Autumn Beers!

in #life6 years ago


Welcome to Autumn!! At least in my part of the world. And of course it would be remiss of me not to mention the hard-fork...

Someone actually asked me if I would be doing a beer post this week because of it!

Pah! Of course I am. Beer stops for no man or fork!

Indeed, I can't think of anything better after a bloody good forking? So off we go!

We have two fine looking fillies this week. Both of them have been high scorers in the past. It's gonna be immense!!

First up.


What is it with these beers and the long names? I am thinking some of them are taking the piss. Oh well, onward. Wiper and True have scored some good ones in the past. Can they keep it up?


Apologies for the dim lighting. I suspect this will be the last al-fresco beer post for a while.

It's a browny red little number eh? Unusual for an IPA. There is a weird sweet aroma drifting about? How peculiar?

Let's see what video man thinks...

Oh my god, what is this weirdness? It tastes like a watery version of those Parma violet sweets you are when you were young.

Boaky. It's minging and completely unlike beer. 3/10 booms!

Surely the next has to be better. It's Tempest after all, a byword for amazeballs in my book.

But I shall be as objective as ever!


I am chuckling at the name. So very catchy, now I can't stop singing the song!!

This thing sounds amazing. Aged in bourbon barrels and double fermented with grade A maple syrup.

I am frothing at the gash!!


Oh my goodness. Look at its sweet, viscous blackness. Like a miners oxter after a particularly long shift.

But as ever, it is all in the tasting. Video man? Help us out!

Hot Badgers bottoms!! It's an incredibly powerful beer, strong in alcohol and this is magnified by the bourbon which blends superbly into the sweet toffee, maple, caramel goodness. It's a winner. It's a 10 boomer

It's so strong. You could probably only have one of these, any more and you would go mad.

I have another two!!

Tonight, as that guy in the band with the woman singer who pishes herself on stage sings, is gonna be a good night!

Chin chin everyone!!



Good to see you keeping the beer review posts going.

I FINALLY found a place not to far from me that has a nice selection of the sacred liquid so I may be joining you soon!

A tradition has to be kept to!! And I really enjoy doing them as well, lol.

That would be a fine thing, there are some crackers out your way I know!

Well, I have been venturing out to see what little bit I can vote today and see who is about and the Steemit world feels right again seeing your beer post :)

I loved those violet sweets, but then again, as I've said before, I've always been a bit of a gran ;)

Haha, I really liked them when I was young. I don't know what I would think of them now but in beer a definite Nono!!

Is the India IPA "clean"? @meesterboom :P

Lol, that was probably all it had going for it!

O I love these reviews. Wow you have some interesting beers on your side of the world.

We do, it's airways great when they are good too!!

Your predictive text has its own mind hahha

Oh lord, it really does and I am terrible for typing quickly and hitting send! Oops!

That is no problem - I know what you mean and in any case, you get so many replies and you are kind enough to answer them all, so you are entitled to a few 'finger errors'.

Aw, thank you for understanding! It is the speed that u try to get through my replies to add I gate it when they pile up in case I miss any!

Enjoyable as always - jeez I have a hangover for the first time in I think 20 years - apparently I am not 21 anymore .....

Yeah, the not 21 but is tough! Hehe!

ahaha! sir meesterboom! a rare tasting with one being spat out and the other receiving a 10! I've never had pitch black beer but it looks like you could save money on such as one as that, just one would do ya for the whole evening.
Very funny, I couldn't understand half of it but still bloody funny!

Haha!! Oh and that is me speaking clearly!! Lol

It was certainly a strong one the 10!!

Maybe all the names are long because all the short names are taken? Or maybe they think it makes them sound fancy? XD

Now why would a puny hard fork stop anyonde from posting? :D (once we got past the rc shenanigans of course XD)

It all comes back to them shenanigans eh!!!

Fancy beers care nothing for a shenanigan! Lol

Oh, we'll miss your beer publications every Saturday! It was funny that you gave us your opinion on which beer wise to Gloria and which wise to pee :(

You won't miss them! They ain't going anywhere!! :0D

Just as well you didn't introduce Aunt Boom.
A 10 booms is a rare item you would have missed.
Be sociable, give the Good Lady a couple to show her what a good beer tastes like, and its effects.
Could be a good night all round.

Haha, she tried it. She appreciated it was a quality beer but said it wasn't for her!

Just as well you are there to do the really hard jobs like the beer testing then.

It's tough but someone had to take one for the team! ;0)

I love a good team player.
I think they call them hookers in the US.

Ah, good old hookers :0D

You're a crazy dude. LOL But I love it!

Haha, it just comes naturally!! :0D

Keep'em coming! The world needs more craziness.

It sure does!! We can't have boring!

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