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RE: Tiny Terrorist That Will Steal Your Heart!

in #life6 years ago

I am so glad that she could make you smile! He will certainly steal your hearts first which is good because then when he steals the home and your time, it isn't so bad lol. Are you close with your brother since you cared for him so much? This will be so worth it for you. It is a big change and makes you question your sanity sometimes but such a blessing.


We were really close for a long time and he still comes to me when he is in trouble but the problem is he's in trouble a lot. My parents moved to country Victoria when he was about 7 and I stayed in WA as I was still at uni. He had a bad car accident when he was about 15 and ended in a coma with frontal lobe damage, long story short, my parents never got him the care he needed post accident due to living 5 hours from the brain units in Sydney, so he has quite a few problems now that he can't and won't deal with. I tried for years to get him the help he needed but he cancels and refusing to go, so you can't help him if he doesn't want to be helped. Its all very sad as he's also potentially bipolar like our mother but again won't get treated. Sorry probably more than you asked for. :-/

It sounds like he is comfortable with you then, which is a good thing. That is really sad but at least you are trying your best. That is all that you can do. I know a few people in my life that do the same thing. They need to see a doctor for health and mental reasons but they always cancel too. We've been trying for years to get them to go.

You can only help those who want to be helped. :)