IPAs at war: Beers!

in #life6 years ago


It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring. Wait. Am I the old man? Not bloody likely when there are beers on the go!

Despite the atrocious Scottish weather, I have decided to lighten it up this week with some fine IPAs.

Will they tickle my patootie or will they get some Scottish short shrift?

Let us see.


I have never tried this brewery before. Interesting can, I like it.


Somehow the idea of a Weiss style IPA quite appeals to me. Let's get it plonked into a glass.


Hmm, a tad wishy-washy looking. A pale straw colour. Nice head at least.

Well, you don't get your neck wet by talking about it. Tally-ho!!

Wow a pleasant beer, for some reason I am taken aback. After seeing the colour, I thought it would be shit. Don't get me wrong, it isn't amazing but it is perfectly pleasant. Yes that's what it is, perfectly pleasant. 7/10 booms!!


Now, Beavertown. Skulls and madness is what I associate with them. They are capable of greatness but also equally capable of throwing out some ridiculous duds. Which will this be?

A splendid design on the can as ever. Not their best but still good and skully but onwards, to the beer.


What the flim-flam-McJam? That is not quite what I was expecting. It looks like custard. Weird custard.

I feel apprehensive.

Let's get this over with.

I don't think I can elaborate any further. I get bitter bitter hops but not good bitter. I don't like it at all. This nonsense can take 4/10 booms simply because of a weird loyal feeling to Beavertown. Daft I know. It should probably get a two. Hmmph.

Well. I am off to lick the bottom of the kitchen bin to get that taste out of my mouth.

Nah, not really. I have many fine beers ready to travel the well worn road down my neck. Prepare yourself beers, I'm coming!!


Cheers everyone!!


I'm worried that this was a mistake, but I watched some of your videos with my wife. She has questions . . .

Do you practice making faces in the mirror while you brush your teeth so that you can use them in your videos?

Actually, that was the only question for you. The other questions she asked were for me: "What did he say?"

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what did he say

Hehehe!! You can't bear the Scottish accent for being as clear as mud!

No practice at all, they are news to me when I see them!! Lol

Can you really go wrong with Monkey beer?? The monkey on the right side of the can looks pissed off though. Looked smooth and refreshing. The Sapling beer looks like a murky swamp. Was it thick going down? Thankfully it didn’t get clogged!!!

It felt thick, it felt foul. I am sure that no beer should look like that. It looked like those flavoured vodkas you make at home with lots of m&ms!!

It used to be "Beavertown or bust", now it's just "Beavertown is busted". The dam has cracked and the facade has faded. They really need a champ just to reclaim their good name.

They do they gave one in the shop that is 11 pounds. I can't bring myself to but it in case it's shite!

se ve muy refrescante esa cerveza se ve demasiado buena y refrescante,buen provecho,saludos desde margarita venezuela,espero sus visitas.

¡saludos! fueron muy refrescantes! aclamaciones,!

hahaha! your expressions doing that second testing are priceless! lol. great job sir and great fun!

Why thank you, I have been told that I have a funny face!

Both these wouldn't make it to the top of my list! Better luck next week, Boom!

I know, most disappointing. I have one Ajay bought for next week. Just have to find a complimentary opponent for it. It looks to be a cracker!

@meesterboom These beers are a clear example that: "nothing is what it seems".
the can of gorilla is pretty, has a good design, the other one I do not see well the design.
But you do not have such a bad job despite the bad beers, there are more good ones.
and the tests with all the desire and if you do not like it, you eliminate it from your list

I like that thinking! There are always more and better beers to try!!

@meesterboom these presentations today are amazing, I bet that the Beavertown would be the best, what a disappointment to see your score
thank you very much for letting us know this beers
happy saturday of beer dear friend

Hurrah for beer Saturdays, I hope you had a good one too @jlufer!

Oooh, those cans are pretty, like the guy showing 'em off ;)
Cyber clink glasses me boom, drink the night away!
Am I first to comment?? I did it!!

You are first!!


Hehe, none so pretty as yourself milovely!


Do you know that feeling of trying for eons to beat the high score on a game and finally accomplishing it? That's this feeling! Woot!

Bahahaaaha, oh yes. I know that feeling!

You've made it babycakes! Your winning! :0D

The Beavertown looks like cider that's about to turn!

It tasted a little like that too. Maybe it was a bad one!

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