The Ideals Of Childhood Are Beautiful, Keep Going !

in #life6 years ago



The day is passing, the moon keeps changing, and the year turns to the year, and so it goes. We will find hundreds of new ideas as well, everything looks practical and brilliant. Technically the principles that will allow a person to create and design new ideas that will be done at the beginning of the year. Could be, honing the ability and the incredible power of thinking to achieve a success.

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Let's go back to our childhood. As children, we set high goals. I remember very much when I was in elementary school. The teacher always asks his students, "What are your future goals if you grow up?". All the students were very excited to answer it while shouting, there are those who aspire to become presidents, doctors, businessmen, businessmen, officials, soldiers, police, teachers, pilots, judges, lawyers, astrounots, athletes, and so on. The point is that the murud wants to succeed and become a great person when he grows up with the various professions he has said and wants to achieve.
As time passes, that time has come now. At a young age we have made plans to conquer ignorance, trying to be a leader, reaching for an important high position, doing things that are interesting and certainly look great, become rich and famous. In short, being the first, the biggest, and the best. In ignorance, we see a clear path to achieve that goal. But it's not as easy as it sounds and it's not as easy as we used to say when we were in elementary school.
But what happens? Long before it reaches the age where we can start working to realize that great goal, a lot of challenges and obstacles and competition in the world of work that we will go through to achieve goals with ideals as expected.
From all sides we hear "How stupid to be a dreamer," and that our idea is "impractical, stupid. naive, or rash, " that we should "have money to wanderingl," that the luck factor also determines who can succeed, or we should have important friends."
The various problems we will face, always blocking the path to our success, and unfortunately we have to face and get through it all.

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Notice what seems to be someone's good fortune, we will not find the good fortune but by way of preparation, planning, and finding new ideas that produce success, automatically will certainly precede the good fortune. Note also what seems to be bad luck. Look, then we will find some specific reasons. When a failure occurs, just accept it. Then learn and get the benefits for the future to be better.
Although sometimes we are when we start something with a fantasy, but remember do not be a fantasy thinker. Do not exploit the mental to dream of ways without effort in achieving something. A success will not come only through luck. Success comes from doing something useful and mastering the principle of success. Do not count luck, victory, and goodness in life. Luck is not something that can be designed to produce good things. Instead, concentrate on developing qualities that will make us a winner and organize what we achieve in life.
A man in general who struggles with Mediocre abilities, sure that he is only a little useful, so will receive little. Sure can not do great things, and the result can not be a big thing. Sure he is not important, so everything he does leaves some unimportant traces. As time goes by, the lack of self-confidence will make it smaller in its own estimates. Sometimes others see us as we see ourselves.
However, those who surrender entirely most people deep in his heart, sure that they have not achieved what they want, of success and various achievements are only for people who are lucky or lucky in certain respects. We can easily get to know people like this, because they always rationalize their status with Length and explain how happy is life.

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Everyone must feel fatigue and saturation, but the most important thing is to pause, rest, and one thing for sure do not forget to sleep. Then, wake up from sleep with strong energy and maximum effort to pursue and realize all the ideals we want it.
Now look ahead further, believing yourself to be valuable. Believing to overcome big and difficult things, and what is done, how to handle yourself in the face of new things, just say i definitely can. Then do it in a professional manner.



Regards Me:




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Seharusnya Anda . . . . . . . .

Pada beberapa titik dan derajat, kadang kita ingin kembali ke masa kecil. Di mana saat jatuh yang sakit hanya dengkul atau lutut. Kalau dewasa, saat jatuh yang sakit hati.. Ehhhh.. 😂😂

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