Miracle Of MOMENTS…

in #life8 years ago

Life isn't perfect but it has it's moments


The tricky thing about moments is.., they don't happen all the time. As a matter of fact they are quite rare… Way back in the day -- way, way, way back in the day (medieval times) an hour was considered to have 40 minutes. And 90 seconds to one minute. So, it was thought that a moment was a whole 90 seconds (that's one long damn moment).., but then you break that down by 40 and you get 2.25 seconds each -- that's more like it. And in 1990, scientist and poet Miroslav Holub proposed the idea that a moment is about the average length of time it takes a person to read a line of verse.

But the moments Im talking about take place in an instant -- and last a lifetime. They can happen at any time. Sometimes you see them coming.., sometimes you don't. They don't adhere to any one specific thing -- as they can pertain to anything. The best ones sneak up on you.., and take you by surprise. The can dazzle your senses.., and blind your eyes.

Life's little moments...

Moments of joy.., that first kiss by a boy. Moments when your sad, cause she picked someone new. The first time you got angry -- that moment you blew. Or the moment that you knew.., she was the one for you. That moment you saw her, before you even met. The moment you watched her fall asleep in your bed.

There's moments we cherish, held deep in our heart… And moments we hated that we can't seem to shake. Those moments of fear.., of undying doubt -- those moments that remind us, were human, after all. They lift up our spirit.., or ground us to the earth. And they cut like a knife.., because sometimes they do hurt.

“Some moments are nice, some are nicer,
some are even worth writing about.”
-- Charles Bukowski

With so many moments.., you'd think they happen all the time. But the ones we remember, that stick in our mind.., the ones we recall when travel back in time -- are few and far between, if we are lucky to have them at all. They can play with our heart.., and trick the mind. There elusive by nature.., but not hard to find. They dwell in our being, but sometimes they hide. Afraid of the future -- scared of the past.., relying on memory, how long can they last…

The moment before the storm.., you remember so well… A silence so profound, before the sky shook and fell. They can shatter your world.., or change your life. It's these moments we live for that supply us with our life… They challenge our beliefs and push us to the edge… Cry out in pain, while they scream with utter joy.

And those times we're alone and the brush past our mind...

Moments that leave you all flush, with no sound… To moments of ecstasy and feelings unbound. The moment you realized you were having a girl.., that moment you first saw her, walk across the floor. We capture these moments and hold them so close… We've coined phrases for this word, the meaning behind. -- "This is one of those moments" or "Im having a moment" "Living for the moment" and, of course.., Your AHA moment!

They transcend time...

But, moments are much more than something that can be broken down by an actual amount of time… They transcend time, while they move through space. And lest us not forget those life changing -- moments of truth. Times we are tested, pushed to the brink… Moments of great consequence, we stare in the face. Sometimes they are moments of pure life and death… How we handle these moments.., define who we are… Do we hide from an accident or stand toe to toe. They reveal our soul and embrace our very essence.

We live for these moments.., no matter the fate. Sinful and forbidden. Gracious and polite. There the reason we wake up -- go to sleep, at night. And they'll always be with us, living somewhere inside. To recall, at your will great feats of your past, those moments life that just seem to last. The times that you struggled.., and the moment it past. The lie in our memory, dance in our head. And if you give them a moment -- they'll take your breath away.


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I still remember the first time I kissed a girl (30+ yrs ago). It was the most thrilling experience ever. It was magical, and I've never had that feeling again kissing a girl. It holds a special place in my heart and so does she.

That's definitely a moment... CHEERS!

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