
in #life6 years ago


Yesterday, I arrived early for the morning project meeting. The room was empty so I switched the air-con unit to freezing and then sat on the other side of the room with a cheeky childish chuckle.

A dude walked past the open door then jerked as if someone had poked at his chuff with a courgette.

He backed up and popped his head in, scanning the room.

I stared at him with a gnarly eyebrow raised. He looked like a Fingerer.


Fingerer completed his room scan and noticed me.

Aha! Project Planning session?

I gave him a curt nod. He was plainly a buffoon and I had no time for buffoons till I had had at least three coffees. He ignored my curtliness and sat beside me.

Oh goodness, is it me or is it cold?

I made a strangled harrumphing noise which could have been mistaken for agreement. It could also have been mistaken for the strident trumpeting of an angry walrus trying to put the frighteners on some annoying penguins.


Fingerer looked at his fingernails and then waved them in my direction.

I was gardening last night. Goodness, look at my nails!

I looked. They were filthy. I made a face as if being forced to eat overnight oats.

He gazed at me with a lopsided smile. I grudgingly twitched up a corner of my mouth.

Do you garden?

He asked.

Yeah, Carrots, potatoes, herbs, all that kind of...


He cut me off mid-sentence.


You should see my cabbages, they are utterly utterly incredible. I love my cabbages.

I nodded uncertainly. Fingerer seemed a little unhinged. Best not to engage lest he started dry-humping the furniture and throwing faeces at the walls. Cabbages indeed. Who likes cabbages?

Thankfully, more people started to arrive. Fingerer became quiet and doodled in his notepad. The meeting kicked off.

We were only a few minutes in when Fingerer surreptitiously slid his notepad in front of me.

On it was an exquisitely sketched cabbage.


Fancy one?

He whispered.

I looked up at him and creased my face, tilting my head to El Jefe who was burbling away at the top of the table like a Mountain stream.

Fingerer seemed oblivious.

I can bring you one in?

He whispered again.

I gave a brief nod of acceptance then turned my shoulder to him in the hope he would get the hint to shoosh.

A few minutes later, out of the corner of my eye I saw the notepad sliding over again. On it was written.


I turned and smiled with a reassuring nod thinking. Jings man, fuck off with the fucking cabbages.

The meeting came to an end.

Fingerer stood.

So, one cabbage for you. Anyone else for a cabbage?

Everyone looked at him like he had just skinned a baby deer and was wearing its red flesh whilst screaming Mummy!

I left, quickly, so as not to look like his friend.


Today I came into work whistling a happy tune with a coffee in my hand. I stopped at my desk and stared in horror at the greenish brown thing lurking on it.

It was a giant cabbage. It was mostly brown with strange bits clinging to it. It looked foul.

I gingerly moved it to the side, wincing at its cleggy feel.

Beside it was a post-it note.


I looked at the hulking brown thing on my desk. It was minging. - Quaint Scots for disgusting.

On the way home I threw it in a bin and hoped fervently that I would never cross paths with Fingerer ever again.


When life gives you cabbages, make coleslaw.

It's the only reasonable thing to do with it!

Or slice it and fry in in butter and onions...mmmmm. Maybe not the brown bits :/

If there were fresh bits I didn't see them!!

Bahahahahaha, if only when he offers you cabbages he was referring to something different. He wants to get rid of them as quick as he can. Not a good sign. I agree with your disposal efforts. Who knows what that thing might have brought into your house.

I did start to wonder if I was missing some kind of code! Them I was utterly barked at to the state of it. Why offer someone something houfing bad?! Madness!

Hahahaha, some people just don't know when to give up.

Oh well you did the right thing, a brown cabbage belongs to the garbage bin.

Yeah defo, if it had been a fine green thing it might have stood a chance but it made me feel nauseous!

He is a fingerer and you touched his cabbage?? I cannot tell you how much that upset my applecart for the day.


Haha, oh my flippitty!! When you put it so bluntly like that it sounds terrible!! Lol!!

OMG! I come over to get educated on new words. Most I never even knew existed. Even in Scotland. My urban dictionary is getting quite the workout.


I exist for vocabulary expansion! Can't keep them all to myself!

A cabbage enthousiast. Can't help liking the guy a bit, but still. A cabbage enthousiast. I will say that out loud a few times, just to convince myself they exist.

I wonder if there is more than one. Would it be apt to say Cabbage lover Or is that something else entirely?

Maybe thats why it was all brown.

Is that even doable?

Never underestimate the power of a determined man, so they say!

Never talk or make eye contact with anyone before indulging in your fourth coffee of the morning! And never ever take a gift of a brown cabbage! His wife probably told him to get rid of the blasted things!

You know I bet she did. He was hoaching to get shot of them!!!

Fingerer It turned out to be insistent and fulfilling, I that you would have thrown in the garbage of the house, it is not going to be as it was watching and tomorrow it sends you a dozen cabbages.
I wish you a beautiful night dear friend @meesterboom

Cheers @jlufer! I hope he doesn't try to give me more!!

oh my that was properly funny. hey man, want some cabbage...they are know you want some...just look at it, take a bite. hahaha. What you threw it away?? you mean you aren't going to grind it up into bits and make homemade sauerkraut with it? I mean the horror of it, throwing away a perfectly rank cabbage. Shame shame shame. LOL

Haha, I can only begin to imagine the feud horror that the brown leaded thing would have produced had it been grated into something. yaaaarg!!!

LOL LOL, yeah, although I don't think it would have hurt being turned into sauerkraut haha I am just not a fan of that stuff. Maybe it would have improved it? lol By the way I forgot to mention in my original post, your descriptions of things are always spot on, once you described that pathetic excuse for a cabbage, I could instantly picture it in my mind. haha

Hehe, cheers mate!

It was too brown. I am actually quite fond of sauerkraut but for the fermenting it has to be sorta not rotten, lol!!

I would even have liked a nice spicy chipotle slaw, alas no!

You are welcome! hahaha yeah even with fermented foods you want to start with nice fresh un-rotten So your are saying it was so bad that even pigs would turn away and not eat it. Yes that is bad, very bad. haha

Umm... "Everyone looked at him like he had just skinned a baby deer and was wearing its red flesh whilst screaming Mummy!"
Well that sounds absolutely horrendous.
Thanks for another brilliant idea, I'll be sure to try it out later.
Also, for anyone who watched Avatar: The last Airbender (a classic) "MY CABBAGES!!!"

Be sure to tell me how the wearing of the baby deer goes down, hehe :0)

I wished I had seen it but I haven't!

Fingerer was so proud of his cabbage that he never realized the reality of it going foul or anything. He was DELUDED!!! It was a good decision you were never so close to him. Upvoted!

I wonder if his house is a flipping state and covered in filth too. Lol!

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