in #life6 years ago


My head pounded and I felt slightly sick. Deep down I wondered if it was the whisky and the prosecco from the night before or even the red wine but I knew that such a notion was silly. It was obviously something other than that.

I looked at the time on my phone.


Huh, look at that. 11:11.

It was the New Year.

I felt debilitated somehow. As if the turning of the year had made me weaker than I had been before.

I dragged myself over to my laptop.

The three second boot time seemed like an age.

A vein pulsed like a goat's throbbing penis in my temple.

I tried my best not to make a pitiful whining noise but was only half successful.

I navigated to the Steemit website and looked at my feed.

It was still there. That bloody pinned post at the top of my feed.

11 days it had been pinned now.

Hang on, 11 days?!? That number again? 11, what could be the significance of this?

I put my thinking face on, which bore an uncanny resemblance to my jive face.

1 and 1 makes eleven. So does 10 plus 1. Was I onto something? 10 +1 was 11 yeah but 10 + (1 +1) (which was 11) was 12!?

I looked at the time on my phone again...


What the hell!?!? Now, as if taunting me, it was 11.12!?

I felt strangely giddy as if I were looking over a precipice into a dark and forbidding abyss.

This was too much to be a coincidence... I reached for a pen and a piece of paper. This was it, I was obviously close to cracking the secret behind everything. Was this the Illuminati? The Matrix?

Perhaps I was about to crack the key that was used to keep the sheeple dulled into their daily subservience.

Daddy, have you got your shoes on yet?

The good lady came in to the living room. Her face had a snark to it, like an old slipper left out in the rain.

Not yet, I have stumbled upon something really important. I will have to stay and try to figure it out?

No you don't. Get that lazy hungover arse off the couch and get your shoes on. We are going to the park.

The good lady snarled as if I was a layabout wastrel who had spent half the night drinking and carousing instead of sleeping.

Oh, wait...


Soooo, Many Drink Mixtures...🤗🤗🤗
Happy New Year, Wish You all the Best to You and All Your family, Good Lady, Little Booms

Cheers lass and the very same to you!!

They could at least get a real WW2 Pin-up girl for the pinned post, Like an image of Betty Boop, or Rita Hayward, at least if they are going to pin a post, put a decent pin-up picture as the first image.

Happy New Year

Hehe. It would at least be easier on the eye than the 70 comments lines of text post that gets me every time I spin up that feed!

And happy New year!

Didn't know Scots were superstitious. Maybe don't have more than 11 drinks and it will all be ok.

I think I had more than eleven. It got hard to count!

Ha! sir meesterboom! Is that top image you in the park after you had to get off your duff and drag yourself out there? lol. great artwork! " a pitiful whining noise" poor guy. lol.

That's exactly what it is, poor me, all wrapped up and hungover!!!

ha..I'm sorry for your misery on one hand but on the other it makes for hilarious posts so keep partying meesterboom! lol. Your misery is our gain!

I just can't seem to stop the partying!! Well, maybe a return to work next week will :0)


Hehe, the posts are coming home to roost!!!

Seeing 11 11 is supposedly angelic beings watching and guiding you.. in your case probably guiding you to the nearest pub haha

Not bloody guiding me to the park anyway. Torture!!

Why do you want to go to the park... your little girl is an angel so you have to follow her haha

It was freezing and bright and everything I could have done without today. All I wanted was bed!

I remember those days when the girls were young, they soon fly over , you will have plenty of time to catch up with the beer when they want nothing to do with you... that time does come haha

Lol, then I'll be too old for anything but the beer!

Much like me then haha

Why do you know what a goat’s throbbing penis feels like 🤣

So you had a good year turn? Possibly slightly overdone? 😆

Posted using Partiko iOS

It was splendid, very slightly overdone perhaps. Just weeny weeny bit :0D

You mean you aren't familiar with the goating penis?! I thought it was standard!

Was it connected to The Red Tent somehow!? It seems like such a strange coincidence that she'd be distracting you just when you are about to crack the whole thing wide open, doesn't it? It's like they're covering the whole conspiracy up!! What a way to start the year! With a mystery, no less!?

They he l know I am the one to break it open like a barrel of eggs and they have planted a demon in my midst to keep me from exposing them!!!

"A vein pulsed like a goat's throbbing penis in my temple."

Do you mean: "A vein pulsed in my temple like a goat's throbbing penis"?

Asking for a friend.

A very good question. One on which I will take the fifth...

and I hope you got in a good punch or two!

Hehe, pure punchery!!

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