Good night!

in #life7 years ago

The evening is the end of the day. Just as a troubled evening can spoil the rest of a whole day, so a good evening can bring rest even the heaviest weight of the day. Evening is the end of the day. The way we spend the evening, more precisely, may be able to repair the tingling and sins of the day.


The last thoughts of the day

Because, during the day, our attention to our thoughts, words, and deeds may sometimes fail in the evening, just before falling asleep, we must look back and weigh all those moments in which we have departed from God. And as far as we can, identify them, so that, afterwards, "let's make them easy," as the venerable Isihie Sinaite says, saying, "Our daily activities must weigh them and observe them everywhere watch, and in the evenings we can do as much as we can, through repentance, if we want to overcome Christ with evil. "

By humble thinking and repentance we make "easy" all the hard times of the day. First, however, we need to identify them. How do we do this, says Emilian the Simonopetra, saying, "It is necessary that our daily deeds be investigated, weigh them, look at them through God's ... (...) Let's pay attention to our deeds, take them (...) If we want Christ to give us victory against wickedness, we are obliged to investigate our thoughts and deeds according to the law of God. "
We will pay attention to our evil thoughts, many of them will not get anymore. Then, if it is still in action, we still have the evening, that through repentance we will clean it, as the same athonite parent urges us: "If the day you did something that is not right, by night, by repentance, ease your weight. "


Farms of evening prayer

"The eternal and imperious God of all the flesh, Whatever you have committed me to come to this hour, forgive my sins that I have done to this day-by deed, in word and in thought-and cleanses, Lord, my humble soul, the whole body and the soul. "

"Lord, our God, whatsoever am wrong in this day, with the word, with the thought, and with the deed, as a good and loving man, forgive me!"

"The angel of Christ, my holy watchman, and the covering of my soul and body, forgive me all that I have wrong today, and all the deceitfulness of my adversary is saving me, that I may not sin upon my God . "


Prayer to the Holy Spirit

God, Heavenly Fathers, Mangaietorule, the Spirit of truth, be merciful to me, sinful servant of yours, and love me and forgive me, unworthy, all that I have mistaken you today as a man and not only as a man, but also worse than cattle.

My sins are the ones that are willing and unconditional, the ones that are known and that are not known, which are of youth and of the habit of evil, and which are of free will and laziness: whether I have sworn by thy name, or by L I was blatant in my thoughts, or somebody got hurt, or somebody got drunk in my madness, or I got scratched, or something was scoffing, or lied, or I slept without time, or some poor came to me, and I did not reckon it, or my brother, I scratched, or I was crushed, or somebody blamed, or I grew up, or I trumpeted, or prayed, my mind took care of of the cunning of this world, or of rebellion, or I have grown too tired, or I have grown angry, or crazy I laughed, or something bad I cuddled, or strange beauty I saw and with the dance I hurt my heart or what I do not fall for grace, or I have laughed at my brother's sins, and my sins are countless, or I have not cared for prayer, or else I have done wrong and I do not remember; that they all and even bigger than we did.

Beloved me, Master, and My Maker, me, lazy and unworthy Your servant, and relieves me, and frees me and forgives me as a loving good and loving. That I may sleep and sleep, the sinner, the unclean, and the wicked, and worship, sing, and praise the precious of thy name together with the Father and with the one-born of his Son, now and ever forever and ever. Amen!"


Good night!

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