The Feeling of Communalism if Fatal for any Society.

in #life6 years ago

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Religion teaches mutual love, teaches to add two hearts. The compassion of human beings shows sympathy. Even then, people, regardless of their religious principles, do communal riots in the name of religion. This communalism is a curse and fatal to the country.

Meaning and intent:

Communalism is the meaning of the fundamentalist ideology that considers its religion as superior. It is not unreasonable to regard your religion as excellent, but it is unwise to look at other religions with hatred and disgust.

This ideology spreads the feeling of hatred from one to another.This doctrine covers the spirit of hatred in society. As a result, discord riot erupts in society. It is a curse for the community, and it is like a poison. The communal person considers religion to be bigger than the nation.

Their leaders are agents of enemy nations, whose work is spreading unrest in the society, spreading religious scholarship, whereas every religion of the world teaches to respect other beliefs.

Development of communal spirit:

Even though the country's independence, today our government, and government officials are following the postal signs of the British. All administrative structures are by them own politics is increasingly being used to collect votes from the people in different parties.

Participant interests and personal interests are seen more and more national attention. For each of their interests, each is helpful in instigating communal feelings. Consequently, even when the country is independent, the atmosphere of communalism has not ended, but in many areas, the British rule is more than ever.

The consequences of communalism:

The feeling of communalism is fatal to any society. It increases the sense of mutual hatred in it. This feeling gets converted into discord. Many of which Neutral people are affected massive communal riots are due to religious sentiments. In this anti-national element becomes active.

They get an opportunity to harm the nation and society. Foreign brokers enter the community and create an environment of discord and riots to weaken the country. Taking the side of one religion in the name of religion, spreading poison about other faiths and the public also becomes a fool.

The person who provokes also stares at the sight. Essential religious education should be given to every citizen; religion should be summarized other faiths so that every citizen should know the real mystery of communion that if every person or anybody understands that their religion teaches love.

There is no hatred, religion is the means of connecting human beings, not by breaking communal riots if it is done in the name of a person. It will behave against his religion stigmatizing his founder and great men, and no person can come to another and cannot be influenced by anti-social and anti-elements elements.

This is possible only when every person gets the religious education when a human becomes, then this monastery is called communalism. It should be saved. Therefore, joint efforts should be made to disperse it.

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With religion one can see this very clearly, but it does not exist there exclusively. One can see this sentiment grow into a kind of cultural cancer when people in authority positions pit people against each other, we can take a good look at postmodernism and neo-marxism to see this in action; their identity politics serves only to create this '' communal '' spirit you speak of.

If you are interested in learning more about this topic you can watch this video on youtube:

or read the book: The Wrong Way Home , by Dr Arthur Deikman.

There are four major factors that build this communal spirit in cults:

  1. Devaluation of outsiders/non group members: promoting ‘them’ and ‘us’ attitudes
  2. Suppression of disagreement or dissent – especially disagreement with the leader
  3. Manipulation and control of behavior through alternate use of fear and hope
  4. Isolation of the members from ‘outsiders’ – disallowing contact with family, friends or media – so no countering influence can gain a foothold

to the degree that these tendencies are present in a group of people is the degree to which they will harm the outsiders and themselves, it is actually quite scary.

This lesson was so visceral that I notice these things wherever they are, whether it is feint or strong does not matter, I see it.

Thanks for your post

I think religion is not the cause, because religion exists since we were born. I agree that religion does not teach violence.I think the riot is a provocateur, a group of people who love violence,a group of people who have no knowledge, do not understand the meaning of unity, do not understand respect.the result of such a man's act, harming another innocent person.once I say, religion above all else.I apologize for this difference, because in my religion it is not taught the violence but respect the people of different religions.

You are right about the importance of religion, I have realised many religious faint hearted people have led to the bad painting of many religions.
I think Religion isn't just about teaching it to people, We too should believe that certain things are more mutually important to all of us besides religion.

Yes you said right. All information is correct

you have a great idea for the topic...

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