Dad: A Superhero In Real Life

in #life6 years ago


Let’s begin with childhood days, where our favorite superheroes were superman or batman as they have a superpower, which we loved. Coming back to reality, if we see, our “Dads” are that superhero with the superpower.

“Father”. One of the biggest blessings one can have. In my opinion, it is a mutual feeling to be a dad as it is being a mother. Generally everyone talks about mother’s love and care. Right? Doesn’t a father equally deserve that respect?

I agree, that a mother’s love is beyond anything and no one in this world can love you like your mother. But, can anyone love you like your father? I agree, they don’t express as a mother does, but they do love equally.

He is the one who works full day, even part time when needed, just to fulfill the dreams of his family and to provide them with a better living. That, selfless love is of a father. I remember there is a great saying, “Dad a son’s first hero and a daughter’s first love.”

So, why do people talk about only mother’s love? Why father’s love has been underrated? Both parents together raised you. Isn’t it?

Actions speak louder than words


As we all know “actions speak louder than words”, this explains the depth of a father’s love, as he is the one who works hard, so he can secure the future of his child. And give them every comfort and luxury in the life that which even he didn’t get.

Being a father doesn't start when the child is born, it starts when the mother is pregnant, as he cares for the mother and does all the future planning and makes sure that the child will have a secure future.

Even if a father is struggling in his life, he tries to provide the best education to his child. So, he can have a great life and a successful future ahead. And prepares the child to compete in this real world.

Mother gives life to a child, then the father teaches them the meaning of life. When the mother lifts you up, father teaches you to struggle in life. A mother prepares you for today and father prepares you for future and to face the reality.

P.S. - He Is A Hero


Fathers generally don’t express their love, but never question their love and complain that he doesn’t love you and give you time. Because all the time he spends on working is for the family, not for himself.

You might have seen or experienced even during the down or struggling phases of his life, he tries to fulfill every need of the family. A father is the one who wants to see his children become a greater persons than himself. So, never take this relationship for granted.

“The love of a father is one of life’s great masterpieces”



Truly said. Usually it's our mothers that we show so much of our affection to while fathers might not receive the same levels as they deserve. We often tend to think that they are not able to spend as much time as we would want but that's just because their time is being spent on the very survival of the family and the securing of their future. Great post :)

That is correct. Fathers too deserve the same love and respect that we generally give to mothers. They work tirelessly and sacrifice so much for the family's future.

Great blog and subject @manisha.jain9

Nowadays maybe thru this silly feminist movement, the so called "dad/father" has been destroyed somehow :-) We know that only in cultures like India, Middle-East, Africa, some parts in Balkan area maybe we still have the concept of father/dad in the sacred term ...

Mother will remain always the sacred vessel on which the Father was planting for Eons/Ages the Seed and the Earth=Heart had the most wonderful Gifts as Creation ... the Human Souls ... our beautiful Nature lefted by the Creator to evolve/manifest here and in the whole Universe ... but somehow nowadays i feel like everything is going in a weird direction and Mother & Father forgot their roles ...the sacred roles ... and thru temptations/illusions/decevements and false leading of the so called social media and other influences ... voila ... we are on a brink of failure ... and everyone shall assume this and not to get deceived by the silly quote " If you fail, fail big"


I believe that the father figure has always been under appreciated. I think one of the many reasons for that is they are not able to spend that much time with the children as a mother can. Due to that, they might not be present for the smaller problems in life and so children might start looking towards their mothers for everything. But the father is busy solving the bigger problems and securing the future so we shouldn’t underestimate his love or under appreciate him, because his love is just as strong and he cares just as much.

Good point @manisha.jain9 but what i see even whwre i'm travelling, the mothers are exactly the opposite way nowadays ... too much facebook on their cell-phones, flirting, chating, wasting time on illusions, bubbles and not spending time with their children ;-) unfortunatelly ... this is the society now ;-) Suddenlly thru feminism, even the MIddle Eastern women are thinking that now they're free to go with whoever they want, whenever they want and so on ... maybe this is not a cause of too much information? of too much social media, too much value given to non-sense things? I think it's a delusive game created by an entity ;-) that people think they can defeat it cause they're like demi-gods nowadays, when actually it's the exact beast that bait them into the trap and they're fiding it ... without knowing that they will be devoured day by day ... Happy society ... happy Family, vanishing cause it's too old the idea ... it's better to be a whore, to have more than one man ... on facebook it's the downloadable man, women, car, illusion :-)

Nice world, but i don't need this

Women and in the same time men as well will see the final pay-check ... soon ... not yet ... but soon


This post has been great. All in all, many great posts.

Thank you for your kind words.

Got your post in time today :)
For me it's always going to be mother's love...
You might want to mention the image source beneath your images or someone will flag you down...
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Yes, generally kids are closer to their mother as she is the one who spends the most time with them. But yeah, I think father should get the same level of love and care from children too.

Actually the images I use in my posts are from public domain and there is no need to mention the sources for such photos. Yes, I will check your post soon too :)'s fine then if it's from public domain :)

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Thank you for this.

Parenting is underrated toil ! And yes, dads needs a bit of loving too :> Good post <3

It is indeed. Children mostly take their parents for granted despite everything that parents do for them. And yes, dads need the same level of love too. They work so tirelessly and selflessly due to which they are not even able to spend time with family. Thank you for your kind words :)

Nice article! However, for me my mother was and, even after her death, remains and will always be the most important person in my life.

Thank you :) It depends on the person who he or she is closer to. Some are closer to their fathers and some with their mothers. And that is natural. But even if we are closer to one of them, we should equally love, care and respect the other as both work hard equally for us. :)

Aahaa .. this is a nice blog .. nd i like the way of your writing skills .. the words you choose are good to read .. extremely a nice topic nd very well written .

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Thank you so much for your kind words. :)

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