Jack Hammer & Ancho Chilli Beers!

in #life7 years ago


It's what day? Saturday? You mean BEER DAY!!

HURRAH! It couldn't have come at a better time. My house is literally seething with gloopy mucus and barking coughs, like some kind of Alien movie set in a dog kennel.

So what better way to take my mind of things than to get half honked on antibiotics, steroids, painkillers and BEER!

Due to the above combination, my taste buds are screwed as is my mental stability. So let's go!

First up.



Well, flying straight in from Brewdog we have Jack Hammer. A subtle name for an IPA that promises to be anything but. The tagline claims it to be a Ruthless India Pale Ale.

It sure has the strength for it. 7.2% Woooeee!! Pop this bad boy open!


Well look at that, it pours well. A nice little amber gold. Tad cloudy and whimsical. Like it fancies a dance in my underpants.

Perhaps me and this lady will get on quite well. Come milady. Dance for me in my mouth!


Oh mother of sweet jings!! Brewdog??!?! Why? Why? Does anyone drink this bitter slop? Is this a joke beer??

Let me gather my thoughts... It's very bitter. For me, not in a good way. It's like licking a cat's litter tray. Well, one can assume. Oh man, the aftertaste, the bitter, too bitter not nice at all aftertaste. It won't go away. Sweet heavens, I am going to have to drink some milk or something?!?!? That's it, that is all it tastes of. Bitterness. Like a pl/sql developer's dreams.


2/10 booms... Possibly too much, but I will give it 1 boom for being wet and the other for looking nice.

Moving swiftly on



What's that you say? My favourite brewer... again!! Well sshhh. They are awesome and when I saw that they had yet another chilli based beer I couldn't resist getting it and plonking it in.

It won't have a hard job on it's hands beating the Jack Hammer. Crikey, it could be a fossilised shit in the bottle and still win.

Nice skull label. Not as mad as some of their other labels but I like it.



Looks a fine beast. Nice and dark, like the heart of a scammer that I have roasted over an open fire. Smells quite yeasty.

Come on yeasty boy, down the hatch!

Mmm, quite pleasant. Not a huge amount of body. but slightly bitter, slightly chocolatey. Subtle maltiness. Quite mellow. The chilli is too mellow however. as in undetectable. Nice linger on the aftertaste. A moreish beer for sure.


It is a very pleasant beer, one of which I could drink many of in one go. But it doesn't have the usual wow or pizazz I have come to expect from Tempest Brewing. Still, it is not to say it is bad. It's very nice. Just not a DONKEY KILLER of a beer.

7/10 booms. Not a bad result, but not an amazing one.

Who knows though. With the chest infection and throat lurgy that I have just now these could probably taste as velvety as a honey badgers ear and I would be none the wiser this week.

Still. beer is beer. I hope you all have a lovely weekend!



Doing what I do, pickling that virus, woot! Happy St. Patty's day me boom!

It's the only and best way to conquer!!!


I have been waiting for his post all day!!! We are heading out tonight for some green beers!!! The Tempest beer looks almost syrupy. Those are sipping beers for me. Gotta keep them a little on the lighter side if I’m going to be pounding a few back. It’s been a dry Saturday so far but with no kids tonight it’s gonna get wet!!! Cheers to green beers!!! 🍻

Green beers for me too, happy St. Pat's!

Hehe, I am glad that people noticed the reasoning behind my choice of beers :OD

No kids tonight! Man you are gonna have a great one!!

Get stuck in and enjoy dude!

It's like licking a cat's litter tray. Well, one can assume.

I'm glad you clarified that, though occasionally one has to wonder XP

There was also some interesting mental imagery with the Alien movie being shot in a doghouse XD Hope all the lurgies clear up soon!


Lol, I was going by the smell mostly. I claim hahahaha!!!

Excellent update Dear friend @meesterboom, I must admit that you surprise me week by week, you always bring beer that in my life I had seen.
A beer is always welcome, not bad times for one of them.
Happy Saint Patrick's Day Dear friend

And a very happy At Patrick's Day to you mate!!!

Ha, you hated an IPA, good man, join the I hate IPA club that I have started. :)
The second sounds decent, 7/10 though, not a killer beer. But at least you washed the piss out of your mouth from that nasty IPA.
I have accepted a challenge to the 7 day Beer Challenge and you will be my next nominee. Should be good fun. I am going to post Day 3 shortly with you as my nominee! Cheers! then you can have a reason to drink beers on days other than Saturday!

Hehe, oh no though, much as I appreciate it I cant do 7 beer posts! I only post once a day! It would upset my time honoured ritual! Only one of my days gets to be spent talking about beer. The rest is for random dribble!

And yes, the second was a good beer for a session. I would definitely get it again! I like some IPAs this was just a nasty feller!

well too late you sir have been challenged but if you choose to ignore that, well then sir, I will consider it a slap to my face!!!!
kidding, but I am supposed to nominate someone, and I only have so many beer friends. but you can see my posts anyway

Hehe, I will see yours and be happy. I shall safe the slapping floor another time. It is truly an honour though!!

I bought some ancho chili liquer because I thought it might make an awesome secret ingredient in beef jerky. It did not, at all. Then I was stuck with a whole bottle of this chili booze and of course I couldn't throw it away so I had to drink it. Looking at your ancho beer gave me flashbacks and made my stomach churn.

Haha, that made me giggle. I can imagine it looking as if it would make a good secret ingredient too! Shame it didn't

Brewdog, often bitter brew, not my kind of taste...

Get well soon dude! Good healing to all over there who spit the mucus and other unpleasentries that come with that.

Cheers mate. It has been a catastrophe of a week. The whole family has fallen one by one to the lurgy. Gads. I am hoping we are on the mend though

Cheers to ya!

We have had that overhere a while back. We wend like dominos one after another. The worst was luckily behind us within a few days.

May it turn for the better soon!

Cheers mate!

What? St Paddys Day and no green beer?.
Suggest a couple of single malts to kill your bugs, if it doesn't at least you won't mind so much.

Green labels was as far as I could go!

I think I might tonight, this house of the damned shit is actually starting to get to me

the face when you drink the first beer clearly says you don't like it... and if it's like a cat's sandbox... I don't want it near me, I see that the one with the chili was better... although it's not the best... you have some beer with 10/10?

I think there has been two that have gotten the big ten! Not many that is for sure!

In regards to the Brewdog beer, I swear its only been created for the name as I gave a bottle of this to a friend who always loudly proclaims it his favourite position when in coitus. I must still though recommend their 'Elvis Juice' at 6.5% it is like being headbutted by a grapefruit but then it kisses you better afterwards.

I've never tried anything by Tempest, so will be on the look out from now on. I'm also going to have a look back through your other beer reviews, cheers mate.

Ah Elvis Juice!! Don't fret. I am well familiar with that one, in fact I have one in the fridge. A splendid beer!

This stuff, yech. I agree, created for the name! lol

It is a splendid beer you're right, though tonight Its strictly Perla Miodowa (honey beer) for me tonight. An ex got me into drinking Polish beers, and on a plus point they're reasonably priced and still drinkable.

From just having a quick browse of your page, you really do have a way with words sir. And I'm enjoying reading your musings. Your style makes me think that you may also appreciate the quarterly publication The Chap http://thechap.co.uk/

Ooo I will have a look. I do have a particular way with words at times!

I like a polish one or two myself. I have never tried a polish honey beer. Sounds tops!

Well from the way you write, I assume you're somewhere in the UK? If that's the case, just pop into your local European deli/corner shop and you'll find a bottle easily.

I am, Scotland! You know, I never even thought of poppin in to any of the deli places for beer. There are a few nearby that I have gotten ridiculous meat from. I will have to lookin the fridge area!

No worries mate. Yes some of the cured meats are incredible too. It can be quite comical in truth being the only native English speaker in the shop and asking advice on whats good to try as you get some very strange looks. It reminds me of travelling around Europe as a boy, so when I go in I choose a random chocolate bar, some crisps etc and kind of pretend I'm on a mini holiday.

Hhahahahah, I do exactly the same, come out with a mad assortment of stuff!

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