Feeding Time

in #life6 years ago


It's early. I am sitting on my chair feeling quite grumpy. I don't think I had enough sleep. In fact, I was awake several times in the night. No-one seems to be giving me any sympathy though.

It's fair to say I am feeling quite sorry for myself. I'm hungry too. This is rubbish.


The good lady comes through from the kitchen. She has a bowl of something. I perk up slightly. Food? For me? Well, I don't mind if I do.

She puts it down in front of me. I give her a brief smile until I look at what she has brought.

What is this? Toast with something on it cut into thin fingers?

I pick one of the fingers up disinterestedly. Hmm. I inspect it distrustingly before giving it an experimental prod with my tongue.


I throw it to the floor and scrunch my face up and yell.

The good lady is still in the kitchen. She doesn't seem to be bothered by my yelling.

I yell harder and start banging the table in front of me with both hands.

Bang. Bang. BANG. BANG!

Come on, bring me some decent food!?!

The good lady comes out of the kitchen at last and arches an eyebrow at me, in her hand is something else. I can sort of smell it. She puts it down in front of me.


I have no idea what it is. I pick it up and take a bite. Bleurgh. I let it fall out my mouth and throw the rest of it down to the ground.

The good lady sighs.

I suppose if I bought you sweets or crisps you would gobble them right up?

She looks over my head.

Daddy? Do you want to try feeding him? He is just throwing it all away. It's all his favourite stuff too.

There is a grumbling noise from afar and I see the big Daddy buffoon thing lumber toward me. I try to roll my eyes but haven't got the hang of it yet.

I blow him a raspberry instead.


I got the feeling that that first smoky beer of yesterday has quite some side-effects on you. Wake up man, you're just having a nightmare.

Aha, maybe you are right!! I think that must be the case!!

Thank you for posting @meesterboom.

Lovely writing and an ingenious illustration.

Methinks you have let us in on a recurring nightmare of yours. ^__^

Wishing you and yours all the best.


Hehe, that is probably the most accurate anyone has been!

My whole family like the illustration. My daughter wants a printout!

hehe....she is sooo cute. ^__^


Hehe she totally is!!

Ditching the food's not gonna solve your hunger problem boomlet. Hopefully your parents are nicer than I am, my kids go hungry if they're too fussy ;D

Hehe, our older one does. It's remarkable what it does for her appetite!

Have you got the:
"I'm hungry."
"Okay, there's [insert food options here]."
"But I'm not hungry for that I want [insert something else here]."
"You're not that hungry then are you."
"[insert incessant whining here]"

yet? XD

Haha, oh yes. It's a daily occurrence!!!

Ohohoho! I saw what you did there! Good one, William BRO-lkner! I had to do a double take to make sure I read it right, and indeed it is! Ahhh what a satisfying run through. A stroke of pure genius, Little Boom! Now, go eat your food!

Hehe. I am always glad when I can elicit a double take. Now, bro-yager 2 I am off to eat my food!!

Go get your food, young man! Go get your food.

I did, noodles!! NOM!

You make efforts now to get into the perspective of little Boom. Sorry meesterboom but what does it meant to "blow him a raspberry". Is it something to do with vomiting? Upvoted!

Hehe, yes it was from his perspective.

Blowing a raspberry is making a farting noise with your lips!! :0)

Oooo... Now I learned a new phrase!

It's a good one!!

So the little this joker with the food, in that type of case would leave so a while until you really feel hungry

Yes indeed! :0)

Oh the cries of a bitter frustrated man. I’d only ya he’d the ability to verbalized his struggle. To be forced to eat the unknown and pretend to like it is too much. There there, Let it all out. They will figure it out eventually. You are in control. Lol

Haha, eventually all will be well!! :0p

haha! "the big Daddy buffoon thing ".. perhaps Little Boom will have a transformation effect on the big buffoon!

Perhaps he will. Hopefully a positive one, :0D

Lol. Cool perspective. That photo is highly disturbing though.

It is isn't it, I quite liked it!!

There is no worse thing than a man badly asleep, with a hangover from the previous day's beer and hungry.
Appreciation in good material that you share with us daily
I wish you a beautiful afternoon

A hungry hangover is a terrible thing to behold truly!

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