Crypto Trading: Riding The Red Sea

in #life6 years ago


As a well known and deeply respected Crypto Trader© responsible for articles such as Crypto Trading Techniques and Crypto Trading: The Soggy Biscuit. I felt it time to chime in with some help for the new and not so new Crypto Traders amongst us on how to operate in the red markets we are currently experiencing.

Note: I say red markets because I dislike bears. Filthy creatures.


Don't worry, follow these tips below and soon you will be hanging your hat on a gold peg and that is not a euphemism for penis.

You simply could not ask for a better qualified man to walk you through the perils of a red market. After all, not only did I leave my wife for the life of crypto trading, I have also met and killed the real Satoshi Nakamoto!

So let's get stuck in. After all, as just about everyone and their dog is saying, this current market is not a bloodbath but an


First thing is first. You gotta have or get some of that sweet crypto in order to buy some of that sweet crypto. this pretty much means buying some Bitcoin.

There are several ways to do this.

You can blog on Steemit, earn Steem, spend Steem, BE STEEM. Then swap Steem for Bitcoin. This method is guaranteed. (*note -not guaranteed)

Or you can pony up some of that sweet greasy fiat and buy direct using whichever user friendly, not mind bogglingly confusing routes to do so. Oh wait, there aren't any? Ok, You can jump through 1 MILLION hoops and buy it that way.


There. You are in. You have that sweet Bitcoin, time to turn it into unmitigated profit.

I know, I know. The markets are all red you say. It's a BLOODBATH!


And no, I am not going to quote that old todger Buffet.

Find a coin outwith the top ten cryptos by volume. Aim to find one that costs cents rather than dollars.

Buy the shit out of it.

Sit back and smoke a sweet sweet cigar.

Wait, there is more. Did you think you had cracked it? That it was all so easy?

Oh no my friend. There is work in this trading game.

Now comes the fun part.

Check your portfolio hourly.

Watch as it steadily decreases in value along with every other crypto in this god-forsaken realm.

Weep as its value plummets to less than half of what you paid for it.

Yell in delight as one day it bucks the trend and rises up into the green. (Along with every other crypto. Usually a Tuesday.)


Weep again as the very next day it sinks to new lows.

When it is worth approximately a third of what you paid for it, it is time to forget about it.

That's right, forget about it. If anyone asks how your investments are going just tap your nose, wink and say HODL...

Choose another crypto, this time from the top ten cryptos by volume.

This revolutionary technique is called


Get more Bitcoin with that sweet, safe, stable I mean, greasy FIAT. Yech, dirty dirty FIAT. You might have to get into serious debt. That's ok though. Life is all about risks and when I say risks I mean opportunities.

Select your preferred top ten crypto.

Buy the motherfucking shit out of it... BIG STYLE.

Still got them cigars? Smoke one of them sweet sweet hoagies.


Now, check your portfolio.

Weep big fat tears as it reduces each day.

On Tuesday shout, scream and dance for Joy as it bounces up a little into the green.

The next day and the following days find yourself weeping with terror and debilitating fear in bizarre places like public toilets or clothing store changing rooms.

When you can take no more, sell all that shit for about a tenth of what you bought it for.

If anyone asks how the trading is going, tap your temple and nod wisely, telling them.

It's a tough market to operate in but the knowledge to be gained... Is...


Tell yourself this as you rock yourself to sleep each night.

Please be aware that my eccentric opinions do not constitute real trading advice. In other words don't be an arse


I think you are presenting or translating the feeling of many "specialists" participating in this bloodbath market
b6ae21d038ba0edb28b723bc576c3264 (3).jpg
This is one of the specialists like you @meesterboom (lol)

And that's the attitude, always be positive and not feel unsuccessful for the mistakes made, although the wallet is screaming because it does not have a penny in its bowels ... in my town some say that: "I'd rather be dead than walk full of blood" , it is as that you should not show weakness or defeat in front of others ... You are the best!

That's it, never admit defeat. The only way to lose is by losing!!

Best thing to do in these markets is to sit on Your hands and don't look at the markets. They are too depressing...

Check in yearly. that is probably best!

Right now it is!

Damn, I bought fiat with cryptos when the crypto prices were still high. I now realise I got it all backwards.

You should have told us sooner, I can't even imagine anymore how I once got on without your invaluable advice.

You are the guru and role model of all traders! This great post proves that beyond all doubt. I wish we could all be like you!

How's my sycophantry coming along? Still practising.

Ah, it seems like hindsight yet what is hindsight but yesterdays foresight?

not bad but the lack of "sir's" seems like a slight, my inner god bristles at this

Sorry, sir. Wouldn't want to insult your inner god; he shines so brightly on all of us. Sir.

Thats the one!

now I respect you. Almost like an equal!

Bahahahahaha. So true. This market is not a Debbie Downer moment but rather a chance to take the bull by the horns and load up the carriage. In December people were moaning and groaning that they missed out on the $6500 mark. Well, here is your chance to make sure that doesn't happen again. If I hear people pissing and complaining when it shoots up that they missed the boat, I might just slap them.

You know that is spectacularly true. I have witnessed the same people sometimes moaning about how the price is too high now to get in then when it drops to the price they did they would buy in at them going quiet then when it goes high again moaning about being too late to be getting in!!!!

Buy low, sell high, or is it buy low, then get high as it goes even lower.

I think it is... buy the fuck out of that shit!!!


Love it when it’s red, I see opportunity 🤑

HAhahah!! Exactly!! BUY BUY BUY!

Classic because it’s true. I’m into crypto simply because my son talked me into joining Steemit and now I waste a tremendous amount of time on this site, while my value is less than it was 4 months ago when I had nothing
Oh and why did you make the 8th floor symbol?

Its the lemniscate symbol which means infinity and is also an eight on its side! Well spotted!

Yeah, the market as a whole sucks. The thing I hate most is the quietness that comes over steemit when the price is low. Then when it shoots up the activity goes off the scale

yes I know what it is, was just tying it to your story arc about the 8th floor and Carnate, etc.

Ah, you are better than me then. I didn't know what it was tool I wrote those stories!

I thought it would be nice to add it in :0)

You forgot to mention trading your gains back to fiat, beaming with pride to see the next day it has doubled in value and you get panicky and want back in :) Just a little tip for you there ;)

Hehe, that sounds far too successful!! ;0)

I am not being modest if I say I know NOTHING about this topic - I tried to read up on it but it bores the hell out of me, so thank you for adding NOTHING to my knowledge but at least in the process made me laugh. I wish I knew about trading, but I am either not clever enough or not interested enough. I write, I get something, I cash out and am happy that I have a few cents more

I think by knowing nothing and annoying that you know more than a lot of them ;0)

As always, invaluable advice, old chap! I do hope more and more people follow the Word of Boom and become filthy rich a month or ten years down the line. I've been swimming in so much red these past months I forgot what green looks like.

I wonder what happened to that guy you sold Bitcoin to. Has he gone off the rails or has he heeded your sage advice?

Well basically he thinks I am Satan. Lol!! Because of the current dip his huge portfolio is worth almost nothing!!!

He already has a huge portfolio!? Wow! Don't worry, he'll think you're the second coming of baby Jesus once the market turns green... like absinthe!

Oops, I meant his huge portfolio. It was a hundred of wood back then. Now it's like twenty hehe

In a way, he deserves it, but I shouldn't really be saying that. Shouldn't I!?

Shouldn't you! Or perhaps he should never have gotten into the game

Perhaps... OR has he, in fact, been part of The Game this whole time. Is he an amnesiac Satoshi Nakamoto!?

Lol, he is doing a grand job of the non remembering!!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 64432.28
ETH 2648.26
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.78