Black Hearted Beers!

in #life6 years ago


Darkness! Sheer bloody darkness, out of which a black-hearted devil arises. Clutching our broken dreams in its outstretched inky paw...

Well at least that's what I'm hoping for with this week's beers. Sod the bloody IPAs and let's get down and dirty with the blackest, maltiest beers known to man.

Are you ready? I know I am, I have my coal miners helmet on and everything. Bring me the blackest hearted beers!!


By all that's holy, how good does this sound on paper? Liquorice and dates... It sounds like a sticky toffee pudding in beer form.

I quite like the minimalism of the bottle too, rather funky.

I think I got the brewery right, a Belgium mob I have never heard of before. It's a strong one at 10% I might be heading to the moon tonight after these two!!


It's not as black as I expected. Almost a ruddy brown to it, particularly the head. Still it is a fine looking beast. I would ride it, were it a horse.

Let's drink it though and see if it is a lame duck or a prize mare!

That was a powerful beast of beer. Although it was damn tasty of malt and burnt toast it has also left me feeling as if I have been used roughly by a bad woman. Which is a good thing I think. Very good. A sound 8/10 booms!

I have been looking forward to the next one. A barrel aged edition from Fierce beer. The original is called Very Big Moose. This the barrel aged version is simply. V.B.M.


I love a good barrel aged number. It has been done in both cognac and bourbon barrels. If they get it right this will be a hot donkey!

It's 12.5% ABV though, that's insane! I might try and drink it through my penis? No, that would be a waste!.. into the mouth it goes!


Cor, none of your head nonsense with this one. What is there just rapidly evaporates into the alcohol fumes which are pouring off it.

I almost have the fear!

What is in those shadowing dark depths?

Me!! Here we go!!

I think I made a moose noise at 0.25 seconds?

It's marvellous! Absolute perfection of an Imperial stout. I will have to be careful because I feel like I am throwing the 10's about like confetti but this absolutely had to get 10/10 booms!!!

It is genuinely like a big lovely cake of malty, bourbon goodness. I am so impressed!!

Ah, I hope your weekend is off to as good a start as mine.




Some very interesting beers on trial here......"Liquorice and dates" Amazing!

I genuinely thought that one might be the winner. It sounded lovely, if only it was more liquorice and date'y!

How's the exotics beers from the little place you found going?

The first batch has all been consumed so I'll need to take another trip there soon.

Splendid, I hope to see some grace the pages of this dear place! :O)

Did you just call me a moose fucker? Hmm! Did you think I wouldn't find out? Hmm!

My god they sound like cows, cows that smoke! And hahahahahahha, I think I did!! :OD

Do you know what cow pushing is? It's when you convince a naive city slicker to approach a standing cow in the middle of the night and attempt to push it over. "They sleep standing up! Go push it over! It's funny!" What's funny is how scared the city slicker gets when the cow moves.

If you ever see a moose though, make sure it doesn't see you. They are angry cows in the middle of the night, no matter what time of day it is, x100.

I truly hope never to meet a moose in the night depsite my gut having told me that I have met a few...

Lol, those silly city slickers. Everyone knows you gotta push em over in the early evening!

Oh! that is black, very black!
a 10? that's incredible, you really liked it
it makes me laugh your expression!

Black as the crow of a murderer in the long night of winter!!! :0D

@meesterboom excellent tasting 10/10 day rarely seen, your decision that 12.5% alcohol will not have affected. congratulations to enjoy these glorious beers
I wish you a happy Saturday dear friend

Strong stuff for strong hearts so they say! Cheers @jlufer!!



-- "she" (2018)

This is unprecedented! I feel like it was only yesterday since we inducted the third brew into the Hall of the Gods! There's always room for one more, of course! Of course!

When I saw it at the start, I didn't think much of it. You know me and the minimalist designs, I go for those almost every time. So, I didn't even think the Barrel Aged V. B. M. would make 9 Booms! How wrong was I!? How wrong... was I??

Welcome to Valhalla! May the 4th (Beer) be with you!!

Four!! Four !!! There is surely room for one more!!

By the end of the year one can hope!!

I was pleasantly surprised myself. I was delighted in fact. It feels like ages since I have had some doozies!

Since you've already supped the duds, maybe now you're uncovering the worthy brewskies??

Wow! What excellence to start the weekend! I think I'll try one of each and decide what flavour the third should be...but I have a feeling that too many of these will lead to you being under the table after falling off your chair! 🍻🍻🤣

You are exactly right on that front. Damn these were strong!!

Go on boom, get another 12.5 %er down!

Have a good evening!

Hehe, it does get strangely easier!! :0D

sir meesterboom! another great find, a 10/10. Wow I'd love to try those 10s some day. I assume you keep a list of them.
Great job sir!

You know, I don't but I should because I am sure I will end up reviewing the same one twice someday!

that's okay, we can't remember them all and you'd get to enjoy a number 10 again so it all turns out grand!

I just worry that I would score them radically different!!

10/10 that’s a good beer! Cheers man it looks delicious.

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It sure eat, everything balanced perfectly!

Bravo well done sir. Another bottle beer vs. a can. The bottle wrapper looked elegant, and the beer can looked like it belonged in a fallout shelter. haha. I like watching this, just to see the crazy designs. I was thinking the moose beer would have a picture of a moose on it...but I guess not.

They were quite unashamedly not all about the design this week. I deliberately didnt go for some wild n funky ones. ALthough I ended up getting some! That one should have a moose on it, it would be perfect!

lol I know right? needs a moose! lol

Totally does!!!!

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