Moving SUCKS! - or Where is Home?

in #life7 years ago

Now that I am settled at my new apartment, it was about time to write the Big Move Post! -Just to get one thing straight from the start: Moving SUCKS.

Especially in Copenhagen it DOUBLE SUCKS - guaranteed.
Let's put it this way... 4 years in Paris, same apartment (ok, maybe not fair 'cause it's my Mom's :P ) - 3 years in Rome, same apartment. 3,5 years in Copenhagen, 4 apartments - Jesus Christ... Accommodation in Copenhagen is a HUGE issue, so let's hope the Mayor will keep his promises after the recent elections. We do need more space!

Of course rents in Copenhagen (specifically, not Denmark in general) are ridiculously expensive so there's another factor for people to move around. Also, and very importantly, if you're renting for more than 2 years you have rights to the apartment so you would rarely get a 2+ years contract.
Don't get me started on deposits (usually 2-3 rents) and prepaid rents (also usually 2-3 rents).

So anyway, since I'm not a student anymore, I had to move out of my dorm and I got to apartment hunting again - I did find the perfect apartment...but then...I had to actually MOVE to it..............

To be fair, I got lucky in Copenhagen. I fould all my apartments fast, where I wanted them and without paying a fortune.

View from the kitchen

View towards the sea and Sweden

Ok, my new one is kiiind of expensive, but in the end, you get what you pay for! In my case, a 60sq.m. apartment, with double views, BATHTUB (VERY important for Denmark and especially Copenhagen!!!!), BALCONY (also very important - usually they have 'French balconies'- technically meaning you can't really go outside just open the door :P ), furnished and with a separate kitchen (not open) - and cute features and extras, of course with all bills included! For that, it's a good deal anyway! :D



I love Amelie, so I could not NOT put a dwarf there...planning on having flowers soon!

So @creutzy and his best friend [ @rbm 's son ] promised they'll help -which they did!

But before renting the trailer for the 'big stuff', I went back and forth from my old to my new apartment by bus and carrying stuff about 10 times -only once with help. I would go, empty bags, arrange and then back. And again...

Like this...

Here I wanna thank IKEA for the amazing bags that we all have and save us ALWAYS!

Sad to hear about the passing of the onwer, but if only we got to his age, 91! Just like my grandpa :/ I'm sure the family will continue the excellent Swedish 'tradition'-by now-now that he's gone - WE LOVE IKEA!!!!
Somehow I managed to mix and match with my Louis Vuitton :P It looked....weird but awesome ahahahahaha !!!!


So we got the trailer. Initially I told my friend that I only need it for a mirror and some drawers and a couple of chairs. When he saw what was going on he was imitating my voice, making fun of me, 'just a mirror and some drawers' ahahahaha!!!!

Well I am a woman. I am no minimalist. I have a lot of crap and always getting more by the yeah...Moving is a nightmare, especially for me! When it'll be time to move from this place...I'm hiring people to even pack and renting a big truck from a company. That's it. Can't be done otherwise !!!



The last round, with the last few things [cleaning stuff mostly] before handing the old place in, was with my bike ;)


And YES, somehow, with lots of precious help of course, I made it - I took everything, and found its place at my new apartment which I fell in love from the start!

And now I get to enjoy the sun in my living room and amazing sunsets from my couch. I really feel I fit here, so I think I made the right choice! Close to the sea, close to Sweden (I love both!), quiet, close to the city at the same time ('cause metro - within 15' I can be literally anywhere central...!) and with a cute vintage shop at the corner, the beach oh so close and private lawns for summer barbecues !!! :D



What is home? Or ...where is home?

Sometimes I said... where do you go when home isn't home? ... I'm a gypsy heart, as you all know by now, so HOME is a vague idea for me...
They say home is where the heart is...
I say, home is where my computer is :P [sorry romance haha!]
I don't know if Athens is home anymore...then again it'll always be somehow I guess... Rome...I still feel 'home' there...or Paris... or cities that I am connected somehow... but in the end...where do I stay? Where do we stay when we don't know where home is?
Well, I guess for now, Copenhagen is my home -and this apartment is so cute and sweet that I feel a huge hug all the time!!!



I am expecting your moving stories too! Also, tell me what you think about my adventure and my new apartment! :D And last but not least... What is HOME for you?

I am wishing you all an amazing upcoming Friday and as I always say, whatever happens, don't forget to smile!





Your new place looks AMAZING! I can't even imagine having to move stuff and taking a bus - my brain hurts for you. Since I met my hubby almost 31 years ago, we've moved about 22 times and lived in 3 states (all in New England, though)! I totally get the gypsy thing - one of our moves was into a small camper with our three kids (and cat and dog) with the hopes of traveling around the country for a year or two. However, long story short, we found the place we currently rent, and we've been here 5 years now (a record for us - LOL!).

Maybe that's the reason I don't consider one particular place home - for me, it's where the people I care about live, and that never seems to be permanent. 😊

So happy to hear you're settled in!

Hehe :D
I don't think for me there's anything 'permanent' anymore in my life - maybe there never was... But I sure wanna be more 'permanent' somehow...I'm tired of this gypsy thing, the always temporary... I'm getting old haha!
For now I settled in yes,thank God! Thanks for the support, especially about the cannot imagine......
22 times huh??? And ALL in New England, wow!!! How come though? Because of work or change of scenery or...??
I would love to do the camper thing... even for just a month or two... but my special someone calls me gypsy and doesn't wanna do it - and I told him...damn it, I am, what do you want from me??? :P

You might be getting old, but I AM old - LOL! At 52, you'd think I'd be happy staying put (especially since our current place is so awesome), but every now and then, my feet get itchy to move on...

All kinds of different reasons for moving - from our landlord having a family medical crisis and needing to sell our place, to reporting our neighbor (same building) to the police for killing someone else's pet and not feeling safe there anymore. I could probably write 22 posts about our adventures in living... LOL

Maybe you and your special someone could compromise? Like, get ahead on the rent for a month or so, then wander in a camper, knowing you'll have a permanent(ish) place to go back to. He might even discover he likes it! 😊

You should make those series of posts !!!!! It would be so interesting - and hilarious !!!!
I guess we could try that yesss ;)))

Putting it in my list of post topics now... LMAO!

I feel you. My family (husband and I and 2 kids) moved to the capital city a couple of months ago. If moving for one person is hard, imagine packing and moving for 4 people? Extremely stressful and exhausting.

I love your new apartment. I can't believe you have prepaid rents on top of the deposit! That's very expensive!

I can imagine... but at least you were 4 moving 4 people's stuff... I was one moving 4 people's stuff [all mine :P ] ahahahaha!!! You see where I'm going with this? Waaay too much crap... my boyfriend called me a horder - I don't know, maybe he's a biiit right :P
Thank you !!!'s a standard thing here in Denmark, unfortunately... You need a small fortune just to move in...

good luck in your new place! you can relax now
Merci Ikea ahahah ;)

Thank you!
And yes...finally !!! :D Not for long (I might need to move out in a year or so...) but oh well, at least I'll have some good months here ;)

:) this house looks pretty sweet my friend :)
I wish you good luck in your new home :) Do you need help to move?
let's run: D

Haha no, all done now :D :D :D
Thank you!!! :*

Enjoy your new home :) :)

Thank you deary !!! :D
Wanna come to the housewarming tomorrow? Ahahaha :D <3

Home is where my mom the province, not in my apartment. Your flat is huge and i love your balcony. Near the sea..who wanna go for a walk everyday???

Hehe not walks yet - too cold!!!
But... summer is coming, yay!!!
I get the mom thing...but I don't feel it for mine, even though she's between Athens and Paris.
I don't know what home is anymore...

"Home is where the heart is" t'is true, it can be anywhere. You'll know in time.

Really nice flat, congratulations! After all that moving you deserve a relaxing time in your new bathtub!

that's the very first thing I did when I settled down !!!! It was LEGENDARY !!! Thank you girl !!! :)

Congratulations on your move! Big accomplishment, whew....I totally understand. So glad you have a bath, I remember no one I stayed with in Copenhagen had one and I didn't wash my hair for a week when I visited, LOL!! Three cheers for your new home!

Today Saturday I'm having my housewarming, wish me luck! :D
I had another bath today after a very tiring day out, running/walking etc, and it saved me... ;)
AHAHAHAHAHA !!!! Typical Copenhagen :P
Thank uuuu :*

Hey meanmommy, moving to a new place is always a pain in the butt :) That said, the view from the living room is awesome! Is your new apartment in Amager?

It is, isn't it?? Especially in Copenhagen my God...
Thanks! I loved it from the first time I set foot in the apartment!! :D
Yes! -for the knowers or not, Amager is the island with Copenhagen airport on it. When we say 'Amager' though we usually mean a more central area of the island, also called Shit Island ['cause this is where the trash of Copenhagen were in the old days...]. I live specifically in Kastrup, very close to the airport!-

I only moved once in Denmark, from Odense to Copenhagen, and it was relatively easy because I only had a couple of suitcases :) Shit Island or not, Amager has a great beach :) Hope you had a nice weekend!

Well, 2 suitcases is not really a move for me, it's just a few days trip ahahaha ;))) So yeah, I can imagine it wasn't the worst!
I wouldn't choose to live here if I didn't like it - the reference was just a fun comment haha! I think it was also called Hell's island at some point :P The beach is amazing, and now I'm closer than ever, that's why I'm really hoping we get some proper summer this year... In Greek we say that 'the hope dies last' so let's see haha!
I sure did 'cause I had my housewarming party yesterday yayyy :D Hope you had fun too, Copenhagen is cool -always, but especially in weekends, even if it's cold! :D

Home is where the heart is. I am sure that slowly you will make that living space feel like home. You have the energy and love for this. But girl you have a lot of luggage :D

Not sure anymore about the heart thing...
Oh but it does already!!!! It's the city that I'm doubtful about...the apartment, that's already my number 1! :D
My cannot imagine....and that's only 1/10 of it, what you see here...

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