Is Social Media Harming Us?

in #life6 years ago


Today, take a pause, and just look around at the people and observe them for a while. What do you think people might be doing in general beside their works? Hmm.. most probably they might be busy with their phones. Right?

Specially, if you notice in today’s generation, many are addicted to so called “social media”. I am not against social media or anything like that, I too use it. But, don’t you think somewhere this social media is affecting the society on the large scale?

If you notice, people keep checking out their phones very frequently, even if there are no calls or messages or anything. We all just scroll down our social sites and look at what’s going on in “others’ lives”. We all do that right? And, actually that’s completely fine, but isn’t this harming us somewhere?

The III Effects of Overuse:


It’s good to have a social life and be connected to people, but, is it worth “your time” to know what’s happening in other people’s lives who actually don’t even matter to you?

Then why do we all keep checking new feeds and stories of others and be like..oh he is married..oh she got this.. oh they all are enjoying. This causes all sort of things to come up in your minds, which somewhere brings negative feelings like jealously, ego, envy sort of things.

And somewhere these negative feelings do affect our personal lives. As they say, “Like attracts like” in the book “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne. This means if we look and bring negative thoughts in our mind, more and more negative and similar kind of things you are attracting to your life.

But this doesn’t mean you close down all the social media and be isolated. I mean to say, just don’t be addicted and don’t believe in everything you look in social media, because there is always an other side of the story.

Behind the story


Always remember, “Everybody has a story, they don’t read out loud”. So, there is always a story that you don’t know, so just don’t assume and judge people on the basis of social media, posts, likes, followers and so on.

As they say, “Grass always looks greener on social media. Always!”. This actually explains a lot about social media or social life. It’s obvious everyone is going to post their best photos and show how happy they actually are, no one is going to write and post about their sad part of life. Right?

So, just don’t believe in whatever you see and don’t compare it to your life, because you don’t know the real story behind it. Just be yourself and love yourself, you actually don’t need anyone’s approval or likes.

“Don’t use social media to impress people; use it to impact people”

Happy Soul

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