Hurrah For Beer!!

in #life7 years ago


Holidays, when you have children, can be quite the stressful thing. Doubly so if one of those children is a yelling, squalling bundle of joy with lungs the size of a baby elephant.

The good lady and I, in a moment of madness, dragged the children screaming to the local park for some fresh air. It was minus 7 celcius so we all wrapped up warm.


Despite it being as cold as a witches tit we had fun even though we had to shout over the periodical crying and screaming of our beloved spawn. I genuinely thought they were tag teaming each other. As soon as one stopped the other started.


We stopped off at The Boathouse a funky little bar/cafe at the side of the big frozen lake in the park. Whilst there the good lady noticed me wistfully gazing at the fun-loving young un's drinking beers and shouting about how good a time they were having and taking numerous selfies to prove that indeed this was the case.

She twiddled about with her phone saying her friend MacMac was messaging her. As she did so I rassled with the two children like they were pigs smeared in butter to make it look like I had some semblance of control over them.


Uncharacteristically, my heart was heavy. I felt like the fun was lacking in our lives as a couple.

Later we arrived home and did all the usual feeding and watering of the horses I mean children.

Shortly after dinner, the doorbell rang. I dropped into a fighting stance and yelled,

Who's the bloody hell is that?!


The good lady replied that she had no idea.

I answered the door, on guard for a surprise attack. It was fine though, It was only the MacMac, the good lady's friend. She bustled past me shouting Merry Christmas.

I followed into the living room. She was gathering the little boom from the good lady's arms and nodding as the location of milk and nappies were given. The little lady who loves MacMac was jumping up and down for joy at her arrival.

Off you go then, shoo shoo!

The MacMac shoo'd at us.

I was baffled. Go? Go where?

The good lady grabbed my hand and hauled me toward the front door. Whilst we pulled on jackets then said goodbye to the little angels she explained that MacMac was going to look after them for a couple of hours so we could go and get beers at The Boathouse.


I squeaked.

At the Boathouse!!

I squeaked even more squeakily.

Hurrah for MacMac!!

This last one was squeaked out at such an excited high pitch I swear that the local hound population were popping all manner of boners.

We headed out, hand in hand. Don't you just love it when people are amazing?

Hurrah for the good lady! Hurrah for the MacMac!!



Thank you for posting @meesterboom.

Lovely story and illustrations. very lovely when friends come such a way genuine way as this......

Wishing you and yours a Happy New Year. Cheers..... ^__^ toasting...

It is a truly lovely thing!

I shall happily raise a toast to you and all my steemy friends in Hogmanay!! :O)

Funny story!;)Merry Christmas and happy New Year @meesterboom )

Happy new year!

Very beautiful . I wish you success . I liked your blog. I will follow you
You can follow me @moroccantoughts

I do love beer and I do love you Meester!

They are two great things lol ;0)

Doing good yourself Captain Q!!

hahahahahhahaha yes some may even say GREAT things ;-)>

Ur also hilarious hahaha

Hahaha, I always have a habit of understatement! GREAT THINGS :OD

I squeaked even more squeakily.

Best line I have read in a long time. You sir are a wordsmith and a gentleman.

Lol, I love a good word fiddling! :O)

Don't we all :)

Any friend who facilitates a beer, is a good friend indeed.

Awwww :') Hurrah!! People are amazing, and it's great of your good lady to plan such! Just when you thought that the flame is dying down, a gust of wind breezes by and reignites it, and the curtains, and the whole house. Hurrah for the gust of wind called MacMac!

This was such a heartwarming tale, Boomstick! I feel like this is so heartwarming, it would be enough to thaw a witch's tit.

I love a good warming of the heart!! I was feeling very warm of the heart when I wrote it. It is great when someone does something completely unexpected. It fair gave us a boost!!!

Happy Hogmanay, Mr. Boom. Have you arranged for the wee ones to be sent to the in-laws, out-laws or to MacMac's for the evening? Glad you got to have your beer at the Boathouse. I remember those days distinctly when a night out was in order!

Oh sadly this will likely be my hogmanay, there will be no volunteers on that evening!! However I can rest happy knowing that at some point in the distant future I will be cracking open a beer some new year with the little (big ones) :O)

Your story is so adorable. The good lady, the small lady, the little boom, MacMac... I can't get over it :D

Lol, I am glad you liked it :0)

I do love when people are amazing, but I also believe you get back what you give - therefore, you and your Good Lady must be equally amazing and have probably done something similarly awesome in order for the equanimity to be returned.

Good For You!

I believe that too!!! Sometimes though you forget and then boom it all works out. I am a happy recharged chap!! :0)

How wonderful! Couple time is so important, especially when you have little ones ... a truly delightful surprise indeed! :)

It is isn't it. I was starting to feel like a singleton pairing up with another parent!!

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