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RE: Doing Business in a World of Idiots

in #life7 years ago

I was an inbound CSR for a major cable company here in the USA. I did the grunt work for a year or so ( you need to pay the bill so the cable will be on again and please be sure the modem is plugged into the power outlet) and then moved up the chain to Tier 2, actual repair work.

I actually loved helping customers! In the 7.75 years I took calls I had so many amazing calls!

An elderly women collapsed in the midst of our troubleshooting her internet connection. We had a procedure in place for emergencies. So I grabbed another supervisor to call 911 in her town while I continued to try and get some response from her. Yes as sup I had to take a certain number of calls!
We stayed on the line until we heard the esquad arrive and they identified themselves, thanked us for calling it in. And yes, she survived!

But one of the funniest/ saddest was right after Hurricane Katrina. I had been at the call center only a few months.
Infrastructure was wiped out in that area, most of our techs had lost homes and family, and still they were out there trying to restore basic phone communications. Above and beyond the call of duty! A guy calls in, my screen showed him in the devastated area, but no way to know if his area was coming back online at that point. He chewed me up and down, made threats, told me where I could go etc. because the cable wasn't working. Listening to him I could tell he wasn't quite with us. I went through the basics. Is your electric power back on? Is your cable box plugged in... At which point he said no to everything." I'm in our RV, no idea where most of my house and stuff is. Lady, I just want to watch the wrestling match!" I explained to him that no power, no cable lines, and no cable box means no working cable. He hung up and reported me for not fixing his cable...


Yeah those calls determined who was meant for the job or not. After the Katrina disaster I was working for a mail in center (inbound back-end support.) When the mail finally started getting delivered it looked like dogs chewed every letter. It sucked but we had to close a lot of credits for customers because we didn't have the necessary paper work to validate them. Sometimes we would just get a piece of torn paper with our address on it.

Clearly your failure to overcome reality demonstrates a deep personal flaw.

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