Ulog: Life Mantra | Choose Kindness

in #life6 years ago

How many times have we said when we are having a bad day that we woke up on the wrong side of the bed. That we are experiencing a Murphy's law kind of day that everything can go wrong happens.

We were late in waking up because you spent all your time commenting last night. You lack sleep and without that cup of coffee, you feel that you will be a beast the entire day. You get to your favorite coffee shop and only to have your order created wrong and you take it out on the barista who was starting his first day.

You end up being more late and you see your boss look at you with disapproval as if you stole company funds.

You open your laptop and proceed to work but that look on your boss face still irks you and you read a report that was due yesterday. Only to find so many mistakes and you lost your patience and yelled at the person who did it from your chair without even looking at her direction. You end your tirade with the words "You are stupid!"

You stand up and decide to talk a walk in order to clear your head. Halfway into your walk, it starts to rain and you get drenched. You go back to the office with even a fouler mood.

Everyone tiptoes around you in the office the whole day. You eat alone and pray to just survive the day.

You go home and even your dog could feel the tension and decided to stay on his corner and sleep. You play a couple of games and let loose the aggression you feel to the noobs that unluckily was in the same game you are playing.

Then the noobs in your team also gets killed a lot costing the game and giving you the big L. You call it a night and thought you should have just stayed in bed.

Everything happened because you didn't get enough sleep and was a grade A asshole to the new barista.

In an away, your negative thinking and disposition attracted all sorts of negative things that day. So when I start my day I try to wake up with happy thoughts and with the things that I cannot change be accepting to it.

To the things that I can change, I often choose kindness.


It is often easier to just let our emotions loose and blurt out the first thing that enters our mind. Often times we tend to regret those and make the excuse that our emotions took hold of us.

To choose kindness is not an easy thing. Choosing to be kind amidst all the stress and issues takes a lot of effort and self-control.

To wake up late and choose to accept that you will be late. To seeing that the barista that fixed your coffee is a new face and you chat with him as he prepares your drink and you notice it is wrong so you correct him and say no harm done and that he will get better.

You see your boss and you tell her your sorry.

You find the report all wrong and past deadline and you call the person that made it. You notice her heavy eyebags and pale skin. She apparently slaved all night to finish it and although it was past due, she tried her best to submit it.

You think and ask her if she felt the project was too much and if she received the guidance from me to be able to complete it. She turns to you and tells you that she was afraid to say no and be seen as inept. She did realize that she was in over her head but she did her best.

You then give her pointers on what to do, what formula to use and tricks you have to make things easier. You finish the report together after an hour and you see that it is raining outside.

You go to have lunch and you are met with a hot bowl of chili that she orders for you because it is raining and she knows you love chili on rainy days.

She thanks you for the guidance and you know you did right. You go home with a feeling proud that she will be able to do the report on her own next time.

It turned out a wonderful day.


So this is my motivational post supporting @awakentolife's 🚂The Steem Engine's Writer's Corner - Theme Writing Challenge- Week 1- Write Your Own Motivational Post🚂 on how I would try in most situations to choose kindness. I am no saint and sometimes I still let my temper loose but through the years I have mellowed and able to reign in my temper better.

Whenever I am faced in a situation that I need to make a decision I ask myself how can I be kind? How can I try my best to have a win-win situation?

We have the power to make things worst or to make it better so I choose kindness because who knows how you can change the life of someone today.


Keep inspiring.


Footer by @ameliabartlett


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It's really inspiring. Being kind is a big blessing. A kind expression as tiny as a kind word could spare a suicide victim. Thanks for sharing Sir

Thank you for the kind words Uyobong and indeed kindness goes a long way and may even save a life or a troubled soul.

No problem we all could use the motivation these days.

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

So true @maverickinvictus, there are many troubled souls out there:)

Wow! Mav.. I just thought I should spend sometime in your blog today and for real, it's the best Saturday afternoon decision I've made this month. I can't say in words the turns I've experienced in my head courtesy your amazing write ups.... But for this one, your strategy is dope! And to think we even waste too much time and resources exerting negative energy, when we can just choose and determine to be kind and everything fixes itself... Sometimes the positive way is the easiest way, but we choose the negative, because it pacifies the adrenaline for a second, yet makes the rest of the day go all wrong! Good thing about kindness is, it heals you before healing the other person involved. Seems hard sometimes, but in truth, it doesn't have to be so hard, depending on our disposure to it. Thanks Mav. Still my favorite mod 😁

Thank you for your words of kindness on my humble blog post about a mantra that I use to change my disposition for the day.

The world is already full of negativity and so we don't want to add more.

Sometimes the positive way is the easiest way, but we choose the negative, because it pacifies the adrenaline for a second, yet makes the rest of the day go all wrong!

Indeed sometimes we see the short term gain of feeling good but then reap the long term effect of destroying a relationship with someone.

Good thing about kindness is, it heals you before healing the other person involved

I completed agree on this and we could all use the healing energy of kindness.

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We never really know how all of our actions affect others. We never know if that one little kind act changed someone's life. That's why I've always bit my tongue and not taken my inner demons out on others. There were days when I was a teacher, when this was difficult, but I always told myself, 'what did these kids do to deserve my foul mood', so I faked it haha until I felt better!

Thanks for a great reminder @maverickinvictus!! Hope you are doing well ;)

Yes Lynn sometimes what we do will have a profound effect to someone else.

I had trouble doing that before, controlling my temper and biting my tongue because my inner snarkiness always wins out hahahha.

Oh man that was one thing why I did not get into training because I easily get exasperated especially when the training become difficult or does not get the lesson.

I am doing well lately Lynn :)

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We have the power to make things worst or to make it better so I choose kindness because who knows how you can change the life of someone today.

I so agree with you here!! I wish more would remember that.

Thank you snook and you are one of those people that I see in the platform who chooses kindness and make people laugh even when things are not that good with you.

It takes a certain kind of strength to be able to do that.

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Just like you Mave! Always good and kind!

Awww Dawnee thank you so much you have always been one of my cheerleaders from the start!

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This is soo wonderful, @maverickinvictus. I love people with this kind of mindset. 💕 I have high respect for them... the charities and your positive outlook in life makes me admire you more. 💕

I totally agree with you on this

It is often easier to just let our emotions loose and blurt out the first thing that enters our mind. Often times we tend to regret those and make the excuse that our emotions took hold of us.

Sometimes, it is better to respond in silence than to say bad things against other people who have wronged you. Not only it won't add an injury to the situation, but it also helps you grow as a person. It is a great habit of having a self-control and just let things pass that are out of your control and not dwell too much of what's happened to you.

Thank you so much Dynamicshine! It was not like that before. I have such a terrible temper and I ended up hurting a lot of people with my sharp tongue.

Things change when I discovered Simon Sinek andwith that I was able to mellow down and be a better person.

It is a great habit of having a self-control and just let things pass that are out of your control and not dwell too much of what's happened to you.

Self control was a thing that it took me a long time to learn but once I did I was a bit more okay as I got to accept things a lot easier.

Thank you for your kind words.

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I understand... we all are supposed to be a better person as we age because that's how life should be...learning from the past it taught us and work on the things we need to improve on in ourselves. :)

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

I so love your post here @maverickinvictus. I also agree that if you are such a pessimist then you will just invite more negativity in you. So when faced on a problem, or any problem has arise, my mantra is if you cant solve it now because of some other factors then dont consider it a problem yet because it will just stress you out. On the other hand, if you think you can resolve it on your own then consider it done. :) Have a nice day!

Thank you so much Beany! The pessimist in us is very easy to overtake us and be the dominant force in our life. It is easy to give in to the negativity.

So when faced on a problem, or any problem has arise, my mantra is if you cant solve it now because of some other factors then dont consider it a problem yet because it will just stress you out. On the other hand, if you think you can resolve it on your own then consider it done.

That is a very good mantra and one that people should think of when faced with a problem they can't solve yet.

Everything has a proper time and place, even problems.

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Yes. It will just drag you more and then stress you out. And what do you get? Wrinkles and pimples haha Its also a matter of priority though. :)

We don't want wrinkles and pimples hahhaa more to just enjoy life.

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So true. I have been trying to think positively each morning and I think this will naturally attract all sorts of good. I will stay on my quest from now on thank to your article ;) Keep up the good work!

Sometimes it is hard to think positively in the morning especially when you lack sleep or have something troubling you.,

This is also a reminded to myself at times as I forget it haha. Being positive has its merits.

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Our perspective changes our day, and, often times, our day changes our perspective. We need to choose kindess just like you said. It can make a world of difference.

Indeed it is when we change our persperctive that we get a chance to change how our day will be.

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

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