A Mouse Tail

in #life7 years ago


I was making lunch for the family in the kitchen when the little lady popped in.

What are you doing daddy?

Despite it being obvious because I had just asked everyone what they wanted for lunch, I chose not to be rude or to throw something spoon'y in her direction.


Making lunch lass, remember I just asked you what you wanted?

Oh, yes... Daddy, what's this?

She was old enough to reach the top of the worktops now which meant any number of dangerous items had to be hidden away. It was like playing knife chess with a Grandmaster. As our house was currently baby central it meant that there was still loads of other things within her grasp.

It's a wooden spoon lass. Put it down please

What's this?

It's an apple as well you know.

What's this?

It's a dummy for your brother, put it back.

What's this?


It's a... Oh.

I did not expect that one. She stood with what looked to be a white rifle bullet in her hand. It was a tampon. Sans the little mouse tail they normally have right enough but a tampon all the same. Thankfully for the sake of all of our sanities, it was unused. Why the hell couldn't the good lady hide these things away from civilised eyes?


It's a... eh... well, it's... a tampon.

There, none of this Victorian values hiding the truth from the children nonsense. I was a modern Dad. If she wanted to know what a tampon was then I would bloody well tell her.

What's a tampon daddy?

It's a thing for eh... Well em, it's like...

Dammit, she had me there. I mean I am all for openness and that but I was a bit stuck. Oh well, in for a penny in for a pound as strange cockney prostitutes in London often shout.

Well darling, when girls get a bit older a thing called puberty happens. It's a normal part of growing up and as a result of that every month they have a thing called a period.

I could feel a prickle of sweat on my neck.

And as a result of that period they bleed a little bit... From their vagina. The tampon helps to catch the blood.


I finished my rambling infodump. In my head I was thinking I might have said a bit too much. The little lady was staring at me aghast. Eyes wide open. Slowly they began to fill up with big salty tears. Then her mouth crumpled in an 'O'.

I don't want to bleed from my bajeena! No... NOOOOOOOO!

The good lady materialised from somewhere. I could see from her face I was in trouble.

Daddy, what is going on?

The little lady found this and I was trying my best to explain you know, what it's for?

The good lady snorted like a wild steed. The little lady clung to one of her legs as if to the mast of a ship in a storm, weeping about blood and bajeenas.

That's a glue stick. You use it to glue paper and stuff.

It's a what?

I looked at the little white thing a bit closer.

Oh. Oh shit.

The good lady ushered the little one, still wailing from the Kitchen. Before she left she caught my eye and shook her head.


She mouthed silently.


Hey buddy I am very happy today, I just got removed myself from the cheetah ban. Now you can upvote my original content. Thanx for supporting me in tough time.

Oh that's fantastic! I knew you would be cleared!

Yup buddy but first you voted me with some vote and then removed it , I saw it in steemnow. Can I ask what was wrong with the post or you were thinking I was a plagiarist. Tell me frankly buddy, that really hurt me at that time. I thought you to be one of my closest friends.

Sorry dude. I saw the cheetah and thought oh dear, what's happening. Then I spoke to you and you said you were under review. It sounds harsh but I thought I would wait till the outcome of the review before voting for you


I've had trouble replying because my keyboard was doused from the drink I spilled on it when I read your hook! When will I ever learn!? On one hand, the keyboard got cleaned, on the other, it took quite a while to dry. Thankfully, it was just water.

When is a tampon not a tampon? Apparently, when it's a glue stick haha! You're a really brave father trying to explain that, Daddy-O! Fortunately, she's either too young to remember everything or you may just scarred her for life. Either way, it doesn't hurt your Father of the Year campaign!

Keyboard cleaning is my middle name! I never thought she might be too young to remember. It is now my fervent hope that she is. She hadn't mentioned it since which either means it is deep rooted horror or its forgotten!

Those certain things tend to crop up during teenage years or young adulthood. Aghast!!! Are we seeing the fulfillment of my prophecy unfolding!? :O Could tampons be the spark that ignites a tyrannical rule that will last centuries!?

hahaha.. you are a master. I really enjoy your work. This all needs to be collected and printed in a book. Awesome material... I think steemit does it, makes one disciplined to work every day...and things start becoming greater with each day... ;) you do put that in a book!

Cheers man. Ha, that is a great way of putting it. If I ever get these in a book them that line and a credit is going in to you!

It's a good thing you're not female, and need to use those things. That could present quite a "sticky" situation. Right up there with confusing the superglue with the hemorrhoid cream.

That is one mistake that no-one ever wishes to make!! Lol



[abbreviation of "trou du cul"]

Every day is a learning day! I will store that one away :0)

And as a result of that period they bleed a little bit... From their vagina.

I new she was going to cry.

What a way of putting it for a child. Women are so great in that.

Well darling, when girls get a bit older a thing called puberty happens. It's a normal part of growing up and as a result of that every month they have a thing called a period.

Thanks for another laughable day.


Haha, you are welcome. I am obviously training for a job in the diplomatic service :0D

It will be good for you. Right? 😆😄😜

Ha, of yes, I am sure

Mr. Meesterboom you are the best of the best when it comes to telling a story. I seem to have missed this one do not know how.

It was quite a good one wasn't it!! :0)

OMG, the glue stick - HAHAHAHAHA! Sore tummy or not, this totally cracked me up!

Hehe, I am awfully glad you liked it!

You better leave the birds and the bees talk for much later...I was expecting a mouse not that talk. Good grief man! ROFL The things that happen when we have wee ones in the house...

I know, things can just get away with themselves!! :0D

i'll say... well, it's like mummy's diaper. 😎

Ah see, that's clever! I will remember that!

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