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RE: Why authority is an illusion

in #life7 years ago

Many good points here.
I would just point out that "everything is relative".

In the movie "The Big Short", the character Michael Burry writes: "People want an authority to tell them how to value things....”.
To a large degree, as we grow up from birth, we need an authority to teach us the basics. We humans live in social circles and we develop "systems" that work within that social circle, but, life is ever changing. Environments change, situations change etc, but us habitual humans very often resist change. We become our own authority on what is familiar to us.
There may be many situations that following authority is a good idea, as they may know some that we 'are not yet familiar'.
But, again, habits die hard, and we participate in the evolving game, consciously or not.
More specific to the space (this Steem space really being the monetary space), we all bought into an old monetary system started in 1913.
For over 100 years now, we bought into, or utilized this system. Most don't even question it, and really, most don't really understood it.
We "let" authority take control, because we don't question it. Hence, we have participated in our own oppression.
It is changing, albeit ever so slowly. Many many people, including G Edward Griffin have been beating this drum for a long time.
We are at the edge of an historic shift with the advent of crypto technology.
My question is; do you think us habitual humans will really ever change? I'm not holding my breath!

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