Thursday. He would be on the hit list for sure lol

Yeah at least it only cost him a sandwich and a coffee, lol

Trying to buy bitcoin yesterday my card went all stoppy stoppy, didn't like the transaction at all as if it's bankiness could feel the coming doom of crypto taking over the world...after this little blip of course lollll. I had to go to an atm myself since it was a sunday and no way to un stop my card until this morning. Fortunately the atm was under shelter at a bank drive through, no waiting in lines behind grubby peasants for me!

Under a shelter!!! Ooo fancy dan man!!

I actually quite like cash but today when the machine wasnt taking it realised I havent used it in ages since my card went all contactless!!

Hope you got all yout cheap cheap loveliness!

As if he could stick it somewhere else on his person and process my payment.

Hmm. Well, the one hole's got the crack, the other one the garbage, the other the dragonfruit.

So it's a toss-up between all three! I go dragonfruit!

Always the dragon fruit.

Or perhaps a simple limequat.

I do prefer a limequat !

How much for your coffee and sandwich? How many other people did he serve that day? Of them, how many walked away after he gave you permission to eat first?
Will he still be there next week? Or, has he gone broke giving his product away?
Use money while you can, Big Brother is slowly removing it from circulation, then he can turn your purchases off when he feels like it.

Exactly, Money is something we have to take advantage of whilst we have it.

He will learn. I am sure he might even be grateful for a life lesson :OD

😂😂 Seize the diem! This is my favourite post I have read because I hate fooking cash. But the old man pub that my dad lives in doesn't recognise cards so I've to go to the cash machine and mix with the peasant folk to get some cash to buy the father his pint. Theres normally some auld one that forgets her pin, drops her bag and then spends 3 minutes putting the cash in the purse before she moves away. These people have all mysteriously disappeared in recent times

Oh I hate it when you are stuck behind someone who decides to do all sorts of complicated banking on them. They are just for money!!

I hardly ever have real paper cash on me anymore. It's mental. If someone has said that to me last year I would have thought they were nuts!

The beep is life!! The beep is the reason why bitcoin is plummeting. The look of distain when someone asks me to insert my card into the terminal. Can you not afford the beep??? Then you come back from lunch and some bird is collecting for her son's school and needs sponsorship and Im looking for a machine for my card to beep. Back to the cash machine behind some dope. aggghhhhh. (I feel very passionate about this subject). Long live contactless

Contactless is king!!

That is funny, I have had exact the same issues. The daughter comes home from school with a note. £3 for some play thing. I am like, fuck, I dont have like physical money?! Then the next day she needs a pound for something and I am all, oh come on. Wahts with all this cold hard cash nonsense!! Off to the bank and then the rubbish shop to get change!

And then there is the shop that won't take contactless for under a tener. A shit rule from a pair of old timers. I want to blow up that shop. I went in for milk and I came out with a pack of fire lighters , brigettes , wurthers original and the daily mirror for the love of the beep. . I then came home and realised I forgot the milk for the baby. I am currently sourcing semtex on the dark web

I thought Ireland had loads of semtex lol

It deserves it! I boycott those places. They are on the first stop to hell!

we use only use cash to buy everything, I hate the cards!

I was in London last weekend @janton and I paid cash for a drink. The guy looked at the cash like it came down from space . No one uses it heRe anymore . They are just germ spreaders

haha! I know isn't that the truth sir blanchy?! amazing the changes. Well, I like using it just for the privacy aspect with less tracking and to be able to as long as I can just to resist the change and be a dinosaur. Here in Texas it is stil actually preferred at least in our rural community but of course I know that it is on the way out and the United States is behind the times as far as using electronic means and Texas is behind the United States in general thank God! lol.
But this is one thing that I enjoy being behind the times in. Just call me mr. T-Rex! My bills are always crisp and new though, not sure why that is but I like em that way!
It is also one of the Biblical prophecies which we are watching being fulfilled so we know how it works and the end goal of the globalists, just like the other prophecies which have come to pass to the letter. Just one of the areas in which the Bible is WAY ahead of man's knowledge about. I'm starting to ramble so me shut up now! lol.

Paper money is still usable when there are emergencies like this happening with the card payment machine but it is one hell waste of time to withdraw the cash from the ATM when you do bring any cash with you.

Just bring some cash with you, meesterboom. Sometimes, the machine is not 100% reliable. Upvoted!

There are hardly any ATMs in some places here now. Cash is becoming a scarce thing!

So did you do a runner like some petty criminal?
Shakes head

I did, I was so maverick!! I am still abuzz. I've still got it! GANGSTA! :OD

Hmm. Maybe you shouldn't have admitted to your crime on a blockchain then.

Hahaha! If he tracks me down to here I will pay him in steem!!

Ah, the old dine and dash, been awhile since I've done that one. Now you're going to have to find another soppy sandwich stop for your next repast. Large sigh...OK, maybe not. Beats standing in line with the rainy-day grubblings.. Or worse, NOT having your card come back out. NOW what in blue blazes do I do?

Hehe, it has been many a year since I have done it too. In fact not since I was a student I think!

Not having your card come out of those damn things is a nightmare!!

Do I stay camped out here on the sidewalk for two days till the bank opens, or abandon it and then two minutes after I walk away, have it shoot out into the hands of the next hardened criminal walking by. Oh these maddeningly mad dilemmae of life.

Hehe, it's paralysing. Just thinking that at any minute it could just pop out into someone's villainous hands!!

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