The Power of a "Good Morning"!

in #life7 years ago

"The Power of a Good Morning"

Every day, when I wake up, I feel so good humored, I smile and I greet everyone "good morning". I always did like this since I was very young. When I get out to the gym at 6h15, I greet people on the street until I get to the gym. The city of Petrópolis is a very small one, and the way until de gym is not long, not too many people passing by, but I do say "good morning". And it is interesting the reaction of people when a stranger does that! Some respond back, others ignore you, others maybe have the will to greet back, but they silence themselves. It is ok! I am not worried about it!

The thing is, if you do this every single day, I know for sure you can change one life! Being nice to someone is the beginning of a transformation to you and to the other. Being polite is not only a matter of showing educational levels but also a way to caress people, show them you care about them, even not knowing them, and you can make them smile.


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Good morning dear friends! Wish you a happy Tuesday and may the light shine inside!

Thanks so much for stopping by and reading my post!


That is so true my friend. Years ago when I lived closer to civilisation there was a really sour grumpy old woman. She never ever smiled, nor did she talk to anyone other than let out a tirade of venomous words that reduced some to tears 😭.
I felt she was lonely and something bad had happened in her life that made her hate people so. So every time I saw her passing I would smile and greet her. For months this went on with her either glaring at me or ignoring me.
One day I had one of my terrible migraines and was just walking to work with my eyes half closed when I heard "Good morning to you".
Surprised, I looked back to see the grumpy woman smiling! I tell you, my heart lifted. Every day from then on she returned my greeting and sometimes a word or two. She looked somehow different. Amazing what a smile can do. 😀

That is it @katdvine! It is amazing what a smile, or just simple words can do to a person we never met or knew before. This is being simple in life and humble before Earth, our lovely planet! This is planting seeds in everyone's hearts! Thanks for sharing your story as well, and this can be a lesson to all of us! =)

Good morning @manadezo - welcome to wherever you are :))

Yes I agree with this, so Good Morning! Hope your day is good and I followed you too! :)

Good morning dear @old-guy-photos! Sorry, today I am late here, as work got me going with my translation projects. Thanks God there is work to be done! Have a wonderful day! =)

So true, and so easy to forget as we go about our busy lives. Thanks for reminding us that even small acts of friendliness and kindness can make a big difference.

That is right @redhens! Positive attitudes always in life. I know sometimes we are not in a good day, and we can miss the track of a nice life for some moments, but we must always go back and see things perfectly. A good morning will make the other feel so much loved and this is so simple! Good morning dear @redhens! =)

Excellent post! I like your work My friend

Thanks, @mindhunter! Gordon Cole is awesome, just like you are! =)

Glad your back old friend! Gotta love Gordon - it's funny what he says about other Steemians! Have a good day today! I had a $15 post today! Holy crap! Get ready for that rewards pool refresh baby!

Too much work here on my side, so not too much online as life is treating me nicely! Got a free time today so posting some things! =)

OK brother, will pop over for a look :)

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