Carrot Beers?

in #life5 years ago


Hello hello hello, what's going on here then? The weekend you say? Well, I don't mind if I do!!

Hurrah for Saturday's and the beer that flows like wine through them!

This week, is just plain bonkers. Bonkers, I tell you. We have a blackcurrant beer aged in red wine barrels. Yuk Mmm, fascinating. Then the ultimate in bonkers, a carrot beer.

I kid you not. A carrot beer. Well, let's get started.

First we have the...


A Scottish Blackcurrant Sour? How bizarre. I can tell I am in for bags of fun with this one.

It's been aged for four months in red wine barrels with whole Scottish blackcurrants.

Truth be told, I have had this one kicking about for weeks but I have not had any idea what to pair it with.

Anyway, I'm just delaying the inevitable. Here goes.


It's purple. I find that worrying and objectionable. There is also no head to it and a faint smell of socks. Oh well...

Aarrgh, words fail me. If a blackcurrant could get drunk this is what its hangover piss would taste like. 1/10 booms. I give it a point because it seems to have cleared my drains slightly when I poured it down the sink.

And now, the one we have all been waiting for...

Ladies and gentleman I give you... The carrot beer!!


A Gose style beer that is quite unbelievably brewed with carrots?!

Fucking carrots, can you believe it? The insanity of the 21st century never ceases to amaze. It also has coriander seed and Cornish sea salt and apparently is fermented with Yonders own house yeast cultures, which they call Bugs. Geddit?

Boak. Sounds fucking foul.


At least this one actually looks like beer. It has a faint orange tint to it which is giving me the mild heebies but I will cope. The head is a delicate little froth which rapidly fades to leave a golden orange beer behind.


It's good!! A subtle little beer with a slight yeasty bread'yness to it. A little fizz in the tongue from the salt and a slightly sweet finish.

I can't believe I am going to say it but I like it!

8/10 booms!!! Hurrah for the carrots!!!

Well, I'm off to have more beer and much fun. Have a great weekend everyone!




That was hilarious. How did I manage to not see any of these articles of yours until today? I'm not following ya. looking forward to more funnies!

Hehe cheers!! I was thinking the same about you!!

maybe i should have worded what i said a bit better. I AM following you now :)

Lol, I got that, I followed you too but didn't day in case I got the wrong end of the stick!!

Simon the fat prick turned out to be a really nice guy - get in the Carrots!

The first looked awful, i knew it was gonna be awful, and by all accounts, it was fucking awful. But the carrots saved!

Loving the horror edit on the first vid, timely!

also, winning at 9 mins!

The holy trinity!! It's curation bonus time!!! :OD

I knew it was going to be awful too. I kept wondering why the fuck I had bought it. The carrot one, or Simon as we shall know it was a genuine treat of a surprise!!

It was fitting for the edit to go in the first one due to its awfulness. However it cheered me up after the mankiness of the beer so hurrah!

didn't look like a beer didn't seem to taste like a beer. We need a law behind segregation of alco-shites finding their way into beer country.

Aye something like what they have with cornish pasties where you cant actually call something something if it isnt something?!

I think I just tied myself in a knot typing that

Night vision beer. You may have just stated their new ad campaign. carrot isn't a strong flavor when you think about it so you were pretty safe. Black currant on the other hand sounds awful and glad we got to see your face all screwed up again. We just want a beer that you literally end up spitting out all over the place and we need to find the rankest, smelliest foulest beer in all of Scotland. Are there no fish beers around?

Fish beer. Yech!?! Although actually I did try an oyster beer. It was fucking horrible. So if there is an oyster one then there is probably bound to be a fish one. Yeek, it's mind boggling. I would obviously have to try it, lol

Icelanders have a fermented shark dish. It’s said to be extremely foul. Perhaps there is a way to make it drinkable.

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Here's hoping that they don't find a way :0D

Well that's one serving of vegetables down for the day :D Honestly I can't imagine the taste of the carroty beer, but unfortunately I can imagine the taste of a beer aged in a wine cask...blek, just like old lady breath, I imagine lol me the shudders. Have a great weekend!

Hehe, like an old ladys breath after she had breathed it out into an old bag that had fish in it!! Lol!!

Hope you have a lovely weekend too!!

you are the king of embellishments lol

Hehe, I try my best!

Arsefeathers of some chickens, now that cannot be good. Except maybe for a cock>(sounds rude for some reason, so maybe better this:) rooster in heat.

So the carrot thing was a rather pleasent surprise, was not expecting that. Seen a Jasper (or is it written Jesper) Carrot a few times on telly, in a series called the detectives.

You'll be at a 100% nightvision by now I guess. How does one know rabbits have a 100/100 perfect vision? Well, ever seen a rabbit wear a pair of glasses?

Enough of that already... Have a great one mate!


Ah Jasper Carrot!! I remember him and that show. I wonder if he is still alive?

Yes indeed. I appear to be seeing absolutely perfectly in the dead of the night although the good part days it's because the light is on. Pfft!!!

Cheers mate!!

Jasper is 74 and and still alive and kickin'. (At least according to Wikipedia.)

It helps my nightvision too, when the lights are on it is excellent. Hurray for the invention of light!

On to my second Grimbergen Double.



I had to change that three times as my phone attempted to change it to skill, skull then ski!?

Hurrah for the light and cheers dude!

I seem to be able to find furniture in the dark with my toes already. Night vision would be less painful.

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Those sour beers are something of an aquired taste to say the least!

Hopefully Simon isn't watching.

Entertaining as always cheers!

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Cheers dude!!

I sometimes quite like a sour but only if they taste good and taste of beer too!! :0)

haha! great tests sir meesterboom. I don't remember you ever scoring a beer so low as a 1 before! But the carrot beer sounds like quite a triumphant success!

I don't think I have done a 1 before! A first! And not ina good way!

that was hilarious what you said about it at least cleaning your pipes when you poured it down the drain! lol.

Buggs Bunny was never wrong, the best of everything was in the carrots.

Yeah but what's the point of drinking a 4% ABV beer? Still Carat beers sound kind of interesting.

It's mighty weak its true. But if you were having a tonne of them in the sun it might be good!!

Beet and Yam beer must be available somewhere !?

To the interwebs!

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To the Google's and the duck duck go's!

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