Today I was told to die: The Daily Kos Spreads Fake News-- Says I'm A Russian Bot Because Research Is Not Their Forte, OBVIOUSLY

in #life8 years ago

Today in Twitterland was interesting. For example, did you know if one posts a reply to a tweet that doesn't reflect the original already-established viewpoint, they will call you a bot. Russian bot. As if I'm Katya Kazanova (which I am not.)

Which is an obvious falsehood, being that I am California born and raised, and not a mechanical wonder. Biomechanical, yeah, as we all are. Point being, I'm not some special little snowflake and I'm usually the first to admit it.

So, we have the Daily Kos making the statement that I am a fake being, in a "news" article. Which is extra funny, since they went on a rant about "fake news." Hey, Daily Kos, how's it feel to be the pot that called the kettle black?

Here is what the Daily Kos asserted about me:

Gee, looks like they left out some context. That makes for shoddy journalism.

Since the Daily Kos utterly sucks at doing research, allow me to help.

I saw an article on Twitter about Sanders calling out Trump's ties with Russia. Responded with my usual "Blink twice if you're being held captive," being that it's uncomfortable to see Sanders shilling for the DNC and values he has opposed for thirty plus years. The asshat @DemocracyValues (a misnomer if there ever was one) retweeted and insinuated things. And if someone calls Pizzagate a lie, I tend to drop knowledge in hopes they get curious and start doing their own research.

The Sanders shilling for the very things he has been against for a long time made me wonder if they (DNC/Clintons/CIA) have something over him; it's not the first time that I've wondered such a thing. If the twit at the Daily Kos did ten minutes of research to verify the claim they are putting forth that I am a Russian bot, they would have found my YouTube channel... and what do you know? Vids of me, pre-election, wondering if the damn DNC roughed up my old man crush or threatened the lives of his loved ones in order to force him to comply with their demands. Mainly for him to endorse HRC because the CIA needed her in place to keep Pedogate running. Trump or Sanders would destabilize their system if given the presidency.

But no. Twit-wit couldn't even bother to check out my blog, where I wonder the same damn thing, proudly proclaiming my Bernie or Bust views while shitting heavily on Clinton and a bit on Trump (I am not fond of his politics, but I wholeheartedly stand behind ending human trafficking, and for that, I support Trump's endeavor to end it)... Yes, I use anti-democratic party language because enabling corruption from any party allows corruption to exist. I'm very not okay with that. Any decent person shouldn't be okay with corruption, no matter the person, no matter the party. That is my opinion.

My point being that the Daily Kos published a falsehood that resulted in me being told to die or move to Russia, delete my account, and other various tactics to reduce me from human level to sub-human.

So much for being egalitarians, eh asshole liberals? Don't they realize they've just shown their own brand of nationalism that they claim to hate in Trump supporters? It's like the Neo-Nazi Trump supporter suggesting they all lynch the colored fellow who spoke too loud in a white lady's presence. All the hatred against Russia, it's like they are racist or something.

Answer me this, Daily Kos:
How did Russia hack the election?

Cronies with Trump's camp? Well, maybe if HRC as Secretary of State didn't set a precedent of getting compensated to push things through and the Podesta brothers enforced it, that wouldn't be an issue. I mean, it's not like she helped Russia get 20% of US uranium. Oh wait...

Did they hack the voting booths? Wouldn't matter, because HRC won the popular vote (even though she knew before hand [ ahem, Gore ] she needed the electoral college to actually win the presidency. )

Did they hack the Electoral College? Or did the Electoral College know shit was going to hit the fan regarding the Clinton Foundation and decided Trump to be a safer bet?

Because when people say "Russia hacked the election," I can't help but wonder if they use critical thinking when coming to a determination, or they are being forced to repeat the script given to them by the CIA, which has an agenda to push (which is what I think is what's going on with Sanders).

If people are referring to the Wikileaks released prior to the election, then they may want to take into account the first-hand testimony of a former British ambassador who hand delivered the leaks to Julian Assange, after making the hand off in a DC park.

The Russians didn't steal them and give them to Assange.

Another thing to ponder, unlike Daily Kos, Wikileaks has 100% accuracy and never had to issue a correction.

Officially, I am calling out the Daily Kos to issue a correction if they have any hope to retain their "journalistic integrity" and prove they do not peddle FAKE NEWS. Failure to issue a correction will demonstrate that they do not care about facts; are okay with floating lies to be devoured by the public; have no integrity to admit when they are incorrect; and lose all credibility when they obviously manufacture bullshit and feed it to people, which in turns propagates said bullshit manufacturing.

So Daily Kos, do you have any credibility, or do you rely on creating lies because facts don't matter to you?

I ask because the tweet they posted seemed designed to provoke a reaction; by issuing my correction (which they did NOT publish in it's entirety, so it also lost context; for shame, Daily Kos. For shame) to their assumption, it gave them fodder to repost and build a propaganda-like reaction. They did not verify their supposition of my existence; they spread bullshit and watched it bloom with sheeple incapable of doing their own verification of what a 'media' outlet is spoonfeeding them. Which in turn allows me to point out with exquisite detail how flawed the Daily Kos is with doing "research" before setting the world aflame with their douchebaggery, permitting it to spread.

By claiming I am a Russian bot, it helps those who blindly follow what they are told to discredit my Pedogate research. However, one cannot erase facts from the face of the Earth. Custodians of facts flourish. We spread our facts, backed up with sources, in hopes of educating a deliberately dumbed-down populace trained to accept authority figures at face value.

If the Daily Kos fails to issue a correction, it will do oh so much to bolster the notion that those decrying fake news are the ones actually spreading it.

I am asking you, kind reader, if you are against fake news, to tweet, reSteem, facebook-- whatever-- to get out the word that the Daily Kos publishes lies and asserts them as facts, spreading fake news to unsuspecting people. America deserves less bullshit and more facts. The longer we tolerate a false narrative to thrive, the harder it is to establish the truth as fact. We need to get the word out that we will not allow lies to dictate our lives.

Fuck yes, I'm a revolutionary, if it's revolutionary to think corruption has no place in ethical politics, and that we should hold elected officials accountable for their misdeeds.

Gauntlet thrown, Daily Kos.
Your move.


Well it made its way to Voat so the word is spreading! Keep killin it!

That's pretty messed up. Shows the importance of critical thinking and how it's lacking in America.

Shared & supported.

Leftists are nothing if not deceptive hypocrites.

What is true is not always popular, and what is popular is not always true.

I can't stand behind that statement. It's akin to putting all conservatives in the same boat as Dennis Hastert; it's not true and it does a disservice to those who are on our side.

But I agree with what you said about what's true isn't always what's popular and what's popular isn't always true. So much truth right there.

I believe there are good and decent people who have fallen in with the left and the right through lack of interest in knowing how the world works, but in the end, the results are what matter, good intentions pave a path to uncertainty, if not hell. Most of them are salvageable. I'm not declaring them irretrievably, irrevocably evil for all time. All but the actual psychopaths have hope, and we may soon understand how to help psychopaths, if they want it.

Hey, I know this is super old, but I hope you will see this comment @mandireiserra .

I just wrote an article on my own experiences at Kos, as well as the general failure of the site. It is honestly as much schadenfreude as critique of the site, but I had a lot of fun writing it and I hope you'll check it out. It is incredible to see how much the site has fallen in traffic and Alexa rank since this article was published. It turns out having shit banning policies and requiring people to walk an ideological tightrope is not a good way to run a site.

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