7 Steps to Realize Your Dreams

in #life7 years ago


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"Make your dream a dream and make your dream come true."

Steps to realize his dreams? Not obvious a priori! Living your dreams is an intensely exhilarating and fulfilling journey, but it is also a path full of obstacles and difficulties, in which the temptation to return to something more conventional occurs several times but fades away For those who cling to their destiny. To live its dreams is the path that I took 5 years ago. And I realize today that I have followed a certain process to transform these great things of the imagination into small steps, which little by little have led me to realize my passion, my dream.

So, ready to take the step of realization? Follow me !

Step 1: Dream!

As Steven Spielberg suggests in the video below: it all starts with a murmur of the heart. And this murmur is in you! No dream came out of nothing. The people who carried out the most crazy projects dared to leave the frames to dream. They dared to believe that their dream was possible! I do not necessarily tell you to go to the moon or to the far east of Siberia 😉 but it can simply be a change of job, a city, a ceramic workshop, a bakery or a start-up.

Everything is conceivable from the moment this dream is anchored in you. This dream it must be you! It must not be the manifestation of the ego (which is more or less translated into: I want to become famous or rich) but the translation of a deep desire, as a sign of destiny that has led you down here.

How to detect this murmur? Make silence in yourself and listen! Listen to your intuition! Be confident and take time for yourself, alone, to get rid of external influences and to distinguish the spark that shines deep within you. Multiply the experiences to better define what really fits you, to sharpen your perception of yourself and then gradually refine your vision.

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Step 2: Adjust Your Dream

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Your dream can be great and, from an external point of view, impossible. But be careful, there must be a way that can lead you there! In other words: dream big, yes ... but just dream. Having a dream does not mean being a dreamer.

Once again, the "I want to become famous or rich" is not a dream but a utopia. Unless you have Mom or Dad already famous or millionaire ... But hey, if you read these lines - and if I write them - it is not our case!

The "Just Dream" slider should be set according to your current capabilities and what you can acquire. Hence the importance of the first step of listening and finding the right path for you. Because believe me, you will spend time on this path!

Step 3: View it

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What is mental imagery?

Mental imagery and repetition are characterized by the symbolic repetition, that is to say in its head, of an action or a movement without moving any part of its body. Indeed, our brain does not make the difference between a physically performed gesture and the same gesture realized mentally.

Source: McGill University Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Illness and Addiction

You have defined your dream. Now: visualize it!

The mental visualization process promotes goals. This method is used by many elite athletes. Numerous studies in sports psychology have shown that visualization improves the learning of skills and sports performance.

Once your dream comes true: take a paper, write it down or draw it. Visualize yourself living your dream, and vibrate to the rhythm of the pleasure it gives you!

A theory was born of this idea: the law of attraction. According to this law, our thoughts are able to create our reality through a phenomenon of vibrations. Everything starts from your being, from the energy that you will sincerely release and that will spread around you to ultimately shape your way. You are like a magnet that would attract what it emits. In short, be happy and you will attract happiness! Be enthusiastic and you will attract enthusiasm!

Step 4: Talk about it


Many dreams never appear because people make the choice to keep them for themselves. Now, a dream really begins to exist only if it is shared! Obviously, this does not mean taking the first comer and entrusting him with your dream. There is always that part of incubation that is essential and that belongs only to you, but once you feel ready: announce your project!

That's what happened when I decided to leave everything. It took me long months of introspection to gather my deep desires, to distinguish the true from the false of what I was, then one day I announced to my best friends: " And it was gone!
"I have a dream"

The mere fact of verbalizing things not only clarifies his ideas and his project but also affirms his intention to his entourage and to himself. In a way, it makes us accountable for a decision. Moreover, the opinion of others is of great richness. Listen to them with humility, and incorporate what you think is relevant to your project.

Step 5: Plan it


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A dream can be large and a priori inaccesible, and as evoked in step 2, once the course is fixed, it will be necessary to build the path that will allow you to reach it. And for that: define steps. At each stage its objective.

Imagine that your dream is at the top of a grand staircase. Each step is a new step, and each step you take brings you closer to this hoped-for summit. The important thing is to move towards this summit. Every day, move forward, even slowly, but move forward!

Set a goal schedule and try to stick to it. Having a plan is reassuring and allows you to gauge whether you are on the right track or not. If you feel that the path taken is not the right one, do not panic: just change your path.

Step 6: Work, Work, Work


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Assume that luck does not exist! And if it exists, it provokes itself! And to provoke it, only one key: labor. One does not become virtuoso in one night ... nor in one year!

I personally find that the drama of TV shows like Capital, to mention just this one, is that in 15 minutes, we are shown a success story: "Yes, this person is too great! She had a great idea and she succeeded! Too good! ". But they forget to show that behind any success, there are long months of work, concessions, failures and discourages ... in short, that success is an iceberg!
That's what I say to myself (almost) all day long! Yes, I travel and I live crazy adventures in remote areas of the world. That way, I live my dreams! But for that, I had to overcome many obstacles and overcome many doubts: to face myself, to give up my life before, to launch myself freelance, to expatriate myself in a country where life was cheaper, to find Financing, taking care of my communication, mounting my projects, meeting many people who were looking at me from the top most of the time ...

Finally, to get back to the sport, it's a bit like a great obstacle course. But I reassure you: with training, one gets used to cross them and especially: we cross them!

Step 7: Enjoy!


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If step 6 has not discouraged you, then this is what will make you stand: all this way is pure pleasure! As the Anglo-Saxons say: Enjoy the game! For yes, beyond reaching the goal, it is indeed the way that counts. It is he who will train you, enrich you, strengthen you and ultimately guide you to the top you have set for yourself. This path is unique and rich in teachings.

A quality is essential on this path: humility. It is because of it that you will keep your eyes open to what surrounds you and about yourself, and that you will be able to question yourself, because things will evolve over time. It is thanks to her that, despite the failures and disappointments, you will continue your journey.

Maybe at certain moments, you will feel like you are going back. But from what point of view? If it's from the social point of view, we do not care! By wanting to live your dream, you are already outside the nails! The important thing is the inner point of view: if the path on which you have set out continues to make you vibrate and correspond to what your entrails contain, and no, at no time have you retreated. You have only advanced more towards yourself. And that is the real pleasure.

Do not let negative thoughts discourage you and do not fall into rumination. If the flame that animates you weakens, inhale deeply, close your eyes, allow your thoughts to pass without clinging to it and blow gently on the still burning embers of your existence: your flame will revive.

And do not forget the principal: have faith in you. Have faith in life.

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Thanks for the nice info, well written @ machhour

Followed, upvoted and resteemed.

thank you for your great support
much appreciated

you're welcome

thank you my friend

This is truly a great post you have written here @machhour!
I'm a big believer of the law of attraction and keep telling everyone that the world is what you make of it and what you wish it to be :)

I am glad that this pleased you. Thanks for stopping by

I wrote a small guide yesterday but never mention anything about the law of attraction which plays a giant role in this https://steemit.com/freedom/@senorcoconut/a-guide-to-making-dreams-come-true

It more about exercises in recognizing dreams that already came true as the first step to take.

This post has received a 0.30 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @machhour.

I really enjoyed this post... and an excellent use of images! (especially the pawn imagining itself as the King). Worthy of an upvote, follow and resteem. Great work!

I am glad that this pleased you. Thanks for stopping by.

Will remember this. Thanks for sharing :)

I am glad that this pleased you. Thanks for stopping by.

thank you so much:)

Great piece @machhour. Resteemed

I liked this post it's really helpful !

Very cool.. Hey I know I'm late to the party but yesterday I created a little something to get us on the right track for realizing our dreams and support each-other through it: https://steemit.com/freedom/@senorcoconut/a-guide-to-making-dreams-come-true

Thanks for looking if you do! It's kind of like a support group

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