Heaven Scent?

in #life7 years ago


I came down the stairs. As I did I caught that vaguely meaty scent again. A savoury meaty whiff. Almost beefy in a way. I love the smells and nasal sensations that living in a house with a newborn brings.

I wafted into the lounge. The little lady was playing with a collection of dinosaurs which seemed to be storming a castle. I will be having some of that game later I thought.


I could hear the good lady in the kitchen. Obviously making something awesome judging by the occasional spicy whiff that was coming my way. I headed in. As I passed the crib, however, I detected an altogether different type of aroma. Yup. That's sickly sweet milky baby poo smell.

Come here my little man!

I picked up Little Boom and held him close as I whipped all the nappy changing stuff out. He was normally quite docile when in my arms but as I held him close he was a bit disturbed. His little hands and feet waggling about in all directions and a strident WAAH being issued.


You shout it out, little man. Find your voice! Command them!

He looked up with his little cute eyes as I changed him. He was quite the cry'er today. He seemed angry about something. Quickly I finished up and gave him a little cuddle. His cried only grew more insistent.

You will be wanting some milky milky little man. That's ok.

I put him back in the crib all clean and snuggly and headed off to the milk fountain that the good lady had become.

I caught a whiff of that deliciously spicy, meaty animal smell. Oho, something awesomes this way comes!


I halted in the doorway of the kitchen swaying handsomely as I held onto the sides of the door frame.

Hey baby girl, what's cooking. It smells awesome!

She looked confused.

I'm not cooking anything. There is coffee in the pot? Is that it?

No sweetcheeks! That meaty aroma. What is it? Are you making chipotle lamb? You know I love that!!!

She looked even more confused. Then a look of understanding dawned. Smiling ever so sweetly she tilted her head to the side. and came close, her nose wrinkling as she approached.

Darling, have you had a shower since the baby was born?

HA! What? A shower, come to think of it...

I gave myself a quick sniff. Goddammit, It was me. I was the meaty animal smell.

Yes darling, it's you. Go.Shower. Now.

I grumpily hoofed my way to the shower, bloody spiced lamb indeed. Damn my fool nose.


"Headed off to the milk fountain that the good lady had become." 😂🤣😂
Said the walking, delicious, spicy meat mountain man...
👨‍💼+ 👃 + 🍖 = 🚿


Haha, good one. Yes indeed that's the pair of us defined!!

I had learned my lesson, I thought I had anyway, not to risk drinking while reading your posts! I need this computer to last a couple more months, I MUST remember this rule before I short out my keyboard!! Haha!

HAHA! The very same lesson I have learned after soaking my keyboard countless times haha!

It's my mission to see the destruction of your keyboard!!! ;0)

That was a twist that we deserve, and strangely what we needed at the same time. Oh, Boom. Boom, Boom, Boom. You, sir, are money. I've said it before, but it warrants repeating. You're a gift that keeps on giving.

I initially thought it was that newborn scent that knocks me off my feet every time, but I was surprised to discover that it was you all along haha! A hearty guffaw that lasted longer than I anticipated capped off this post for me. I'm tipping ALL OF THE HATS to you!

I will happily take that tip of the hat, all of the hat tips!! I am glad this one tickled your fancy dude!!

As I said before, you have a direct line to my funny bone, BOOMerang. I'm glad that you take advantage of that every chance you get!

V. funny!!

And for the heck of it because it popped into my mind... here are some songs that just came to mind from one of my faves Loudon Wainwright
For baby:

For your daughter:

and for you:

Hehe, a fine selection!! It's funny because the second one with the daughter in the water but it's quite apt because my little lady is a total water baby! And the last one, lol, well that is plain me hehe!

I pretty much love anything with guitar!

You are easily amused, I see ;-)

Loudon Wainwright is an old fave- He's an okay guitar player, but mostly his lyrics are smart and funny.

His lyrics definitely are, done if his guitar is not too shabby!

"bloody spiced lamb" lolz:P

tip! that @tipu!

Lol, Cheers man!! Spiced lamb will never be the same again :0)

hahah :P Mahh man!

I don't even eat it so... lolz! Stay great!

As always and you too!! :0D

A good one indeed...sometimes men need to preserve their manly smell in order to mark their terrory isnt it..however a gent has to wash it off sometimes hahaha . Good one nd greetings to the good lady and your kids

Cheers mate, hope all is well with you! Sometimes territory needs a marking and other times a right good washing!

hahahahaha I agree..just like in the jungle bro...

Ahh man, I have to reply. A few weeks ago, my wife and I did our regular adventure moves and took off from California to Tennessee, South and North Carolina. Fast forward 11 days and we’re in Knoxville moving our way through the airport headed back home. “It stinks like Bo in here, hu?” I kinda whispered to my wife and she said “Bo?” I call B.o Bo, which is actually her brothers name so I had to clarify myself. Ya man, everywhere we went in that airport, it just wasn’t right. It stunk in there, it stunk getting a coffee, it stunk waiting for the jetway to open up, it was unavoidable. Long story short, it wasn’t until we got to our seats on the plane I finally realized it was me! “Dammit! My bad.” Hey but that’s when it ended cuz I had my bathroom bag in my backpack so I was able to mask that stench human aroma with some store bought old spice... the fresh one of course!

Haha, I laughed, that's exactly the case here. I almost missed that smell of exotic spiced meat when it was gone lol!!

Hahaha, it's amazing how we can learn to tolerate our own stench when we're distracted enough by other things. I've been on tour with some stinky fucking musicians and they seem happy as clams

Maybe they keep thinking there is some smashing success lamb just around each corner! Hehe

Jajaja, oye mr boom ya tenia una semana sin ducharse...uy!!jajjaaj

bien yo y usted está en el mismo campamento!

Lol! I'm sure there's a direct correlation between how smelly you get in those first few days and what a good job you're doing.

Which means you're doing excellently with Boomie #2 right now. :D

Wayhay! I like that kind of science!!

Damn straight!

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