Hard Play

in #life6 years ago


Being a holiday, cabin fever can become a thing when the world is closed down and everything is cold and wet.

Today, the little lady asked to go to a soft play.

A softplay, yes of course!

I had bellowed like a madman because I had just finished my third cup of coffee.

And so we headed off to the nearest one that was half decent.

We arrived and I got us a table. The little lady kicked her shoes off in nano-seconds ready to launch herself into the world of bright primary-coloured, padded climby stuff.


I shook my head in bemusement and bent down to untie my own shoes.

To be brutally honest, I hate softplay. It is like a special hell designed for parents who don't actually like children.

I mean I love my own, that's a given. But I truly cannot be arsed with other people's. Especially when I am locked in a big tin shed with a gang of them who are screaming and running and screaming some more.

There, my laces were undone. I kicked my shoes off and looked up for the little lady.

That was weird. She wasn't there?


Surely she hasn't gone in without me? Always went in together?

I got up to look for her, checking the table, to make sure I wasn't leaving anything too valuable lying about. This was still Glasgow after all and several of the mummy types that were seated about had been casting their sleekit eyes my way.

It might have been that they were only eyeing up my happy sacks and enviously imagining the unused baby batter lying dormant within but I didn't want to take the chance.

I walked over to the mesh fence beside the giant corkscrew slide and peeked through.

There! I saw her. She was running with a crowd of similarly aged four and five year olds. They screamed as they tore past me.

I tried to attract her attention but she was having a whale of a time and didn't see me.


I felt a big pang of loss within my chest. Up till now the little lady had never went in herself. She would always want me to go in with her, crawling through the tiny spaces together and all of the other associated softplay gubbins.

Now she didn't need Daddy to hold her hand anymore.

At various points she popped out for some water before piling back in.

I sat and read my book.

Eventually, it was time to go home. We hopped in the car and set off.

You looked as if you had a great time lass!

I said, attempting to sound enthusiastic and not all sad-daddy.

I did!! It was amazing! I loved it!

She beamed at me in the rear view mirror.

I opened my mouth to say that was excellent but she interrupted me.

Oh and Daddy, sorry I didn't play with you. Don't worry though, I still love you.

Love you too, little wing.

The ache in my chest lessened just a little.

I realised that watching this one grow up and become more and more independent is going to be very hard. Very hard indeed.


Those indoor tunnel filled play places are a claustrophobic's hell. I avoid taking my children until they are above age 4 to deter the dreaded sound of the toddler saying "mama, I'm scared to come down!" And so is mama...

It might have been that they were only eyeing up my happy sacks and enviously imagining the unused baby batter lying dormant within but I didn't want to take the chance.

I read that part aloud to my husband because it is exactly something he would say. You are kindred souls. Kindred, vulgar souls.

HAhahah, kindred vulgar souls indeed!! Hehe. It's also probably true.

I hate the places, they are murder on my knees! Or at least they were when I had to go in, now it looks like it will be a spectator sport!

I love reading these kinds of stories, it kinda feels like we're along for the journey!

It's all the more relevant to me now, I found out on new years eve that my lass is pregnant :0

Oh man really!!!! Congratulations!! What a fucking wild ride you are in for!! Awesome news!

I can't begin to imagine! It came as a surprise actually since she was on birth control but she wants to keep it and to be brutally honest, I'm paternal as anything haha.

We're both young but capable too, so fuck it, we'll give it a shot!

Hehe, oh man, trust me, you will be glad you did it young because it's fucking exhausting and when you are ancient like me is almost too much.

It's a life changer and a half as well. Hehe, but in a good way!

Yeah, there seems to be a lot of benefits (and downsides of course) to doing it young, I had a massive age gap with my parents and I know the culture difference between the generations was hard for them.
Anyway, I'll make sure to keep you up to date haha, thanks for the words of wisdom!

Yeah, totally keep me up to date!! I am going that the culture difference might not be so bad because I am as cool as fuck ;0D

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The thin edge of the wedge, from here on in, she will slowly and progressively find her own way, and leave you behind, [just like you did to your parents] Don't panic, she still loves you, and you will be the first one she turns to when the sticky stuff hits the fan, She is just becoming more independent, and growing up.

I shall not paid and heed these words!

It is a hell of a thing, one moment, you are the most important thing in her life, next moment, "Who are you"?
If you are lucky, a long time after they have left home, 'forever', they will still ring up and ask for your advice.

Awww. That makes me think of this song:

EDIT: Ooo, here's a blast from the eighties past for ya:

Hehe, eighties wins!!! :0D

Yep, as cheesy as it is, still hits my eyes with some dust! :-D

Sometimes cheesy works best for that kind of thing!!

It does!That was actually supposed to be my wedding song, but the recording we had was defunct and since it was pre youtube and dowloadable mp3's the butterfly one took its place. Turns out any song involving daddy and daughter while they dance turns even the manliest into faucets ha! ;)

Oh man I can totally imagine that. The very idea of dancing with my wee girl at her wedding has me all a quiver. I think I will have to go out and hunt a wild animal tomorrow to regain my mannity!!

Howdy sir meesterboom! The joys and heartaches of being a dad! Great post that many can relate to.

It does have its ups and downs!

Oh this is SO sweet. Yes, many times I wonder if I have chosen the right path to be childless, and for we women we've a timer on that decision. Oh well, spilt milk.

The holidays always brings home the time when a child would be most enjoyed, but then again hearing about this 'soft world' or what have you, seems a hellish nightmare to me.

I suppose part of the continuing lessons of parenting must be, much like being a child yourself, learning the lessons of growing up, this time, however, you are on the outside looking in. Enjoy it, for sure...They should have a soft world for adults with a bar in, I mean it'd help for the fall down drunks, eh?

Whilst the softness would help the drunks in that kind of world I think I will prefer the harder ornate drinking places. Free of children and their infernal screams!!

They grow up too quickly. I can't believe mine is fully grown and now I have a grandson. The circle of life and according to stats I am on my last circle lol.

The grandchildren eh. That must be mental. Ever decreasing circles!!

That it would... especially daughters and their dads - my husband really struggled when our daughter started doing less things with him, but the good things of girls are, they always come back, and daddy stays their favorite.

I like the sound of that very much :0)

She will pull away and you will have fights and she will come back, but in the end us daughters always feel

That's awfully sweet. Makes me feel better about it all!

GRRRR!!! Damn these onion-cutting ninjas! I thought I had rid of them?

At least you have the Little Boom to cushion the blow for a few years. But, what about when he goes in SoftPlay on his own as well? What then? I wanted to say the saga of SoftPlay continues, but the ending really got to me..

It got to me big style! I was bereft!! I don't want to repeat it all again!

But you are doomed to repeat it, BRO-stadamus!!

Forever and ever.

I knew it, this is hell!

Up until you meet the child of your Softplay nemesis it seems!!

Haha, that day will come!

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