A Look At The Positive Side of Social Media

in #life6 years ago


Yesterday, I wrote a post about Is Social Media Harming Us? by creating negative thoughts in our lives. In the post I also talked about the effects of social media in today’s world and how we get fooled by just looking at one side of the story.

As there are always two sides of a story, I thought to write about the positive side of social media too. Balance is needed in everything, even in this. As they say, “Life is all about balance”.

Power of social media


“Social media should improve your life, not become your life” by Ritu Ghatourey. This quote actually got my eyes, because somewhere we all use social media generally as a part of life. If you don’t use it for a few days, it’s like we are missing something in our life and there is literally nothing to do specially when we take a break from work or while traveling or during our leisure time.

Most of us have been so addicted to social media that we forget how powerful it can be and how we can improve our lives and learn from it. As we all know how things get viral on social media, generally negative things and posts get viral very soon. But, if we all focus on positive sides and the changes which is needed for the betterment of society, we can bring positive changes in this world.

And more over, if you look, there are also many benefits for professional works. Like, nowadays we have seen people doing advertisement through facebook, instagram and all. From social media you can target huge number of audiences, you can interact personally through your audience or customers which is actually really beneficial for your company.

Lastly, social media helps us to be in touch with our loved ones who are physically far away but very close to our hearts. And, through social media only we are so close to our loved ones that it feels like we were never apart, all thanks to video calling :-p.



Make your life so worth while like your social media profile that people would love to know. And, try not to make your private life as public life because “privacy is everything”.

Happy Soul

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