If Beer Can't Save me, what can?

in #life7 years ago


It has been a good holiday weekend and the best way I can think of preparing for a hard day at work tomorrow is by meticulous mental preparation.

Of course, when I say meticulous mental preparation what I mean is getting slightly pished* tonight to numb the pain.

*For the non Scottish - A tad merry

So! It's off on a beer hunt I go, I hope I catch a good one.

First up, I will be having the splendid Elvis Juice from the Scottish Brewdog Brewery. It's rather splendid.

It's not quite as fruity as the label makes a claim to but damn fine, citrusy and hoppy, and definitely more-ish

Next in the list will be the old faithful Pistonhead lager. I remember the first time I saw this in a pub. I was immediately taken with the skull motif. Anything with a skull and I am sold basically!

It's a straight up lager with a pleasant finish. The kind you could happily drink ten of. As I did that first night before moving onto tequila and ending up outside fighting with trees whilst roaring bawdily in French.

Bringing the jazz back after the Pistonhead will be the delightfully exotic Disco Forklift Truck.

What can I say about this one. It's awesome, you can actually taste the hint of mango whilst it still remains splendidly beery! I would recommend getting it and trying it if you can. I could drink cans and cans of it. Heck, I probably do :0).

Which should leave me finally onto the Banana Bread Beer.
One of my all time favourite beers. Simply because it actually tastes like a high quality beer whist at the same time giving you just that tiny little hint of Banana bread.

Just a hint and no more. So it never gets sickly sweet or too much even after several.

Well that's me sorted and about to dive in! In another couple of hours I shall be suitably refreshed and prepared for the endless hell that is working for the man.

If you find yourself in the same boat then by all means comment and share my sorrow that the days of in the sun are over... Perhaps we can start an online rammy* somewhere!

*For the non Scottish - Rammy = a wee bit of a fight

I jest of course!! Cheers to you!!


Man, that is a nice collection of beers! I have tasted many Brewdog beers but not this one. My first reaction seeing that Banana beer was..urgh. Then I saw your review and now I need to try it. "One of my all time favourite beers" is quite a statement!

@exyle, you are just so real on steemit and even in your comments. Your reaction are just so real. It is great to have you on steemit. Banana beer sounds like comedy to the ears really but maybe it will work.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I have tried a few 'Banana' beers and they have always either been too sickly sweet or had this artificial banana-ness going on. This one is way different thought, it is genuinely a real subtle hint on top of a lovely beer!

It is a nice little collection, I was shopping today and thought, ah that will cheer me up!

@meesterboom water - water can save you hihih
you don't need saving chico!
anyway, I don't drink beer but your collection of them is really cute - who would have thought of banana bread beer and I love what they did with the cans! I won't throw those two - that of the skull and the yellow one I'd use them as a pencil holder - and just cut the top and seal with a shinny ribbon glued to it so it won't cut me or a fork holder . They're cute!

That is a good idea, sadly for me the missus was well on the throwing out the next day and they are gone but I will defo remember that for the next ones!

Water.... ppfffffffffffff :op

@meesterboom hahahah
you threw? ayst! hahah
next time maybe you could post a craft about it :D
yes waterrrrrr hahahah

Water is weak lol!!

Next time maybe I could, I do like a random posting! :o)

This kind of shopping always cheers me up too :)

Yeah, I am like, stuff the rest of this shopping nonsense!

Hope your not to hungover in the morning :)

I am sure I will be a bit grumpy but hey thats me in work full stop lol!

Ahhhhhh, vindicated at last!! :0D

Its in a man's genes, my hubby is a moody buga too lol :)

Hehe, it's them mornings, we aren't built for em!

Yeah he hates mornings, gets up at half 5, its far to early

I know that feeling, for me its only fifteen minutes later!

Cheers Mate!
Dont know none of those, thanks for sharing.

Currently am enjoying a La Trappe Quadrupel (Grand Cru 10%). Caramelized malty sweetness with subtle bitter undertones. Amber coloured, light sparkly, bit frisky, goes down very smoothly.

To life!

I aint drunk Im just drinkin'

pixlrd photo 'la trappe - quadrupel' cc-by-sa @oaldamster

Cranking photo! Yes indeed that sounds lovely!!

To life!! :0)

Disco forklift truck is my new favorite beer name. The art work is also awesome. that you for bringing that into my world!

The first time I saw it I was hooked and that was before even tasting it! It is indeed an awesome name and artwork!!

you remember that guy on steemit who used to design beer labels? @nekro...

Was it Nekromarinist?

:D hehe thought it was a bit relevant to the post.

It is! I thought it was going to go a different way at the end. When they burst in drunk I had a right good laugh!

The "Score" at the end when they put the stoner in the police car got me.

Yeah, it was like a scene from real life. Hehe, his friend appearing throwing his hands up in the air!

That was a classic. Thanks for sharing.

No need to be envious, join me!! :0D

I think I will. This is a perfect evening for a beer-date. We'll, hopefully, be having Baltazar.
Brewed for the first time in April 2016.
Hoppy lager with a fruity flavour and a slight bitterness of 45 IBU
For this unusual lager we used Simcoe, Citra and Mandarin Bavaria hops.

Cor that sounds excellent! Your good health!!


The banana bread one is delicious, I've had it a few times, a lady once recommended to mix it with organic chocolate stout, it was a good idea.

I have had that chocolate stout. The idea of mixing two beers had never even occurred to me. But I must say I am definitely going to try it the very next time I am on the beer train! Cheers for that!

Cheers indeed!

I love the names of the beers you have there by you, I love the sound of the pistonhead beer, unfortunately we don't have any of those beers here in South Africa, I will have to come and visit to test some of those beers.

That sounds like a splendid idea, that way you get the best of both worlds!

Did I see something about beer? I'm in!

Hoooray for the beer!

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