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RE: The Feeling of Communalism if Fatal for any Society.

in #life6 years ago

With religion one can see this very clearly, but it does not exist there exclusively. One can see this sentiment grow into a kind of cultural cancer when people in authority positions pit people against each other, we can take a good look at postmodernism and neo-marxism to see this in action; their identity politics serves only to create this '' communal '' spirit you speak of.

If you are interested in learning more about this topic you can watch this video on youtube:

or read the book: The Wrong Way Home , by Dr Arthur Deikman.

There are four major factors that build this communal spirit in cults:

  1. Devaluation of outsiders/non group members: promoting ‘them’ and ‘us’ attitudes
  2. Suppression of disagreement or dissent – especially disagreement with the leader
  3. Manipulation and control of behavior through alternate use of fear and hope
  4. Isolation of the members from ‘outsiders’ – disallowing contact with family, friends or media – so no countering influence can gain a foothold

to the degree that these tendencies are present in a group of people is the degree to which they will harm the outsiders and themselves, it is actually quite scary.

This lesson was so visceral that I notice these things wherever they are, whether it is feint or strong does not matter, I see it.

Thanks for your post

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