
Maybe he forgot a comma and meant "Good, post" like he was happy that I was posting and should continue to do so... without regarding the quality of the content.

He could have been telling me that I'm a post and a good one, like "good dog."

Maybe he was trying to talk about "post-apocalyptic" survival techniques as something for which he is thankful, but got cut off before he had a chance to finish his thought. Maybe we should alert the authorities that something has happened to him and he likely needs assistance!

I don't know. Those are just a few ideas.

haha I'm guessing grammar is not his forte, so I'm scratching out your first suggestion.

Good dog, good post....P should be capital. Again, he/she's not the grammar police, so there goes that one too.

So now I'm worried about him...thanks for adding one more worry to my already-too- long-list of worries. Perhaps we should be concerned ourselves? What's this "post-apocalyptic" thing? Has there already been an apocalypse that I'm not aware of? I know the US likes to exclude Mexico, but I like to think it's something I'd hear about.

I can't type palms are too sweaty.

Don't worry, if something happens here, we'll tell you about it.

I hate it when my hands get sweaty and I can't type anymore. That's how you know it's getting hot!

oh good. And it was nervous sweat on my palms, on account of my worrying re: the apocalypse.

Not funny when I have to explain it :)

HA HA, I'm such a doofus. I messed up your joke. My bad. :D

hahaha no worries. It's not like you though, so I wondered if the apocalypse was of the zombie variety and something else had inhabited your shell.

I'm pretty sure it's the chickenlypse, right @themanwithnoname?

haha @glenalbrethsen, look at the comment above that I just left @themanwithnoname :)

Yeah, and I was referring to the comments back and forth on his other post where he suggested the chickens were taking over. I guess it was more than a suggestion. Anyway, it's going to be some kind of lypse, apoca, or chicken. I find the word chickenlypse funny because chickens really don't have them. :) They may have a lyspe, though, which actually is funnier. Beware the chickenlyspe!

hahaha your comment was from 16 hours ago, so I'm not sure if you'll remember, but I have to ask: Were you dippin' in the sauce when you wrote it hahaha

Well, let's see. No. I can't blame it on any sauce of any kind, dipping, pouring or alcoholic. Especially at 6:30 AM. That's where my mind goes on it's own. The first time I wrote chickenlypse I thought of how funny that was since chicken's are lipless, but didn't say anything. And then it occurred to me that if some letters were reversed, it would be chickenlyspe, which seemed even funnier since as far I know, chickens don't have lisps. Maybe @themanwithnoname can advise on this, since he's has them handy. And of course, growing up on a farm, you would know, too. :)

haha chickens with lisps...that is funny!

My father still has nighmares of mean chickens from when he was a kid, so we were an animal-free farm, except for dogs and cats :) Judging by his comment below, he is certainly the chicken expert haha

@lynncoyle1 and @glenalbrethsen There are a lot of things going on and we're going to get them sorted out. Here's the deal:

  • "Chickenlypse" is a new brand of beak balm for chickens that have cracking beaks
  • "Chickenlyspe" is strangely a brand of scarves created by chickens, for chickens
  • "Chickenopolis" is the mega-city where the chickens will congregate when they start taking over
  • "Chickenocalypse" is what will happen when they initiate the final destruction of humankind

I hope this doesn't get too many people clucking because we wouldn't want a mad dash to the feed bowl. Someone could get trampled or pecked to death. Don't get your feathers in a bunch, things will get sorted out either way. Sorry if I've been flapping my wings too long. I'm sure you have other things to digest. There are many exciting things crawling around here. Get to digging!

By the way, how cool is it that we are giving out such impactful votes? I love it! I don't know how long the krnal delegation is for, but I'm going to miss it when it's gone.

It is pretty awesome, but don't get too used to it because it's only for a week while he's on holidays. Maybe he'll change his mind and keep some "out there".

I am a judge in @thedarkhorse's Pay it Forward Curation Contest and was able to upvote everyone even though my percentage was a bit low. It does feel very good! But my apologies, because right now, it's too darn low for me to go near it :)

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